Guild Wars

Chapter 937 Giving Out Bloodlines (1/2)

Chapter 937 Giving Out Bloodlines (1/2)

Seeing that his father was infuriated, the baby boy knew he had fucked up. In truth, he naturally feared and respected his father because with his bloodline power, his father was like a gigantic sun of energy, never ending and almighty.

As such, he was filled with fear and naturally burst into tears, wailing loudly as if he had seen the scariest thing in the world. This made Draco feel awkward and almost stop, but his eyes flashed with ruthlessness as he decided to teach the brat a lesson first and then feel bad later.

However, Shuangtian heard the cry of her baby and a primal rage of immediately filled her mind, causing her to go crazy. With speed beyond what Draco and Eva could respond to, she appeared in front of Draco and unleashed a single full power punch with all her Bloodline Energy behind it.

To Draco, it felt like the whole world had turned black and ethereal, and Shuangtian's gigantic fist which was slowly moving to his body was the only thing in his line of sight. Draco's mind, though, was far faster than his body, able to process everything at once despite being outmatched in physical speed.

As such, he decided to take the hit with some minimal defenses on, which blasted him through the pocket dimension, out through the entrance and out into space like a meteor, crashing through Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, before finally plunging into the icy oceans of Neptune.

Eva only reacted now, her face changing greatly as she chased after Draco. Shuangtian also came down from her maternal rage and realized what she had done, her heart sinking to the bottom of her stomach as she rushed after Eva.

In terms of raw speed, Shuangtian got to their destination long before Eva, who teleported over. She did not have mastery over Control, so Shuangtian could not use it to scan the sea for Draco's location.

Eva, though, could easily do so, and stopped at the atmosphere of Neptune. Naturally, she did not need to shield the newly born lad from anything, as the latent power of two 100% bloodlines in him was enough to make this little tyke invincible.

Soon, Neptune shook slightly as Draco rushed out, and in his hands was a bleeding giant fish-like aberration. It looked like a grouper fish, but far more deadly and menacing, even giving off fluctuations similar to a primordial!

Draco wore a casual smile on his face as he approached his two babes and son. "Geez, Shuang'er, your punches feel like being hit by a planet. Literally!"

Seeing that he was fine, Shuangtian sighed in relief, then began to look down with shame, feeling terrible about her actions. Draco and Eva shared a look and smiled.

While throwing the giant fish into a pocket dimension to be kept for later, Draco appeared before Shuangtian and lifted her head up gently.

"Hey, hey, beautiful miss. No sadness allowed when you're in the Draco zone. As for giving me that punch, I deserved it for trying to bully our son, and as his mother you should never feel bad for acting on your instincts!"

Shuangtian gazed into Draco's eyes and was mesmerized. She couldn't understand how Draco was so easygoing, even sometimes to his enemies. She had Eva's memories so she also knew about the Draco from the previous timeline who had been fully focused on pursuing his revenge, but compared to the current man before her, that version was like an entirely different person.

No, it was rather like the two of them were members from two different species who simply happened to share the same face.

Still, she was comforted by his gentleness and smiled. Then she finally remembered exactly what she had done, and a look of shock and joy flashed across her features.

She had reached 100% bloodline power!

Immediately, she began to channel her abilities and gasped. Shuangtian already had some ideas from how Draco and Eva utilized their own so she could also visualize the bloodline tree, the branches and the leaves.

Just like Draco and Eva when they first reached this stage, she only had three branches accessible, while the rest were black and unreachable. Not only that, but her efficiency was piss poor, and there was no escaping that, despite her good results at 99%.

100% was a different barrier altogether, and talent didn't matter. After all, they all had the same 100 Eternal Power and Eternal Limit.

Unfortunately, she could not synchronize with Draco and Eva to obtain benefits yet because unlike Lucifer and Amaterasu who made sure to link up and become thematic opposites from the onset, Pangu had only joined the party later, and his skillset/build was different.

It was theoretically possible for Shuangtian to interface with them and gain a thematically neutral skillset, but she would have to first build it up slowly. The best way to do this was to go to the fragmented Eternal World and gain the same providence as Draco and Eva.

The Evil Duo shared a look and then nodded to Shuangtian.

"It's time to return to Boundless. But first, we must fulfill our promise."


The core members in China had truly spent the past few days chilling and relaxing. Some had to drop into Boundless to fulfill important duties like Sublime and Deployed Soldier, but the rest went in and out as they pleased, mostly spending their time discovering the foreign country on much deserved rest.josei

So when Draco and his two babes arrived, everyone was scattered about. Rather than force everyone here, they simply send a summons to everyone to meet in the next 3 hours. This would give everyone ample time, especially those in Boundless.

Draco and Eva then led Shuangtian and taught her a few core tricks of 100% bloodline, and especially on how to seal herself if she reached a certain level of power. They also taught her how to perform the bestowal, and she found it easy enough.

Just like they did for the core members, they also 'unlocked' Control for Shuangtian but since she already had it, they just basically brought her up to Tier 5 and shared their experiences on how to use it.

Shuangtian was standing on the back of giants, and she was thankful for Draco and Eva's guidance. Without them, who knew how long it would have taken her to master all this?

Eventually, all the core members arrived and lined up before the Supreme Trio.

Draco and Eva inspected them carefully before she spoke; "Alright, everyone split up into the following groups: Those who have a Lucifer, Amaterasu or Pangu bloodline, those who have other bloodlines and those who do not have either."

The group moved into their respective positions.

Essence Stalker, Ghostprotokill, Shadowheart, Elle Leone, Hades, The Showman, Nightwalker, Kronalord, Warm Spring, Yui, Loving Aunt, Pedro, Tunder Power, AP_Berzerker and Armonia made up the group of those with bloodlines from the three giants.

Misery, Kiran, Sublime were the only three with bloodlines outside those, leaving the rest, namely;

Money Lover, Cold Summer, Akainu, Cobra, Uno, Boyd, Slim Fatty, Deployed Soldier, Silent Walker, Dreary Traveler, Rambunctious Buttlover, Noble Writer, Fitter Cleric, Happy Saint, Gentle Light (Lucia), Gentle Flower, Noble Soul, Joker, Happy Scholar, Killer Queen (Keira), Great Caster (Hera), Trouble Maker (Yui), Sanji, Brother Is Best (Bella), Shani.

Looking at this split, Draco and Eva were amused. They had not noticed at first that there was such a big disparity, but now that they did, they realized that it was not good at all.

They also had not watched the previous core member tournament, or they would have noticed this problem and taken steps to remedy it a long time ago. Having such a gap in power between their upper echelon was a recipe for disaster.

"Alright then, first things first. For the God Serpents, you guys are okay as you are. I already gave you the second half of your Origins, so you don't need anything more." Draco began with a smile.

"You, Pedro, are a functional hybrid and do not need any upgrades. Likewise, Yui, you are blessed with the Goddess of Light Inheritance and do not need anything else." Eva continued with a roll of her eyes.

Especially since Yui always pretended to be normal and hardly used her bloodline despite being trained juts like Eva. Her name as troublemaker was fitting, since she caused trouble by omissions rather than acting.

"As for you guys, AP, Tunder and Armonia, your avatars were directly extracted from the source, so you already started at the highest possible limit. Likewise, Essence, you're walking a different path." Draco concluded for them.

His eyes roved over to the Merlin trio and then shook his head. "There's nothing we can do for you guys. Inputting our bloodlines would cause a clash in your body and you will explode. Dual Lineage freaks like Kiran are rare for a reason, and turning you into someone like him is impossible."

The three sighed, as they had already spent this time coming to terms with this. They already had power, so wanting more was a bit greedy, but when looking at their peers could it be helped?

Draco and Eva then focused on the group without bloodlines who were flushed with excitement. Their eyes glowed, and their bodies shook with anticipation as they awaited the greatest power up of their lives.

Shuangtian also looked on with amusement, somewhat understanding what they were likely feeling at this time.

"Alright, we won't waste any more time. Rather than split you up, let's do this all ceremonial-like and make it special. We'll call you out one by one and you can tell us what you chose." Eva declared with a wave of her hands.

"Alright, first is Money Lover. What bloodline do you want, what Inheritance do you choose and what specific power within the Inheritance do you prefer?" Draco called out.

Money Lover stepped forward, still wearing his stately suit with his deadpan expression. In his hand was his favorite abacus and he pushed up his square rimmed glasses casually before speaking deeply.

"I wish for the Lucifer Lineage bloodline, the Dark Angel Inheritance and the power of a Broker Devil."

Everyone smiled like this was obvious and predictable. The Showman even clapped happily, as he would have a new pal with the same power as him, so they could definitely work together in future to delve deeper into this powerset.

Draco smiled. "As you wish."

With a flick of his finger, a small amount of black mass that was definitely bloodline source flew towards Money Lover and entered his chest. Immediately, he exploded with a black light that enveloped his body and warped his features.

Just like Draco did, his body was rebuilt from scratch, causing him to die and be reborn on the spot with 99% bloodline purity. When the process was complete, Money Lover was obviously different, his features becoming far more refined and handsome, as well as his body becoming more lean and muscular.

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