Guild Wars

Chapter 938 The Choices Of The Core Members (2/2)

Chapter 938 The Choices Of The Core Members (2/2)

Money Lover only clenched his fists and threw a few casual punches before smiling in satisfaction. He nodded to Draco and co and took a step back, forming a new group aside from the already separated ones.

Next was Cold Summer, who came forward and glanced between the three calmly.

"Pangu Lineage bloodline, Primogenitor Inheritance, Water Element."

Shuangtian was startled for a moment that someone actually chose her bloodline, but the next she felt overjoyed. She quickly but methodically performed the same actions that Draco had just demonstrated, only this time a glowing brown mass invaded Cold Summer's body.

After undergoing the rebuilding, he seemed to become even more mysterious, as his pupils became blue, and his skin took on a more cyan hue. He turned and joined Money Lover silently.

Next after him was Akainu, who coolly smoked his cigar as he made his choice.

"Lucifer Lineage, Horned Demon Inheritance, Lava Demon."

Once Akainu went through chis changes, he made an expression of satisfaction after seeing that he could turn his hands into lava.josei

"For some reason, I have always wanted the power to control lava. It's as if I finally feel complete."

Akainu stepped into the other group, paving way for Cobra who was next.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Goddess of Light Inheritance, Light Arachnid."

Eva was surprised that Cobra chose one of Amatersu's Inheritances, assuming he would go for one of Lucifer's, but after pondering over it for a moment she felt like she understood. A Light Arachnid was not like other Light element beats that shot out light beams, but rather was like Riveting Night, using light to conceal itself and strike.

Somewhat fitting for Cobra.

Eva gave him her white mass that entered his chest and reconstructed his body. Once done, Cobra was even more handsome and feminine than before, and he had a hint of seductive danger.

After Cobra moved to the side, Uno stepped forth.

"Pangu Lineage, Undying King Inheritance, more focus on defense than regen."

Shuangtian happily gave him what he wanted and Uno happily received it. He couldn't help but strike his muscles and heard a soft clang sound when he hit them, showing that his body was now tougher than steel.

Boyd was next and his choice was obvious.

"Pangu Lineage, Primal God Inheritance, Divine Axes!"

Shuangtian glanced at AP askance and then gave Boyd what he wanted. So he had the super strength of the Inheritance as well as the ability to summon Pangu's famous axes that split the heavens, but a weaker version below 100%.

It was not like AP who was Xingtian and had far more power as well as regen and defense than Boyd. They may have the same bloodline, but they were in different classes.

After Boyd was Slim Fatty, who pondered slightly and made her choice.

"Pangu Lineage, Primal God Inheritance, Divine Swords!"

Shuangtian gave her the power and then glanced at Draco and Eva from the corner of her eye, wondering if they were dissatisfied by these choices their own core members were making, only to see them smiling happily.

As for the Divine Swords, it was a part of Pangu's skillset. In some legends, he was an 8-armed god with a weapon in each hand, one axe, one sword, one sickle, one spear, one shield, one dagger, one hammer, and a bow.

After Slim Fatty was her elder brother Deployed Soldier. As for him, his choice was clear.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Celestial Maiden Inheritance, Psychic abilities with a focus on mind control and telepathy."

As the leader of an army, being able to connect with his troops mentally and even control their mind to make choices easier was his path. In fact, with this he could now form his own unique army of puppets or automatons and use his mind to control them.

After Deployed Soldier moved to the side, Silent Walker came forth. As for him, you would have guessed his choice 10/10 times.

"Lucifer Lineage, Serpent God Inheritance, Dark Dragon."

Draco's eyes flashed and nodded. He gave Silent Walker the power he wanted, but since it was Draconic, his rebuilding was more miserable and demanding than the others, but his power would also show greater output for more energy costs.

After he was rebuilt, he smiled strangely and then warped to the side, turning and sinking into his own shadow creepily.

After him was Dreary Traveler, another one with an obvious choice.

"Lucifer Lineage, Dark Angel Inheritance, Undead Lord."

Draco was not surprised by this. Back on the Detective floors of the Tower, he had discovered that he could raise the dead perfectly with his Dark Angel inheritance, and Dreary Traveler knew this too, so Draco was more than happy to fulfill his request.

Dreary Traveler received the power of the undead and then laughed evilly, bowing to Draco before going to the side.

RamButt was next and was his choice any surprise?

"LUCIFER LINEAGE, DARK ANGEL INHERITANCE, TRICKSTERRRR DEVIIILLL!!" He roared dramatically, causing the entire room to quake.

Draco personally placed the black mass in his chest and handled his transformation, making sure that not only was RamButt the most powerful Trickster Devil he ever made, but also that his power would manifest from his words, and song.

After dealing with him, RamButt glanced at the other core members with evil eyes, making their hearts shake. Luckily for them, he didn't decide to speak at this time, preventing them from suffering a fate worse than death.

When he moved to the side, up came Noble Writer, who pushed up his glasses.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Celestial Maiden Inheritance, Astral Projection."

This surprised Eva. This fellow was the first one to choose one of her favorite powers, her 'not-susanoo from Naruto'. She gladly gave him the power and was curious to see what kind of 'not susanoo' he would manifest.

After him was the almighty Fitter Cleric. Draco, Eva, and Shuangtian jolted wondering what this lucky bastard would pick. He walked before the trio and arrogantly looked away as he spoke majestically.

"Lucifer Lineage, Serpent God Inheritance, Infinite Dragon!"

Hearing this, the face of the trio changed greatly, Shuangtian wearing shock, Eva wearing dissatisfaction and Draco frowning angrily.

"You greedy fellow, you alone want to gain an avatar? That would permanently weaken me just like it did Lucifer, not to mention, can you even handle it?"

Fitter did not seem bothered and continued to speak arrogantly with his hands behind his back.

"Don't worry too much, Boss Draco. Normal and average folks cannot understand the depth and power of my luck. Just pretend you're giving me the power and see what happens!"

"Arrogant!" Eva roared.

Shuangtian wanted to slap a palm down and turn this fellow to paste, but she was just getting to know them and didn't want to cause a rift between herself and the core members.

As for Draco, his eyes flashed, but he calmed down and decided to give it a shot. He threw a bit of black mass onto Fitter's chest containing only 0.01% of the Infinite Dragon's power.

Of course, he wasn't going to be like Lucifer and slice off a whole 50%.

When Fitter received the power, the rebuilding was going as normal, showing that his assumptions were wrong. Just as Eva was about to mock him for his overconfidence, her face changed as Fitter exploded with power and a dragon roar erupted from his soul.

The shadow of the Infinite Dragon appeared behind his back and fully manifested, something which Draco had only seen on the upgraded God Serpents who had 100% of their avatar's power!

Fitter himself finished the rebuilding process and then laughed wantonly.

"Hahaha, I knew it! I am the destined inheritor of the Infinite Dragon and my compatibility is above perfection! Thank you so much, Boss Draco!"

As he walked back to the crowd, Draco wore a conflicted expression while Shuangtian's was still startled by everything. As for Eva, she had an ugly frown as if she had just suffered a free faceslap, as if she had been turned into some side character temporarily.

This wasn't surprising though, as the Infinite Dragon was one of the three special Dragons. One was the Aurora, which belonged to Essence and was the fount of energy. One was the Concept Dragon, which was the source of thoughts and manifestation and the final was the Infinite Dragon, which purely represented luck and probability.

Thinking about it, it did make sense for Fitter to be compatible with the Infinite Dragon and even be its chosen inheritor like how Essence was chosen for the Aurora Dragon.

However, Draco couldn't be happy as when he discovered the Infinite Dragon, he finally understood why he had so much cosmic luck and universal favor. A large part of it was the presence of this dragon, and now that Fitter had its power, just what kind of havoc would he cause?

Just look, that fellow's luck had surged so much in a short time that even a high-luck protagonist like Eva was temporarily turned into a 3rd rate villain destined for a face slap. If Eva's luck wasn't already so senselessly high, she might have even turned into a stepping stone on his path.

Thinking like this, Draco realized he couldn't let this go on. He immediately shared a look with Eva and then grabbed out to Fitter, aiming to seal the fellow first and apologize later!

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