Guild Wars

Chapter 939 The Bestowal Results

Chapter 939 The Bestowal Results

Fitter saw the giant fist coming for him that sealed Space and Time itself. He knew he was finished and that his wicked plans had been seen through, so he panicked.

"LADY LUCK, SAVE ME!" Fitter roared in his desperation.

Answering his call for help the Infinite Dragon remaining with Draco suddenly rebelled, causing him to falter and spit out blood. Draco was shocked that such a thing could occur to him, and when he investigated, he saw that the Infinite Dragon was glaring at him.

When he questioned why it dared to do this, its answer was that Fitter Cleric was its chosen meal. Naturally, Draco was confused by what it meant by calling Fitter its meal, so it happily elaborated.

Fitter was a naturally blessed person and had strong ties to the Dao of Luck, and the Infinite Dragon grew by consuming such Chosen Ones becoming stronger.

Lucifer had apparently done this all the time, which was another reason he had founded Christianity. By having religious wars, heroes would be born blessed by Providence, and at the pinnacle of their fate, the Infinite Dragon would swoop in and enjoy its meal.

This caused Draco shock, but then he sneered.

"Damn Dragon, I admit you have helped me greatly, but you think you can swallow one of my men? In your dreams!"

Fitter might be a troublemaker, arrogant and hateful, but since the very beginning he had been completely loyal to Draco and Eva, as well as a good friend and practically family to all the core members.

To let this Dragon get up and swallow him, was Draco so easy to trick?

The Infinite Dragon was furious and tried to retract its luck, but Draco smirked. He simply used his power and Control to fleece the Infinite Dragon of all its power, condensing a giant golden-purple ball of Luck and Fortune.

This caused the Dragon to shrink until it became an ugly snake, its current state weak enough that even a flick from an average human would be enough to kill it. Realizing it had messed up, it immediately begged and promised to be obedient, but Draco didn't care.

He accessed his Devour branch he had acquired at the end of his time in the Eternal Plane and used it to swallow the power he had extracted from the former Infinite Dragon now turned Finite Snake.

The moment the power entered his essence, Draco almost roared with joy. He could feel for the first time his own tangible luck and fortune, which was different from the Infinite Dragon passively acting to feed him scraps.

After that, his greedy eyes gazed upon the Finite Snake, which roared and tried to flee. However where could it go within Draco's own body and blood? It was cruelly swallowed, and Draco plundered its ability to control luck and fortune as well as to steal it from others.

Now, Draco was something like Fitter and Eva, who could both manipulate Luck and Fate respectively. Fitter could only slightly move Luck around, and Eva had the ability to see Fate and control it with ease, though she had never really bothered to explore this ability.

Now Draco could control Fortune, which was similar to the other two abilities, not to mention he could also see it.

He saw that above his head was a giant cloud of golden-purple light, and Eva and Shuangtian had the exact same amount of fortune above their heads. The core members mostly had red-golden clouds that were of varying sizes but not too far from each other.

In fact, the biggest separation was those who had bloodlines - and had just gotten them - versus those who didn't and were still waiting. So Armonia and Austin were right, not taking a bloodline would have consequences down the line.

What surprised Draco was that Misery, Kiran and Sublime had slightly more purple in their luck than the other core members. Clearly they had a seriously great fortunate encounter waiting for them later on.

At least, this made him feel better for not being able to take care of them this time.

Anyway, all of this occurred within seconds, and only Eva and Shuangtian could see the change in Draco, especially his Soulmate due to their 24/7 connection. Eva was still working on ways to 'connect' Shuangtian to their interface so they could work as one unit, but right now, she still had surface level connection.

Fitter too could sense something as he had a bit of the Infinite Dragon within him currently, around 0.01%, but that little remnant cowered in fear when it sensed that its main body had been destroyed.

Draco glanced at Fitter askance and the Infinite Dragon within him directly submitted and became Fitter's true inheritance beast. Even though Fitter had 0.01%, he could grow the power of the Infinite Dragon by consuming Luck, so he could eventually become like a God Serpent in terms of ability.

Draco canceled his grasp and simply snorted at Fitter coldly, who quickly scurried to hide behind Slim Fatty, who could only laugh with amusement.

The rest of the core members also burst in laughter while Essence rushed over and began beating up Fitter for disgracing him in public.

Draco and Eva continued the bestowal ceremony by calling up the next member, Happy Saint. The handsome middle-aged Englishman spoke in the sexiest baritone known to women.

"Pangu Lineage, Primogenitor Inheritance, Metal Element."

Shuangtian frowned. While she could theoretically use all elements for her golems, she had yet to master any element aside from the four basic ones. Nevertheless, she granted Happy Saint his desired power, but in this form he would have to explore his own path.

The man, who was a pure crafter at heart, was more than happy with this.

After him was Lucia, Silent Walker's now fiance and one of the former Three Pinnacles and also best friend of Eva. Her choice was obvious.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Goddess of Light Inheritance, Unicorn."

Eva personally went down and preformed the bestowal for her best friend, even gently kissing her on the cheek, which made Luxia blush. Unlike Riveting Night who was mostly ambivalent to them, young girl Eva and Evaterasu's feelings for her BFFs were on par to the relationship between Draco and RamButt (#NoHomo).

After Lucia was Gentle Flower, the leader of Kamisuo who was now officially a core member of Umbra and part of the inner circle.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Celestial Maiden Inheritance, Freya or Ishtar." Gentle Flower requested gently.

Eva smiled kindly. "Why not both?"

Eva granted her the power she wanted, Freya's Vanir Magic which was related to nature and Ishtar's war-like ability and great physical strength, as well as their mutual fertility attribute.

Gentle Flower thanked Eva respectfully and moved to stand beside Happy Scholar, who held her hand with a smile. It surprised Draco and Eva to see those two so close, because in the previous timeline the hatred between these two was only second to that of a revenge-filled Draco.

Next up was Noble Soul, whose choice came to nobody's surprise.

"Pangu Lineage, Primal God Inheritance, Divine Greatsword!" Shuangtian found this one much easier to do, and so she granted him the power he wanted.

Immediately when he got the power Noble Soul roared and went to brawl with AP who was his self-appointed rival since AP beat him brutally in the last tournament at his own strengths.

After him was Joker, who smiled clearly.

"Lucifer Lineage, Dark Angel Inheritance, Broker and Trickster Devil combination."

Draco nodded and felt this was extremely suitable for the fellow, so he bestowed him with the combo. Since it was within one Inheritance, it was mostly doable, but he wouldn't be as strong as a person who only stuck to one.

After him was Happy Scholar himself, who stepped forward and pondered carefully before speaking.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Abyssal Eye Inheritance, Void Manpulation."

Everyone was surprised by this choice, thinking he would choose the Lucifer Lineage's Dark Angel inheritance since his moveset was similar to Joker, but Eva smiled and granted him his wish.

Soon, Happy Scholar was rebuilt and his European blue eyes became pitch black with a swirl in them, just like riveting Night in her prime.

After him came another member of the Pinnacles, Keira. Her choice too was obvious, if not a bit disgruntling.

"Pangu Lineage, Primal God Inheritance, Raw Power." She said as she glanced at Eva with guilt.

Even Shuangtian hesitated, but Eva only smiled and shook her head. She knew this was the best path of Keira given her skills and abilities, and she was far too mature to be petty about something so trivial.

Seeing that Eva had no obejections, Shuangtian granted Keira the power, while Eva supervised the process. After that, Keira was excited as she threw a punch at Kiran who was standing to the side.

Immediately, the two began to brawl cruelly by punching each other's bodies, which caused a lot of noise. Draco rolled his eyes before he isolated the space around them, so they could continue the ceremony in peace.

The final members of the Pinnacles, Hera, shuttled over and spoke coolly without seemingly thinking too much about it.

"Amaterasu Lineage, Celestial Maiden Inheritance, Hecate."

Eva was unsurprised by the choice and granted Hera the power she asked for.The kuudere was a magician at heart, so choosing a Goddess known for magic and beauty was obvious.

After Hera was Sanji, who also made a surprisingly obvious choice for his bloodline bestowal.

"Lucifer Lineage, Horned Demon inheritance, Fire Demon."

Draco granted him the power with an amused expression and Sanji's legs suddenly lit up in flames as he kicked over over again in the air, causing the room to heat up.

"Why not use your hands?" Shuangtian asked with confusion.josei

Sanji coolly smoked a cigarette and then tossed the butt away. "A hacker never uses their hands to fight, otherwise how can they type?"

Draco's lips twitched. It made sense, but he also knew that there was likely a deeper and meta reason for this. Alas, his braincells, as usual, were on a vacation, so he couldn't calculate it.

After her was Bella, Cobra's elder sister. Draco's expression became slightly stiff in front of her as he had never truly like her, but Eva didn't mind and had actually added the voluptuous beauty to her little sister group.

Bella smiled and glanced at Nightwalker who was sneering at her by the side.

"Lucifer Lineage, Dark Angel Inheritance, Succubus!"

Nightwalker paled slightly while Draco reluctantly acceded her wishes. She likely chose this because Jormungandr was physically and spiritually powerful, but had average or at best above average mental defenses.

It was clear that Bella had chosen this ability to target him!

However, if she thought this alone was enough, then she would only be continually spanked by him in public till her ass became red!

The final core member to receive the bloodline was Shani, Boyd's wife.

She hopped forward and then pondered slightly before making a slightly obvious choice.

"Pangu Lineage, Primal God Inheritance, Divine Bow!"

After she was granted her power, everyone finally was upgraded from common floor members to bloodline holders! This meant that their capped Tier 3 Control could now reach up to Tier 5!

After the bestowal, the core members were split up like this;

God Serpents: Essence Stalker, Ghostprotokill, Shadowheart, Elle Leone, Hades, The Showman, Nightwalker, Kronalord, Warm Spring, Austin Wu.

Pangu Trio: Armonia, Tunder Power and AP_Berzerker

Merlin Trio: Misery, Kiran and Sublime

Lucifer Bestowals: Money Lover, Akainu, Silent Walker, Dreary Traveler, Rambunctious Buttlover, Fitter Cleric, Joker, Sanji, Bella.

Amaterasu Bestowals: Cobra, Deployed Soldier, Noble Writer, Lucia, Gentle Flower, Happy Scholar, Hera

Pangu Bestowals: Cold Summer, Uno, Boyd, Slim Fatty, Happy Saint, Noble Soul, Keira, Shani.

So of the new bestowals, 9 chose the Lucifer Lineage, 7 chose the Amaterasu lineage while 8 chose the Pangu Lineage.

Calculating this, Draco suddenly burst into an arrogant and uproarious laughter, while Eva's expression became ugly. Draco didn't even need to say a word to drive it in and Eva wished she could pull his cheeks till they became red.

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