Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

The crowd dispersed, the young wizards still enthusiastically discussing the topic of the couple’s mirror, and in a corner of the common room, Harry said thoughtfully, “Fred and George must have taken the reference from the phone call from outside, but at the moment only one-to-one calls are possible.”

“Is that same thing I used to call you over the holidays to talk … phone?” Ron said, “That’s a strange word!”

Harry recalled, “You were yelling so hard I got the impression you thought you were talking to someone halfway across the Quidditch pitch, afraid you wouldn’t be heard on the other side.”

“I got you in trouble that time, and by the sound of it, it was your aunt who answered.” Ron said shakily.

“Yeah, she hung up and gave me a hard time and almost shoved me back in the cupboard,” Harry said indifferently.

Ron and Hermione looked at him with worried faces, and Hermione said angrily, “Your family sucks!”

Harry shrugged, “It’s just a place I go for the summer, a good thing it’s only for two months and I can move out when I’m an adult.”

Ron suddenly said, “Why don’t you just spend the summer in our humble abode, coincidentally there’s a Quidditch World Cup next summer. My dad would get tickets from the Ministry.”

Harry’s heart thumped, “Is that okay?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time anyway, my parents would definitely welcome you, not to mention Ginny …”

Harry’s mood brightened up, and it became irrelevant that he couldn’t go to Hogsmeade for the weekend, “I bet the Dursley would love to let me go, especially after what I did to Aunt Marge.”

Hermione thought for a moment and said, “Harry, from the Dursley’s address, you seem to live not far from London, and you’re welcome to come to my house as a guest, and when you do,” she smiled, “I’ll introduce you to Mom and Dad as Mick the Little Wizard .”

“What’s that?” Harry asked.

“The protagonist of a magic comic book, from the wizarding world,” Hermione said.

“How come I’ve never heard of that before?” Ron looked at her sceptically.

“Because it’s only been published a little while ago, I bought it two days ago from Flourish and Blotts Bookseller through an owl.” Hermione hurried to her dormitory, not long after, she returned with a pile of books, “thud” hit the small round table.

Harry fiddled with the books, one obviously large, the name is “Muggle World ‘Magic'”, the rest is a complete set of comic books, slightly thinner, but horizontally larger, the cover depicts a playground, a little boy dressed like a wizard in front of the playground peeking out, the book title is “The Strange Adventures of Young Wizard Mick”.

Ron glanced at the large book with awe and didn’t even touch it. He then casually opened the comic book and quickly became fascinated. “Wow, It’s interesting!”

Harry noticed the name of the author on the cover: Felix Hap, “This is the work of Professor Hap?” He asked in amazement and found it hard to imagine that Professor Hap would create a comic book.

He thought he misread it and subconsciously opened the large book “Muggle World ‘Magic'”, which is densely packed with small print and various illustrations, which made his eyes dizzy.

This is the style of Professor Hap!

Ron closed the book and looked in the bottom right corner of the cover, “That’s true! Wait, L.C.A. comic book publisher, oh my God, this is my favourite publisher!” He got so excited that he danced around, only to find that Harry and Hermione looked at him with a bewildered expression.

“This is a big name L.C.A…ah, they published “The Adventures of Martin Miggs” which was my childhood favourite!”

Harry suddenly remembered that the last time he went to their Burrow, he had seen the series in Ron’s room, but the magic on it had almost disappeared, and the character in the book wearing a beret was moving very stiffly and uncomfortable to read.

He opened the brand-new “The Strange Adventures of Young Wizard Mick” and opened a first page, which is divided into nine frames, starting from the first one to the end, telling the story of Young Wizard Mick’s first experience with a pop-up toaster when he visited his friend’s house.

Mick pointed at the slices of bread that suddenly popped up with a startled look on the comic strip, his mouth wide open, paired with the words in the book, “It’s magic, definitely magic!” Harry couldn’t help but laugh, he had seen the toaster at the Dursley’s and didn’t think it would be so amusing to see it from a different perspective.

He even began to look forward to seeing Ron when he saw the actual toaster, and whether or not he had this same look of amazement to the point of being unable to keep his mouth shut.

Harry and Ron quickly got together and looked at it in order, starting from the first page.

“Wait, I haven’t finished reading it.” Seeing that Harry is about to turn the page, Ron said anxiously.josei

Hermione looked at them with some confusion: “Although I admit that this set of comic books is very good, but there is no need for you guys to exaggerate it so much, right?”

Ron looked up, “Exaggerate? It’s definitely the best comic book of the past decade or so, I bet it’s comparable to The Adventures of Martin Miggs, and speaking of which, that Martin book is actually a bit out of date …”

Harry said honestly: “I think it’s good too, it’s like my ordinary life of eleven years just all of a sudden became extraordinary.”

“But–” Hermione said, “Don’t you guys think the book “Muggle World ‘Magic'” is more logical and fascinating? ” She turned the page of the large book, “Look, here it is about the prototype of the steam engine, which can even be combined with Levitation Ward, a type of large airship can be invented…”

Ron looked confused, “What are you talking about, Hermione? What is this steam engine, what is this large airship?”

Seeing that Hermione had the idea of forcibly popularizing science, Ron hurriedly hid behind the comic book and said loudly, “Oops, Harry look, why the slices of bread popped up …”

His voice attracted their roommate Seamus Finnegan, who incidentally pulled along Neville and Dean Thomas, as he gestured at the comic book.

Some young wizards gathered around, thinking there is something hilarious going on.

Dean Thomas, who grew up in the muggle world, saw one of the pages and couldn’t restrain himself from introducing it, “This is an ice cream machine, it’s very convenient, you just need to add cream, milk, and other ingredients, then you can get a steady supply of ice cream.”

The others stared at him blankly, and Dean said proudly, “My uncle owns a mobile ice cream truck, and I used to play on it when I was a kid.” Ron looked at Dean enviously, he also wanted to have a never-ending supply of ice cream to eat.

Hermione tried several times to educate the young wizards about the greatness of steam engines and large airships, but received only a polite glance, and then everyone focused on the comic books.

Percy didn’t show much interest either, but he made a note of the title, “I think it’s necessary to recommend it to Mrs. Pince, Hogwarts needs a book like this.”

Hermione wondered why people didn’t like steam engines and airships.

When Ancient Runes class ended the next day and Hermione asked this question, Felix laughed: “Granger, you have a special … love for knowledge, but you can’t expect others to be as interested in some mildly dry knowledge like you.

That book is for adults, and can even be used as a guidebook to refer them to the appropriate items when they need them.

Oh, by the way, here’s the list of the Magic Runes Club and these coins that I need you to send to the students on the list, you can ask Percy for help, as he’s perfect.”

Hermione didn’t object, she just looked at the stacked copper coins, “This is fever coin?”

“That’s right, I changed them at random, Fred and George inspired me, so they can heat up and display words.” Felix said, “The time for the first club meeting has not yet been set, I recently packed with a full schedule, it might have to wait until mid-November.”

Hermione nodded, ready to put away the list and the coins, though she couldn’t help but frown when she saw the names of Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, and Pansy Parkinson.

Felix turned his head towards Harry and waved, “Potter, come this way!”

Harry, who is waiting for Hermione at the door, came over and looked at Professor Hap with some nervousness, he is still missing a closing for his thesis, don’t ask him for it this time.

Fortunately, Felix did not ask about the thesis, he whispered: “Harry, that sneakoscope you still have it on you?”

Harry pulled the pocket sneakoscope out of his pocket and Felix took it, “Just a moment.” He said, then tapped it repeatedly with his wand, and soon, Felix drew a thin wire from the sneakoscope, which he hurriedly tugged on a golden galleon.

“What is that?” Harry showed a stunned expression.

“A kind of synchronization magic,” Felix explained, “once the pocket sneakoscope is triggered, I will immediately get the message, no matter where you are.”

Harry understood that Professor Hap is concerned about his own safety, just like Mr. Weasley, he sent a letter back some time ago, in which he seriously criticized the trio’s attempts to pry into Sirius Black’s secrets, considering it “reckless, undesirable and unnecessary, the best choice is to stay in the school.”

He preferred Professor Hap’s approach, at least he didn’t choose to put him in a cage.

The following days, the young wizards had their first Hogsmeade weekend of the new school year, and many of them had a wonderful time.

The Weasley twins, for example, went to Zonko’s Joke Shop to purchase a batch of stink bombs, and in their words, “It is inevitable that we will be flustered and confused without the company of these cute, smelly little ones …” “Whenever I see Filch, I don’t feel comfortable, like something is missing.”

The Halloween dinner is also great, and the ghosts in the castle put up a perfect show. But soon, the young wizards had their full attention drawn to the approaching first Quidditch match.

On the first Saturday of November, thunder rumbled, the wind howled, and torrential rain poured down.


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