Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Harry woke up from bed early.

The wind is blowing so hard that he woke up, he glanced at the window, and it’s pitch black outside.

Harry closed his eyes again, but felt a chill on the back of his neck, ‘Is the window leaky?’ The thought went through his head for a few moments before he jerked back and saw Peeve’s obnoxious face.

“Why are you blowing like this?” Harry said, in annoyance.

Peeves puffed out his cheeks and blew twice more, so Harry got up and sat down, fished out his wand from his pillow, and Peeves, like a ball of gas, spun around and flew away.

This farce made Harry sleepless, he glanced at the rest who are still sleeping, Harry opened the door, a small figure slumped near his feet, he subconsciously picked it up in his hand.

“Crookshanks?” Harry looked at the cat in his hand, its face looked like it had been slapped flat, there is something inexplicably menacing about it, “Ron was right to guard against you.” He closed the door and dropped it smoothly on the side of the spiral staircase, “Go on, don’t play with Scabbers. Hermione got into a few scuffles with Ron over you.”

Crookshanks glanced at him disdainfully and turned to slip away.

Harry dawdled around the dimly lit common room for about half an hour, still a few hours before dawn, gotta find something to do. So he rummaged through his bookbag for his dueling system thesis and pondered how to wrap it up.

“- with the disarming charm as the core, well – at least a silent, wandless spell, to cast the spell … covertly. “Harry nibbled on his quill, thought for a while, then he wrote: “Defense also important, so let’s practice the shield charm to the same level as the disarming charm.”

After thinking about it, he crossed out the last sentence and changed it to “proficient enough to use it and to reach level three of the spell.”

” In addition – the other spell to face a long-distance enemy, an Incarcerous Spell is necessary to get a head start.” Harry dipped the ink again, “Focus on the dominant spell to attack quickly – but if it is blocked, it means, what does it mean?”

Harry scratched his head, flipping through the notes next to him, In which he recorded Professor Hap’s words in his special summer training, flipping through a few pages, he brightened up and quickly wrote, “- it shows that the enemy is not a mediocre person, so you must correct your mindset and fight steadily. If you have learned enough about numerous spells, you can use the knowledge to find the enemy’s weak points!”

Harry paused and began to ponder the meaning of this passage.

Professor Hap said he is nowhere near the level of senior Auror, although his disarming charm is not much worse in terms of power, but the experience gap is worlds apart –

He might be able to mislead the enemy with his young face and sneak upon them, but if the opponent is on guard, the fight will be over in a minute or two – and he’ll be the one who gets beaten.

Harry thought about what to do if he encountered an enemy that the disarming charm failed to deal with, such as Sirius Black, or Snape?

Thinking for a while, the result is nothing he could do. If the disarming charm is useless, the spells which he grasped Stunning Spell, Incarcerous Spell, Freezing Charm more likely to be ineffective.

Thinking of this, he suddenly got a little discouraged.

” Black is a genius when he was in school, and after graduation, he also experienced the war, his only weakness may be locked up in Azkaban for twelve years, tortured by dementors. So he may be not right in the head …”

Harry listened to Hermione’s explanation, Dementors are rather disgusting even among dark creatures, If you’re close to them, you will feel cold and your thinking will become stiff, followed by your happiness will be devoured and disappear, you will be depressed, even your sense of resistance will be slowly weakened, and finally you will fall into the dementor’s plate, then your soul will get sucked out.

He confirmed the credibility of Hermione’s information by his own experience.josei

Harry shivered, he remembered the name Hermione mentioned – Dementor’s Kiss, ” it’s too wicked.”

After spending two or three hours, Harry finally finished his thesis with the faint light in the common room, “This is by far the most serious paper I’ve ever written.” He said with emotion.

Harry packed up his things, look at the sky, during the time he spent writing the thesis, the storm not only did not weaken, but become even more violent, though there is a glimmer of light in the sky.

He made his way to the great hall, to grab a meal.

The great hall is empty and Harry is about to pick a middle seat as he glanced outside, then he saw a familiar figure.

It’s Professor Hap!

He is wearing a dark robe and standing in a rainstorm, which Harry wouldn’t have been able to see if a lightning bolt hadn’t flashed by.

“What’s wrong with the professor? It can’t be like Wood, to experience extreme circumstances, deliberately torturing himself, right?” Harry pulled his hood over his head and walked out of the great hall.

As he approached Professor Hap, he just about to say hello, but found himself bumping into something, and deflected by a force, his whole body fell into the muddy water.

“Ouch! Yuck!”

The mud-splattered on Harry’s mouth and glasses, but he is now filled with curiosity, he could not touch the professor.

Felix looked down at him, “Harry, what are you doing?”

“Uh …” Harry stammered as he rose from the ground, “I saw you standing outside and wanted to say hello, but I lost my footing for a moment.”

Felix laughed, “It’s not that you lost your footing … it’s me, I had been thinking just now, about how to protect myself from the rain and wind.”

Harry became interested, “Any suitable spell?” He thought he could use it.

“Impervius – water-repellent and Hot Air Charm for drying, the former is better for isolating water and fog.” Felix introduced it, and he took a look at Harry’s wretched appearance and backhandedly took out his wand and pointed at him.

Harry’s body steamed out of a large water mist, and his body full of warmth, and then he saw the water slipped from his body, clothes, as if he brushed his entire body with a layer of oil or something, not a drop of rain did not touch his body.

Harry asked Felix for guidance on these two spells, in fact, they are very similar and can even be seen as one spell.

He drew his wand and tapped his glasses, “Impervius!” The water automatically avoided the lenses, and his vision became clear.

“Now the rain will never be a hindrance again!” Harry excitedly thanked Felix, he felt more sure of his victory today.

Felix said, “No need to thank me, Granger asked me two days ago, what spell there is to prevent rain, and I told her, only I might have run into you earlier.”

Harry prepared to turn around to thank Hermione, but a question popped up in his mind: “Professor Hap, haven’t you mastered this spell? But you just said you were thinking about rainproof &–” he paused for a moment, a little unsure, “windproof spell?”

“Yeah,” Felix said, “It’s predictable that it’s going to be very windy on the Quidditch pitch today.”

“So, have you come up with anything yet?”

Felix smiled, “Didn’t you just experience it?”

“Experienced?” Harry desperately tried to brainstorm, then his stomach began to rumble, “is it a shield charm? I just bumped into a shield charm, right?” That’s all he could think of.

“That’s right,” Felix gave him an approving look, “the shield charm is invisible and massless, but it can defend against both magical and physical forms of attack, although it’s not exactly powerful … but apparently, it’s windproof. ”

That sounded more or less unbelievable, Harry did not even think that the shield charm has this kind of use, would a normal person think of that?

“Harry, as I said, when you are skilled enough with a spell, you can adjust the effect of the spell exactly the way you want,” Felix said, a transparent spherical barrier abruptly expanded with him as a center, almost pressing against the tip of Harry’s nose.

Harry looked at the so-called “shield charm” in amazement, he could even see the surface of the sphere emitting light, and rain poured on it, then bursting into tiny clusters.

He reached out and poked, the spherical barrier slightly dented, and then his finger bounced off.

“So – you’ve succeeded now?” Harry asked, it seemed obvious to him that changing the shield charm which blocked a small area in front of him into a large, colourless, transparent orb would be a success.

Felix tilted his head and gestured for him to continue to look. The colourless, transparent spherical magical barrier began to sink inward, becoming more and more fitting to him and getting closer to a human form.

In the end, it looked like he wrapped a human-shaped air cover around him.

Felix said regretfully: “I just tried to make the shield charm morph and attach it on top of my clothes finely, maybe we can call it a human-shaped shield charm? But unfortunately … this trick has some difficulty, it is not something that can be done within half an hour.”

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