Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

“Fred and George must not have known that their noses would one day be on public display.” Ron giggled, staring unblinkingly at the small patch of light above his head, as Harry, Hermione, and a dozen others around them also gestured in the same way.

They are standing on the empty floor, or rather – the space inside the stone basin, which is not very well lit, close to the twilight scene at dusk.

Nor the ceiling above is visible, instead, there is a circular bright light, very similar to the shape of the edge of the stone basin. At the moment, a part of that bright light is obscured by a straight nose, as if a giant is peering at them from outside the room.

Ron said with a satisfied face: “Guess whose nose is this? I think it’s George, although it may not be obvious, but his nose is a little crooked.”

Harry grinned, it is indeed an interesting perspective, and they could hear the “buzzing” sound of talking, from far away, with echoes –

“I see so many little people, little Ronnie is easy to recognize with our family’s red hair – ouch!”

The crowd inside the stone basin watched as one of the Weasley twins fell open-mouthed through the air, he tumbled a dozen times and landed solidly on the floor, George Weasley looked up to see his brother stretching out his hand with a wicked grin on his face and said to him in a teasing tone, “Your hair stands out too.”

George immediately crawled to his feet, patted the non-existent dirt on his body, and pretended to say, “It’s Fred’s fault, he’s holding my head down, oh, here he comes.”

The crowd looked up, another man fell from a height, almost a replica of George, Fred also hit the ground with a “thud”.

“Now that’s good!” George asked happily, “Harry, which of us do you think landed in a better position?”

Harry tried to sound objective, he stifled his laughter and commented seriously: “I think it’s you, but Fred hit the ground with a louder sound …”

One by one, the students fell like dumplings, and finally, Professor Hap landed lightly on the ground, smiled, and said, “An appetizer before the big meal, I hope you had fun.”

“Next, I will demonstrate to you the true power of this magic.”

As Felix spoke, he waved his hand at the same time, everything started to change like a fairy tale. The sky dimmed, darkness covered everything, and then no one could see anything. Harry panicked a little, his heartbeat uncontrollably accelerated, he called out tentatively, “Ron? Hermione? Professor?”

No response, even his own voice could not be heard. In a panic, he ran into someone who seemed to be about to stumble, so he pulled him up.

“Calm down–”

Professor Hap’s voice said: “This is a magic mist, which can block the normal natural light and sound. Generally speaking, experienced people will choose to stay away from this kind of zone, because they don’t know what they will encounter. But if you’re already deep in it, you can use some special magic to break the mist, such as the illumination I’ve taught you.”

He recited the runic phrases, a light gathered in his hands, and rays of light pierced the darkness and brought the brightness. However, the bright light and the darkness were entangled together with each other, and neither could contain the other. As Harry thought of a scene where a torch ray passed through the darkness in the middle of the night.

Only, in the Professor’s hand, there may be countless smaller torches…

At the same time, Harry could see who is beside him, the only second-year student, “Oh, Ginny, are you all right?”

Ginny’s face turned as red as her hair, “No, no, I’m alright!”

Felix said, “This is an initial mastery of this magic, and the minimum I require from you – you can control it steadily, without letting it draw your magic, and also maintain a very basic shape, in which it will look like a large torch.”

“When you become comfortable with it, I mean if you have enough control, you can change the shape of this magic at will according to your heart, like a ball of light-”

He held out his hand, holding a milky white ball of light, with a bit of warm bright yellow tinge in the magical mists, you can’t help but feel at ease. The light glowed brighter, and Harry saw shadows of other people.

“Or animal appearance–”

A glowing owl flapped its wings, illuminating their faces indistinctly, and Harry suddenly thought about his Hedwig, but the next second it turned into an eagle, and various unknown raptors.

“Or, just the simplest ray of light–”

Felix said as the monkey-eating eagle in his hand shot up into the sky, trailing a long, bright horizontal trajectory, and in the end, it literally turned into a beam of light.

“These gimmicks can be utilized in your private practice to help you hone your familiarity with this magic, and after that, when you can freely channel magical power, you can strengthen the power and range of the magic.”

The wrist-thick beam of light seemed to be unbound and swelled rapidly, one foot, two foot, ten foot, twenty-foot … pillars of light stretched and engulfed them, and the magical fog in the whole space broken apart, and the sky became bright.

Felix retracted his magic, “So, next – I’ll be instructing you one-on-one.”

Everyone stared at the professor, they couldn’t figure out what he meant by that, one-on-one, are they going to be instructed one by one? The trio vaguely guessed that perhaps the professor had made advance preparations, like that Professor Hap who is made of memories in the nameless book.

They guessed half right.

Hermione suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes widened, the others were also displayed a shocked expression, as a second head appeared from Professor Hap’s neck, then quickly, his chest also split into two, as if two professors are overlapping each other.

In the eyes of the crowd it’s beyond bizarre, the second complete “Professor Hap” emerged out of Felix, this Professor Hap called a name: “Malfoy, follow me.”

Draco walked up in front of the two professors in a completely mechanical way, looking left and right, he could not tell who is real and who is fake, but soon, something more surprising happened, as a third “Professor Hap” appeared, he carelessly twirled his wand, “Well, it’s you, Diggory. ”

Cedric’s expression stiffened as he followed him away, and when he walked some distance away he couldn’t help but look back, the fourth and fifth Professor Hap also already started to select students, and he finally understood what one-on-one instruction meant.

It is really one-on-one!


“Percy Weasley–”

“Miss Greengrass–”

One by one, the members of the Magic Rune Club got taken away by Professor Hap, each left with a bewildered look on their faces, and Harry could particularly understand them, even after the baptism of the Nameless Book, he still greatly shaken.

He found that Professor Hap had never been shy about showing them the wonders of magic and using it in every aspect of his life and teaching; magic had become a part of the professor.

“You seem to have something to say to me, Harry?”

Harry opened his mouth as he thought of Professor Trelawney’s unusual state during the exam, in his mind, either Trelawney had an unknown hidden illness or she had actually made a prophecy.

He had always thought that the divination class professor is a liar, but since the night attack of the Dementor army at the bridge, he did not think so.

“What you fear will happen in April.”

Right on! This statement was not made to a particular person, but to all four people who were there, Ron, Hermione, Professor Hap, and he himself!

Ron had been harbouring expectations that his pet rat would one day return – not as the Dark Wizard, or Peter Pettigrew, but as a scabbers, the inconspicuous rat who had been with him for over two years, but his fears had undoubtedly come true;

Hermione had been worried about them being attacked, which was one of the reasons why she actively organized the dueling self-study group. As a result the attack really happened, if not for the sudden appearance of Sirius, they may have been kidnapped by Peter Pettigrew, no, only he, while Hermione and Ron’s fate can be imagined;

What about Professor Hap? One of his respected elders had died that day, as Hermione had told him.

As for himself, he worried about more things – worried about Ron’s worry, but also worried about Hermione worry, after he recognized Sirius as his godfather, he began to worry that he is not worthy of such a wonderful family, and it ended up in the middle of the real accident …

When Harry said this speculation to Ron and Hermione to hear, they were also surprised to death.

“Harry, it’s just a coincidence!” After the shock, Hermione said with high spirits.

“Maybe, maybe it’s true, that old dragonfly Trelawney really does have some skills, Hermione, didn’t you say that her ancestors had a real talent for divination?” Ron asked sceptically.

Privately, he gave nicknames to professors he didn’t like; Snape is a greasy old bat, Trelawney is called as old dragonfly because she likes to pretend to be a diviner and wears a pair of insect eye like glasses …

The two best friends had opposite reactions, making Harry’s attitude sway from side to side, until the exam, Harry was the last to walk out of the divination classroom, as he returned the crystal ball that dropped on the floor to Trelawney, she rolled her eyes, her body stiffly supported the armchair, as she uttered a paragraph of inexplicable words, her voice is as if she was sick, almost like a knife has been sharpened by a file harshly, hoarse and strange –

“The millennium’s unseen change … legendary drama is thus staged … ho – the clown returns to play at the beat of the drum, the warrior is fully equipped, the lion grows old, the firebird of Nirvana … Time! Time!”

Harry was dumbfounded at that time, and as he was thinking about getting someone over for help, Professor Trelawney’s head dropped to her chest, she grunted, and then, quite suddenly, her head snapped back up, and she stood as if nothing had happened.

“I’m sorry, dear boy,” she said as if in a dream, “it is too hot during the day, you know – I fell asleep for a while…”

Harry remained standing still, jaws dropped.

Trelawney glanced at Harry in surprise, as if he had done something strange.

“What’s on your mind, boy?”josei

“What are you thinking about, Harry?” Felix asked.

“No, nothing,” Harry froze for a moment and snapped back, “I was going to ask, is the stone basin also based on the same principle as the nameless book?”

“Pretty much,” Felix said, “but rather than the Nameless Book, it’s a combination of the Room of Requirement and the Pensieve,” he winked, ” I received a gift from the two Seniors. ”


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