Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

It took from morning to afternoon for the club members to leave one after another.

“It was great!!!” One student said excitedly, “It’s like the professor is only mine …”

“All of us thought so too.” His companion said with a smile.

But he completely missed the point and said in an exaggerated tone, “Professor Hap also discussed incidentally with me about what spellcasting posture is more handsome, did you hear that?”

“I’m a full hundred feet away from you, man!”

A girl said, “Professor Hap was very patient, and while telling me about the structure of the rune sequence of illumination, he described it as look like a bell orchid-”

“Huh? The professor and I were talking about tulips.” Another girl said.

“It’s obviously a rose …”

As a few people looked at each other with disagreement, Ron couldn’t help but say, “Maybe Professor Hap was just trying to convey an arc structure, and all these flowers look similar, don’t they?”

The girls who had been discussing fervently stared at Ron and left with a grunt.

Ron rubbed his head and asked in disbelief, “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, you just ruined their whole day.” Hermione said casually.

They came to a yard, the plants growing thickly along the zigzag path, Harry fiddled with the orange-red spherical fruits in the shrubs, next to the large tufts of mistletoe decorated with white beads.

“How’s Sirius, Harry?” Hermione inquired.

“He’s fine, he’s been busy preparing for his brother’s funeral, and he doesn’t want anyone else to get involved.” Harry said softly.

“I think the name is Regulus Black?” Ron said excitedly, “He’s cool, the lone hero …” He lowered his voice and said, “Being a Death Eater but screwing the dark lord once, he deserves it.”

“Yeah, but you definitely can’t mention the Horcrux at the funeral, Headmaster Dumbledore specifically spoke to me, you know …”

Ron laughed, “He must have been so distressed at the time, and probably thinking of casting an Obliviate on us-”

“Ron!” Hermione said sternly.

“Erm, I was just rambling, it certainly won’t happen …”

Hermione looked around worriedly, she didn’t think it was exactly safe here, “Harry, we better not mention that word out here.”josei

” Horcrux?”

Harry muttered in a small voice, thinking seriously, “You’re right, but the average person wouldn’t know what it is – Luna?” Harry’s jaw dropped as he looked at the little girl in the middle of the garden, holding a food box in one hand and a half-woven ring of mistletoe in the other.

Luna’s eyes were averted as she tossed the wreath aside and pretended to suddenly spot them, “Hello, Harry, Hermione, Ron. It’s so good to see you.” She said in a song-like voice.

“What are you doing here?” Harry asked, suddenly regretting discussing the subject in the garden a bit, wondering how much Luna had heard?

“I’m waiting for Ginny, you know, her stomach gets hungry, and a picnic is essential.” Luna swayed gently, her waist-length blonde hair flopping around.

“Is that so?” Ron echoed with a sceptical look, “Did you hear-”


Ginny came running from afar, panting and breathless, “I’m sorry I’m late, Fred and George insisted I try their new product, and it was hard to get away, so I can’t let them know about this … visit to the Forbidden Forest to see Firenze – -Ron?”

Ginny stared at him for a few seconds before she realized her slip of the tongue and shouted, “Why are you here? Are you trying to eavesdrop! Oh, Hermione, Harry, you’re here too …” Her expression became blank: “What the hell is going on?”

Harry and the rest looked at each other as if it really was an accident.

Luna hummed softly as she picked up the wreath she had dropped on the floor again and braided it together on her own.

A few minutes later, they were walking in the direction of Hagrid’s hut –

“We’re concerned about you Ginny.” Ron said, “There was an attack on the edge of the Forbidden Forest only two months ago …”

“Yeah, you got hit by a dark spell in your leg, and it swelled up to twice its size.” Ginny said lightly.

“And it’s dripping with pus! Ginny, don’t you care about your brother at all?” Ron grumbled.

“Concerned? It’s natural to worry when I hear it for the first time,” Ginny said with a stern face, “and the second time, the third time, the fourth time, and the fifth time …”

Ron’s face flushed up, even the roots of his ears were red.

Harry began to change the subject, he knew perfectly well how Ron bragged about it afterward and had heard it more often to boot. But Ron blocked that spell for him, so Harry thought Ron totally deserved all that bragging he did.

So he said, “Uh, so, you guys are going to visit the centaur? As it happens, we want to drop by Hagrid’s to see Buckbeak, and we might become friends …”

Harry stopped talking and suddenly wanted to smack himself, centaur has high self-esteem, he stammered and explained, “I mean … is, uh, a friend of ours, they all are.”

Luna said cheerfully, “You’re right, Harry. I think you’ll be friends, Firenze is very friendly.”

“Firenze?” ” Firenze?!”

Harry and Hermione uttered simultaneously in surprise, and Harry said, “I knew Firenze from the first year! I met a dark wizard who was hunting unicorns and found out afterward that it was Quirrell, who worked for Voldemort – for the Dark Lord- and it was Firenze who helped me and got me out of there.”

He picked his words carefully, not using the word “ride,” because his experience had taught him that centaur folks hated that.

Luna looked at Harry in a trance, and Harry added, “It’s true, he looks young, his hair is platinum blonde, and his body is strong …”

Luna raised her eyebrows and smiled.

The group went to Hagrid’s hut and saw the stout Hagrid removing weeds from the pumpkin patch, and as they approached, Hagrid held a red umbrella in his hand and poked around the ground.


Hagrid turned back, “Harry, Ron, Hermione! Oh, and two little girls, one’s a Weasley, what’s your name?”

“Ginny, Ginny Weasley.”

“And you?” Hagrid looked over at Luna, the tip of the umbrella he is holding touched a pumpkin next to him, “Bang” which exploded with a big hole, yellow juice showered their face, “Oh, sorry!”

Hagrid said in a frenzy, lifting the nearest Harry and Ron to one side, “I’ll get a rag, I can’t use magic on you,” he explained in a whisper, “I’m not very good at life magic, I blew it off a good time… …”

“Wait, Hagrid – Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify!”

With Hermione’s help, it didn’t take them long for them to get down to business.

“Buckbeak? It’s back to the pack, and his kind missed him.” Hagrid said with a wave of his arms, Harry and the rest felt somewhat regretful, but still happy for Buckbeak.

When he heard they wanted to visit the centaur, Hagrid glared at them and yelled, “You guys want to die! Only two months ago, the attack happened! And the Battle on the Bridge, if I hadn’t been at the hospital wing and missed …” He froze and looked at them for a while, and said dismally, “I can’t help, I don’t know that spell.”

Harry and the gang reassured him, “You saved me, Hagrid, remember? Madam Pomfrey said that if we delay a little longer, we’ll have to cut off the leg and grow it again.” Ron said sincerely.

“Hagrid, you can use Engorgement Charm just fine.” Hermione said as she looked out the window at the pumpkins.

Harry racked his brain, but unfortunately, he couldn’t find any proper reason, ” Well, everyone is right, Hagrid, you can’t take yourself lightly.”

“Thank you, thank you …” Hagrid pulled out a handkerchief sentimentally, wiped the corners of his wet eyes, and then responded coldly, “Stop! You guys haven’t said why you’re going to the Forbidden Forest?”

“We’re going to visit Firenze, I haven’t seen him for months.” Luna said, “Besides, big guy, I like the layout of your place, it’s a lot like my house.”

Hagrid smiled, “Call me Hagrid, little girl. What’s your name?”

“Luna, Luna Lovegood.” She said with a shake of her head.

Hagrid rummaged through a dusty bag and pulled out several dirty things and handed them out one by one, “What’s this?” Harry asked, it looked like the bones of some kind of creature.

Luna puffed her cheeks and blew it as a loud whistle sound was heard, after a while, she stopped, slightly out of breath.

Hagrid said gruffly: “You see, Luna has demonstrated it, that is a bone whistle, I will use it when training the creatures in the forbidden forest, and if there is danger, it may help. Of course … little ones, I do not recommend that you go to the forbidden forest …” he said very naggingly.

Finally, Hagrid took them to meet Firenze, Luna put the mistletoe wreath on the heads of the centaur, they also enjoyed the food in the food box together, because there are too many people, everyone didn’t have much to share, Harry felt more hungry after eating it.

He missed the great hall in the castle very much, but the reunion with Firenze was also fun, and it would have been better if he didn’t talk about difficult astrology.

“Mars has been giving off a strange halo lately, and we think it’s foreshadowing something.” Firenze said, strongly suggesting that Luna should do a fume and flame divination with sage and mallowsweet, “You’re the most spiritual human I’ve ever met.”

Luna did so and Harry was surprised that she had them with her, a little more than her cork necklace and weird earrings, so they had to sit around and watch the choking smoke curl up. Hagrid sat down higher than they stood, the breeze blew, the smoke mixed with the fumes came to him as he kept sneezing.

Firenze is totally unaffected, “Fate has brought us together to make a prophecy together.” He crouched on the ground and looked closely, trying to pick out certain shapes and symbols from it.

“It looks like the magic Professor Hap taught us.” Ron muttered in a whisper to Harry, who didn’t see any similarity between the two; he did think it looked a bit like Buckbeak’s flapping wings.

“Like a cloak of flame,” Ginny stated her opinion, treating this as a game.

Hermione chose to look at it coldly, sitting quietly without speaking, she had always been uninterested in these odd things.

“Humans have never been very good at this sort of thing, even the centaur only possessed this ability after a long period of years.” Firenze said flatly, “And it’s easy to make mistakes. Luna, what did you see?”

“I saw a party, and everyone is happy as they shoot fireworks into the sky.” Luna said gleefully. “I wish I would be there.”

Firenze said with some disappointment, “I thought it would be a hint of war …” The others looked at him in confusion, and he explained, “Mars dominates the war, and for the past ten years, all indications are that the people of the wizarding world are only spending a brief period of peace between the two wars. But recently there have been new changes that the older members of the clan can’t understand-” He shook his head and didn’t continue with the heavy topic.

After that, Harry and the group returned to the castle and had a great meal as they left everything else behind.

When they returned to the Gryffindor common room, Percy is standing in front of the bulletin board, surveying the job offers on it. “Isn’t he going to the Ministry of Magic?” Harry asked.

Ron shrugged, “Penelope hasn’t found a job yet, she did get a few letters of recommendation, but the job she’s most interested in is abroad and Percy is trying to keep her.”

After a few minutes, Percy left in a huff.

Before returning to the dormitory, Harry glanced at the top of the ad, combined with the general location Percy looked before leaving, he found a nondescript newspaper clipping in the corner, he did not look at the small print at the bottom, but remembered the name of the company –

Future World.


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