Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

At nine in the morning, Felix stood in front of the mirror well-dressed and packed up ready to go out.


Valen voluntarily put on a small scarf and looked at him with an expectant expression.josei

“Can’t take you with me, Valen.” Felix bowed his head with an apologetic look, “Not sure if it will be dangerous, so the best option is to stay home.”

He removed a memory disk from his ring, which arced through the air and landed steadily on the small square desk in his office.

A dense circle of magical circuits around the edge of the memory disk were illuminated, with smoke billowing from the centre.

” The employees at the company have found a new application of it, in addition to being able to recreate memories. Gee, it’s starting to look more and more like the future I envisioned …” Felix waved his hand again and a tray of small snacks and a jug of juice appeared, “You can watch the live feed through it.”


Valen hung her head and headed to the sofa.

The entrance hall is crowded with silhouettes of many students who are looking out towards the stone steps outside the entrance hall. The breath they have exhaled has melted the frost off the castle walls and wet streams are running down the rough walls.

“Why won’t they allow us to watch it when it’s clearly happening in Hogsmeade! What the hell was Headmaster Dumbledore thinking?” One student asked indignantly.

“I heard it is for our safety …”

“You’re joking right?! What danger could there be with Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Hap around? Even if it is the You-Know-Who …” his voice lowered.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood in a corner of the entrance hall and Ron asked expectantly, “Can’t we just let Sirius take us with him?”

” He sort of left us behind intentionally.” Harry said sullenly.

Ron looked jealously at Percy on the stone steps, who is beaming and talking to Dumbledore, “There’s a lot more of them than expected! I mean – they’re all the best in their fields.”

There was a sudden silence in the entrance hall as Felix descended the revolving staircase, then the chatter got louder.

“Professor, we’re rooting for you!” A student shouted.

Felix smiled at him, “Slytherin plus three points.” The student froze, then the support in the great hall got louder and Felix managed to squeeze through the crowd and said to Dumbledore and Percy, “Let’s go, are we all set?”

“All set.” Percy said hurriedly, “The Ministry has deployed two hundred staff, including fifty Aurors and Hit Wizards, and has made a special one-day holiday for the occasion.”

Felix nodded, then looked at Dumbledore without turning.

“Alastor is guarding there.” He said briefly.

“This side of the school-”

“There are other professors around, and Fawkes will summon me in a pinch.”

Percy was clearly a little confused by the conversation between them, but he managed to answer Felix’s next question.

“Where is Ms. Bones?”

“She is also in Hogsmeade. She is hosting the Ministers of Magic from a number of European countries and the Headmasters of magical schools from various parts of the world.” Percy said enthusiastically, “Some of them came in early and have been wandering around Diagon Alley for days, probably with a bunch of questions in their stomachs.”

They headed down the stone steps in the direction of the school’s main entrance. A crowd of bleary-eyed students was left behind.

Harry and Hermione gazed at Professor Hap’s distant figure with mixed emotions, and Ron muttered in a small voice, “I’ve been spending so much time with the Professor every day that I’ve forgotten how much of a gap there is between me and him, and probably no matter how much we try to catch up, we’ll only see the back of him like we do now.”

“The Professor is going to be a legend like the most famous wizards in history.” Hermione said, biting her lip, with a very reluctant look on her face.

“So, do you think any of our names will be featured in his legend?” Ron asked, intrigued.

Neither Harry nor Hermione said anything.

” Surely it will.” A firm voice said.

The trio looked at Neville, who was taken aback by the look they gave him, and mumbled, “It’s like a storybook, surely more than one character will be featured, no?”

“You mean as supporting characters?” Ron muttered disgruntled, “Sounds like Mafalda’s kind of story, oh yeah, Harry, what has she been making up about you lately?”

“You mean her spin-off stories?” Harry said gloomily, “She describes me as a ranch hand whose daily job is to shovel horse dung.”

Felix stood in the middle of the Hogsmeade star-shaped platform, surrounded by three layers of wizards from all over the world, with all sorts of purposes in their minds, but at the moment all of them focused their eyes on the young man in the middle of the venue.

“It is well known that every field of study cannot be perfected by one or two people, it is a matter of constantly laying down bricks and blocks on top of those who have gone further before, and that is why I am standing here–”

” Isn’t it because of the Elder Wand?” A wizard asked in a hoarse voice.

“I will not rule out the possibility of the wand playing a part in the long journey,” Felix looked at him and smiled, “but the misunderstanding brought by my own wand is a private matter, and I will address it in between the speeches. Of course, if one wishes to experience ancient magic in person, it is not impossible, except they need to sign up first …” He gestured to a table in the corner where two Aurors stood guard.

“Let me continue – any advancement in the discipline of magic will bring us real benefits. Take Wolfsbane Potion as an example … For centuries, we have been helpless against the werewolf infection, once infected there is no cure, but now that the first brick has finally been laid, I can almost foresee the future: formulas of the potion will be developed, in a more refined and inexpensive way; there will be a flood of analyses and papers related to the potion; of course, new theories will emerge; maybe someone will even invent a more targeted spell based on the principles of potions …”

” None of this is fantasy; it has been constantly repeated throughout the past few thousand years, like an invisible hand that has pushed the entire wizard community forward a little.”

Lupin stood under the huge projection screen and clenched his fists in excitement. If what Felix said came true, he is willing to give his entire savings to support this cause.

The wizards became visibly more interested in Felix’s speech, and they watched with rapt attention as he paced around the center of the venue, relating his experiences in studying ancient runes:

“… And for that reason, every magical discipline is significant.” Felix smiled, “They elaborate on our innate ability – magic – from a different perspective, they are slowly but surely improving our understanding of it.”

Hundreds of magical devices in the sky in the shape of Billywig insects scanned down the scene of the venue and recorded the excited faces. The white light and purple mist of a magical camera flashed occasionally in the corner, and at the same time, hundreds of quills quivered with excitement.

In addition to this, Felix’s words are also being transmitted to thousands of wizarding families through a magic radio.

Felix held the ends of his wand in his fingers, but the wand is no longer as attractive as it was at the beginning, and the eyes of over two thousand wizards from all over the world in the audience are fixed on his face as they stood slightly on tiptoe from the leap of faith.

“And a new discipline is obviously more valuable, like ancient practical runes. Why do we have to dig it out of the past when it does have so much untapped potential in it, and when it can be combined with so many magical disciplines under the modern magic system, such as modern spells-”

He waved his wand and the ‘Flow’ Rune combined with the Shield Charm to form a light green, watery magical barrier; the ‘Light’ Rune combined with the Fire-making spell as a bright, white flame swam around him; more and more Runes appeared in the air, combining with modern spells to form a ripple of colourful magic.

“Or alchemy-”

He gestured at the huge projection screen that stood behind the crowd.

“We know very little about the ancient wizards, and we can only roughly trace their legacy in fragmented handwritten notes and abandoned monuments, a fragmented knowledge not only makes it difficult for us to carry on the legacy of the ancient wizards but also makes us misjudge the era.”

“For example, the immense power of ancient wizards came with the extreme diminishment of his other magic abilities. I have found from some old handwritten journals of ancient wizards – back when a master-apprentice system still existed – even if they mastered several powerful ancient magic at a young age, they continued to have more worldly worries than modern wizards. Most of them needed to carry dozens of boxes to move their family during a journey, and the most advanced form of transport they could use on a trip was a flying broom … or they might even have to clean their own houses and cook their own meals because not everyone knew life magic.”

One by one, wizards fell into contemplation, a question constantly being raised with the appearance of Felix Hap: are the ancient runes – and the ancient wizards that represent behind them – really as powerful as the legends make them out to be?

Wizards also have myths or legendary tales. But many people automatically classify them under the same category of stories in the Tales of Beedle the Bard, with few willing to believe that the magical wonders shown in the stories actually happened in reality, breaking mountains, parting seas, destroying the space and the ground with a single spell …

Some people firmly believe it, some people doubt it, and some people dismiss it. But today Felix provided a new perspective to judge strength and weakness: what is the criterion of power, individual or collective; is it judged by magical power or convenience?


#Fiendsjoke, Thanks for all your love and support.

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