Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

The speech continued on the Hogsmeade star-shaped platform.

Felix chuckled, “Many people have fantasies about that era, but if you wake up one day and find yourself in ancient times, it won’t be two days before you will regret it …”josei

A low chuckle rang out from the crowd in the square.

Felix then spent some time systematically explaining the ancient runes, which were, of course, rather general in nature. They could basically all be found in the corresponding entries in the rune booklets available in Diagon Alley, but with Felix personally demonstrating them, the printed texts become more convincing.

“Starting with individual ancient runes, there are many branches that extend further down: runic circuits related to ancient alchemy, runic sequences related to ancient magic, and runic spells that are created with the combination of modern magic spells … Although I have organized the boundaries of the ancient runes field, I have yet to touch on the finer points, like I said, perfecting a discipline is never a work done by a single person.”

Many wizards nodded in agreement, they ranged from ministers of magic and senior officials from different countries, headmasters of magic schools, experts who are researching ancient runes, and officials of the International Confederation of Wizards. They are the very people who will decide whether to promote the ancient rune discipline or not.

“Next I would like to invite the de facto administrator of the ‘Future World’ Company – Remus Lupin – to give a presentation on the products created using ancient runes, an area he knows much more than I do.” Felix gave up his place, ” By the way, wizards who are ready to participate in the magic exchange session can sign up now.”

Lupin straightened his clothes, a little wobbly on his feet. He secretly cheered himself up and walked to the one corner of the star design. When he looked over he saw several thousand pairs of eyes staring at him.

“Ahem. I am not going to use ancient runes for demonstration, I am going to show you some of Future World’s work in the process, in other words, theories …”

By the time Felix stood in the middle of the stage again, it is close to noon.

“The rumours about the Elder Wand are false, there’s no doubt about that, and I’ve included it at this time because you will understand my reasoning better with the preceding elaboration – for me, the Elder Wand, even if it is real, is not something essential for me, because, I am trying to get rid of the limitations of the Wand little by little. ”

Felix, who had taken the stage again, spoke exceptionally short, and waved his hand, as his ebony wand hovered in midair, and a crowd of eager eyes examined it.

“The wand is the most important thing a wizard owns, and there’s no way I’m going to let just anyone pop up to inspect it, so I’ve come up with a solution: speak with strength. As long as you beat me, you can take it from me, not to mention examining it, so are you ready?”

A cloaked wizard in the crowd murmured.

“The statement in the challenge states that you won’t use your wand-”


A few wizards moved.

“I’ll go first.” A blushing wizard shouted, tossing the challenge letter he clenched in his hand into the air, where it burned violently and coalesced into a magic symbol.

“The pact is established, life and death battle.” Amelia Bones said solemnly.

Many of the wizards whose hearts burst with fervour and eagerness looked like they had been doused with a tub of ice water.

“My name is David Elliott,” the red-faced wizard said, carefully drawing his wand and circling the edge of the stage. When he found Felix standing motionless in the centre, he cursed under his breath and stood opposite to Felix.

“I’m going to start.” He stated in annoyance.

Felix smiled and nodded.


A red light flew from the tip of his wand, which was brushed aside by Felix’s outstretched hand, as the spell grazed his finger.

The red-faced wizard was somewhat dumbfounded, and it was followed by an uproar from the many onlookers who did not know about the existence of the Humanoid Shield Charm. Only a wizard with extremely good eyesight could see a flash of bright light from the spell.

“He wrapped the defensive spell around his hand …”

The red-faced wizard tried several times, but he simply couldn’t break through Felix’s defences, so he had to leave the scene unhappy and stand with his family.

After a moment of silence, another wizard stepped forward, his whole body hidden in bandages, showing only one pair of eyes.

“Who is that man?” Bones asked in a low voice.

“Too late to figure out, he probably hid well before and only appeared today.” Kingsley replied.

Felix and the bandaged wizard didn’t say a word to each other, the bandaged wizard raised his hand and shot a black light from his wand, the humanoid shield charm that attached to Felix’s body swelled into a ball, and the black light hit the magical barrier and burst into pitch-black flames with a “teng” sound.

Felix waved his hand, moving the burning barrier aside to avoid the equally swift spell. He reached out and let a ball of black lightning leap from his fingertips, then the next moment he appeared in front of the bandaged wizard and pressed his palm directly against his face – and

Black arcs of lightning flashed with relish.

A few seconds later, the bandaged wizard slowly collapsed.

The cheerful atmosphere of the morning is gone.

“Healers go up.” Bones said aloud, at the same time she whispered to Kingsley, “Find out who he is – if he’s still alive.”

The red-faced wizard in the crowd who had just taken the stage touched his face, “Taking a hit like that, hiss~ this is going to hurt.”

Felix returned to the centre of the stage and waited for the next challenger, everyone who signed up have to meet him under a magical contract.

The third wizard came up warily, “We’re just sparring, right?”

Felix grinned, “Of course.”

The wizard conceded defeat voluntarily after a few spells, and Felix didn’t give him a hard time.

The onlookers gradually concluded that if they followed the international dueling rules, the challenger could walk off the stage unscathed, at best hit by a stunning spell, and the unluckiest of the bunch struck in the face with a Stinging Jinx that swelled his nose to the size of a tomato.

But if the rules are not followed, or if a lethal spell is used, the result is often not good. One guy who had agreed to duel and ended up using a curse in the middle of a challenge had his spell rebound and part of his body turned into wood.

Felix stood in the middle of the stage, somewhat bored, as the next challenger seemed to lose his nerve and refused to come up. Suddenly he caught a strong whiff of malice, and it is not from a single person. Felix narrowed his eyes.

A dozen shadows suddenly appeared, uniformly dressed and hiding their heads, uttering a single spell as they appeared, working in perfect harmony with each other, and deliberately separating one from the other to fly into midair and reach for a wand floating in the air.

A shout of surprise rang out from the crowd.

The spells came from all directions but stopped eerily in mid-air, and the dark wizard in mid-air could not resist the temptation to look back as a dozen bright lights of spells hung in mid-air like fireworks.

Circled in the middle, Felix held a ball of golden flame-like liquid in one hand and poured it down indifferently.

The flames rushed and instantly filled an empty space hundreds of feet in circumference.

By the time the flames died down, a dozen men had completely disappeared, with only a black wand floating in the air as if nothing had happened.

“Where are they?” Someone asked in a low voice.

“Probably saw the situation is bad and apparited.” The man next to him said uncertainly, having a more frightening answer in mind.

In the corner, Dumbledore looked uncomfortable, he didn’t approve of killing, especially in such a violent way, but he couldn’t accuse him, just as he couldn’t come forward and admit that the Elder Wand is in his possession.

The implications of that would be far more serious.

The bloody trail of the Elder Wand was littered throughout the History of Magic, not just referring to the history of its bloody legacy; there had been no shortage of ambitious men and dark wizards in every age, as far more people had died in the process trying to find the Elder Wand than all the previous owners of the Elder Wand combined.

The best thing to do is to let the legend of the Elder Wand disappear for good and turn it into a fairy tale again.

And all he had to do is take one step out of line, and thousands more innocent lives will be lost.

Felix looked around him, a pair of malevolent eyes lowered not daring to look at him, his purpose seemed to have been achieved, but he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly as he looked at Dumbledore’s departing back.

He suppressed the irritation in his heart and erased the knowledge about the Horcruxes little by little. Just now, something suddenly dawned on him: he could make a prototype of a Horcrux right now if he wanted to, his soul wavering as if a piece of it would fall off at any moment.

Had I made a mistake?

Felix looked up at the sky, which is overcast and clouded with darkness, but his thoughts grew clearer and firmer.

I am Felix Hap, not some crazy loon, and I can’t possibly follow the path of others in order to live long.

I will find my own path and there’s nothing wrong with me.

He opened his hand and a milky white light converged, forming a huge pillar of white light that shot high into the sky. Everyone stared in awe at the sight, as the black clouds drowned with the white light, followed by a tiny pillar of light that broke through the clouds and showered them with soothing light.

Felix let out a breath, withdrew his distant gaze, and spoke calmly, “The challenge continues.”


#Fiendsjoke, Thanks for all your love and support.

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