Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 277 - 277. Before The Halloween Night

Chapter 277 - 277. Before The Halloween Night

31st October. Halloween day.


Grace woke up at 5 in the morning. It was her schedule as she had to work out to remain in shape even though she was pregnant. She didn't want any stretch marks and as a doctor, she understood how they can be avoided.

The best way was to gain weight slowly, in a steady fashion so the skin does not tear up. But, she felt a bit anxious today. She had been feeling that since midnight.

So today she just went to have a walk in the garden. Chad quickly ran to her to accompany her, as it was his duty. He was the guardian of the house after all.

Grace caressed Chad, "Hmm, you're the best stress reliever. Come, I will get you your breakfast."

To divert her mind, she played with him.



Magnus got up early as he had a lot of things to do today. It was Halloween, the awesome party was going to take place, as well as their first Hogsmeade outing.

"HORR..." Summer was already sitting over his chest.

Magnus patted her head, "Thank you, Summer. It seems it's going to be sunny today. Good. OYE! YOU TWO! Get up. It's Halloween."

"Tsk... that's at night, let me sleep right now." Ragnar hissed and turned to the other side, putting a pillow on his head. Severus just grunted and didn't say anything.

Sighing, Magnus alone got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. He wore his normal clothes today as it was a holiday, meaning no classes. It was also pretty cold now so he wore a sweater with a pattern of Chad, Summer and Duck on it, even though he didn't need it. Grandma Martha had made it. Even Ragnar and Severus had a matching one. He had also asked one for Emma, so he went out to give it to her.

He arrived at the common room. It was already bustling with the early birds. These included mostly the students who were either athletic or good at studying.

By now, everyone had gotten used to music. It was like a daily routine for the first student to wake up to put the music on. Most loved sitting around the fireplace in the common room and drinking hot chocolate or some other hot beverage.

Especially now, in winters, the vibes were very home-like. Students would sit together, be it young or old, they would talk about school, studies, the world or anything else.

Today too, many were discussing their costumes for the evening. Magnus had even invited the school to trick or treat in Hogsmeade. The shop owners and dwellers there were cheerfully expecting them tonight.

He approached a girl and asked her a favour, "Can you go and wake Emma up? Tell her I'm waiting for her here."

She nodded and went to the girl's dorms. Meanwhile, he took a seat between the rest of his house-mates by the fireplace.

"Woah, Mr Pendragon, you are radiating heat." One of the boys at his side exclaimed.

He chuckled, "Well, there is some truth to that surname "Pendragon". My body naturally stays warm at all times."

"That's so cool. Here I am, with my balls freezing." Another one blurted.


He reviewed a knock on the head by the head girl, "Language."

It was a very cheerful environment. Most would talk about stupid things with Magnus. But every once in a while someone would ask for advice or something.

"Mr Pendragon, you are famous for your successful businesses. How do you do it? How is it that all your businesses are a success? I want to get rich too." One asked.

He answered him in detail, "Well, the best strategy to start a successful business is to first understand the market. A product or any company can only exist and thrive when there are buyers. So, one should look around, see what people actually desire and then provide what they desire, even with better quality.

"But if you just want to get rich, then invest all your money in technology stocks. The technological world is soon going to be seeing a big boom."

Many took his advice to heart. And unknown to Magnus, because of his words, many would become millionaires and some would actually end up starting their own companies.

"Mr Pendragon, how are you so good at magic?" A curious 1st year asked.

"Practice and perseverance. And maybe some talent. I may have a strong bloodline, but that means nothing if I do not learn and practice. Just like how no matter how fast a broom you give to a rookie quidditch player, he can never beat a national player with a slower broom." He said, motivating them to train more.

Slytherin house was slowly turning into a family, with Magnus at the top. And this was what he had planned from the beginning. In the future, he wanted all houses to feel like this, that they were one big family and he was at the top. This way, he will have eyes and ears inside the school even when he passes out. Also, he can recruit talents while they are like diamonds in the rough.

Soon, Emma arrived and Magnus left the small crowd. He greeted her and handed her the package, "Take this, my Grandma Martha sent me this. Sev and Rag have one too."

Emma opened it and found a light green sweater with patterns. She loved it and held it close to her chest, "REALLY? For me? Awesome, it's like an early Christmas present. Thank you, Magnus."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Wear it already. We need to go to the great hall and see the decorations. Old man Dumbledore shrugged his responsibility and made me the supervisor for it." He annoyedly complained.

Emma quickly wore the sweater and walked with him. She was happy that she was being included in the group more now. Not like she had many close friends in the house anyway.

"So, what else are you going to show me? I bet you have lots of secrets." She asked. josei

He chuckled, "Calm down. I will show you everything slowly. It's too much to digest, to be honest. But, since I have decided to make you a good friend, I guess I will have to trust your stupid brain."

"HEY! I'm not stupid, I'm just not good at all subjects. And what about you? I can call you stupid too seeing your potion classroom performance." She attacked back.

Magnus argued, "Yet I never failed."

"That's because Professor Slughorn wants to be on the good side of the next king of Britain." She said.

Magnus raised his finger to deny it but he could not. He knew what she said was right. So he cursed, "Dammit..."

"Hehe... I guess it's Emma one and Mag zero now." She proudly claimed and ran past him.

Magnus followed, "Since when did this become a competition?"


He looked around at the Great Hall. It was restricted for students right now as the elfs were working to clean it and decorate it.

Magnus, seeing them work so hard, decided to help. "You all consider me your king. A good king always stands beside his subjects. So let me help."

With this logic, they could not force him out or smash their own heads on the walls. Magnus helped them put on giant chandeliers, large showpieces and contraptions meant to scare people.

Pumpkin lights were made to hang from the ceiling. Magnus also checked the gloomy sky projection on the ceiling. Once it was all checked, he headed to the kitchen to see if they needed any help. If their workload was too much he was going to reduce some items from the menu.

But, the elfs seem to have no problem. They were just so good at it. But he felt bad, why? Well, to prepare this dinner, all elfs had to work.

Meaning that their normal schedule, where one group would sleep and one would work, was now disrupted. Due to this, after the dinner, the whole elf population will have to work the whole 24 hours.

Magnus was not a heartless bastard. "Everyone. All of you will have tomorrow afternoon off. So you all can play with the puppies and sleep. No, do not worry about the food, I will organise it myself from outside. This is an order from me."

Many wanted to protest, but it was the king's decree now. Magnus triumphantly walked out of the kitchen.

"You are so kind to them." Emma praised him.

"Someone has to be kind to them because they sure are not kind to themselves," Magnus said. And maybe this was why he was able to win over the elfs.

"But how will you get tomorrow's lunch?" She inquired.

He smiled, looking at her face. He knew she was going to get excited. "Well, I decided to order pizzas from around the world."

"REALLY? AWESOME!" She jumped in excitement and hugged him. Pizza was her favourite food, but they didn't make it in school.

He chuckled and pushed her slowly, "Okay okay, let's go now and get ready for the evening. We will meet outside the castle entrance at 6 PM."

Emma had stars in her eyes. She had prepared her dress very carefully and was excited to show it to everyone, especially Magus.

"Cool, I will see you later." And she ran away.

[A/N: O boy, this is going to be a long night for Magnus and the rest.]

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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