Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 278 - 278. Magnus' Bellatrix

Chapter 278 - 278. Magnus' Bellatrix

[A/N: WN won't let me post the Grandpa Universe bonus chapter anymore. So I uploaded it to my Discord. Check its Media channel's pins.]


Magnus noticed that he wouldn't have time to attend the party if he were to go Trick or Treating. So he decided to attend the party and meet everyone before heading out.

He wore his nun outfit and went out with his friends. Severus and Ragnar followed him behind. The three looked like some church nuns and it was more funny than scary. Emma had not come out yet for some reason.

He arrived at the party hall at 6 PM. He'd stay here till 8, which was dinner time. This way he can also eat. Quickly, he found Dumbledore. The old man had just worn robes that had a skeleton made on them.

"Let me guess, you are the skeleton?" Magnus asked.

"Correct. I am a skeleton today. But I decided not to put the makeup on." Dumbledore replied goofily.

"What's even the point? Your long beard has covered more than half of the skeleton. Maybe you should have tried to wear an evil senile old wizard makeup. It would have matched with the beard." Magnus suggested him.

*Cough* "That would not have been good, since most pureblood supremacists do call me senile and evil." Dumbeldore argued.

Chuckling, Magnus breathed, "They aren't wrong though."

"You said something?" Dumbledore didn't hear him.

"AH! LOOK! Professor Flitwick is dressed as a Gnome." Magnus ran away from him.

Soon, he found Moody. "What are you acting as?"

"I am Auror Moody," Moody answered.

Magnus scratched his head, "What do you mean? I asked what are you dressing as?"

"I am currently working as professor Moody, so I dressed as Auror Moody." Moody smartly replied.

Magnus couldn't help but facepalm, "You are too... too much of a party pooper. At least put these fake horns on your head."

He handed him a headband with a glowing red horn. He had been giving it to mostly everyone who seemed under-dressed for the evening. And there were plenty. Although Magnus liked Hufflepuff, this was also a fact that they were one of the most boring folks in the school. They would rarely do something out of the ordinary.

Even today, they did not dress that well, or it was right to say that they didn't put much effort into it. Most of them had come wearing high-collar robes. They said they were acting as draculas. But, the problem was that a majority of them were acting the same creature. So he had to give all of them the horns.

The best-dressed houses were Ravenclaw, since they were perfectionists, they tried to wear the best scary dress. Then there was Slytherin, since the whole thing was Magnus' idea they had to work hard.

Magnus, after roaming around, went to Gryffindor four. Sirius and James had worn zombie clothes, with clothes torn up from here and there and fake rotten meat patterns on their faces. Peter Pettegrew was wearing a costume of a rat. Remus was wearing makeup for a unicorn. He even had the fake horn on his forehead.

"Bwahaha... Remus, what the hell is that? Why did you become a unicorn?" Magnus laughed at his face.

"I could ask the same. Why did you genderbend and become a nun?" Remus asked.

"That's probably his weird fetish," Sirius added.

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, nuns can be very scary. You will know once you will see the latest movie my company is going to release."

"What's a movie?" James asked.

Magnus was shocked, "Y-You... god, you four are so dumb. Just imagine a camera, but one that can record continuous footage that looks like a continuous video. Then imagine voice and other sounds like music in it too. Specially scripted such videos are called movies. Muggles go and watch these movies on the big screen in theatres."

"Wait... what's the point of doing this?" Sirius inquired.

Magnus facepalmed, "Tell me, would you love to watch a video of someone heroically defeating dozens of enemies and saving the world?"

"Absolutely, every man aspires to be the saviour of the world," Sirius claimed.

"Exactly, these movies are made so you can live through something otherwise impossible. People watch them because they want to imagine things that would normally not happen. Ugh... I'm going. I can't explain everything to you. Go to muggle world every once in a while, instead of sitting in one hole forever." He snarkily said and moved on.

"Hey, Magnus." Lily greeted him. She was wearing a Maleficent costume. Most wizards would not recognise her but he did.

"Haha, finally someone is trying to look evil. But I think you made it look too beautiful." he complimented her.

She blushed, "I tried my best. You don't look scary either."

He chuckled, "Well, now that so many people have said it, I don't even know why I chose to wear this. But the harm is done. Oh, I will go now. The minister is here."

He headed to great the minister. But on his way, he saw Professor McGonagall, dressed as a dementor. Dementor was one of the most used costumes because of how easy it was. Beside her was Professor Slughorn, who had funny enough, dressed as a slug.

Hagrid stood behind them. He was probably one of those who didn't even need a dress. He already looked like a villain from some story. But, he was a gentle giant.

"Hey, Hagrid. Eat all you want today." He greeted the big man.

Hagrid cheered after seeing him. "Magnus, yeh've done great. This party looks amazin'. I shall eat some puddin' and get some fattenin' done. Hahaha. Oh, guess what I am today."

"Umm... you tell me," Magnus asked. Since all Hagrid wore was a simple cone hat and some loose white robes.

"Bwahaha... don' yeh see? I'm professor Dumbledore. I made this meself." Hagrid happily showed off his white robes.

Magnus chuckled, "Shouldn't you have made your beard white too?"

"BLIMEY! I forgot." Hagrid bumped himself on his head.

Magnus waved his wand, "Don't worry, I got you, my friend. With one single spell, your beard will look white for a day."


Hagrid lifted his own beard to see. It was indeed white now. He laughed and hugged Magnus by lifting him up.

*Pat Pat* "Why don't you go and show this to the professor himself?"

Finally, after a minute he left Magnus and let him breathe once again.

The dinner was about to be served and most guests had arrived. Magnus spent another hour greeting everyone he could. From the Wizengamot members to ministry heads. Even Adrian, Ted and Edgar had arrived.

"Haha... you should have brought Nymphadora today." Magnus greeted his business partners and good friends. The first members of the secret Order of Merlin.

"I wanted to, but Andromeda still does not trust her family. She fears they could harm Nymphadora." Ted said in concern.

Adrain patted his shoulder, "Let's hope this dark lord can die soon so we all can openly live our lives."

"Yup. I would very much prefer his death." Magnus sighed.

"What have you been up to, Magnus? We know you have started some new projects." Ted asked him.

Magnus sighed, "Well, I can not tell you about them here. They are top-secret, even state secret if you think about it. Though to formalise those plans, I will need help from you three. How is the expansion going?"

Adrain answered, "The Golden Company now has about 40,000 personnel. Half of them are currently receiving 1-year training. Once that's over, you will have the most lethal muggle army in the world. Bobby contacted me a few weeks ago. He said he wants to try and offer some military equipment to us. I guess he finally went into the military manufacturing sector. Besides this, now MEDA has about 8,000 wizards worldwide."

Magnus was very happy with this development. "Cap the Golden Company at 50,000. Instead, hire management staff for those 50,000 soldiers. Also develop a promotion scheme, given on the basis of merit. What about you, Edgar. Emrys Construction is a very important part of my future plans."

Edgar chuckled, "Nobody knows that better than me, Your Majesty. The projects in Saudi will be over by April next year. In record time that is. We're already making a documentary about it. We've even started the initial planning phase of the Channel Tunnel. As for the employees, Emrys Construction now has 15,000 wizards in total. We are the biggest job provider to wizards. In fact, I have contacted many wizarding schools around the world and asked them to allow magical companies to come to their school every year to offer jobs to final year students. Most European and North American schools have agreed. The Japan one might too in a few months." josei

Magnus nodded in satisfaction. He liked the fact that these CEOs of his companies were not braindead. They used their heads and their ideas to move the company forward.

When it was just 15 minutes till dinner, he returned to Severus and Ragnar. "Where is Emma?"

"I don't know." Ragnar shrugged.

"Look, there she is." Severus voiced.

Magnus turned to look at the door. There she stood, wearing a nun dress, fitted perfectly in a way that complimented her figure and exploding youth. But, hers was very different. She... she wore an inverted cross, her arms and legs portion was shredded, showing her pale skin. She was even wearing gloves. But the best part was her makeup. She had most likely used magic to make her eyes look demonic black, with her mascara smudged under the eyes in a long streak.

Magnus was awestruck. He had never felt like this before... at least not for Emma. "Woah... she... she looks so... beautiful." He unknowingly muttered.

Ragnar and Severus didn't have such an effect on them. So when Ragnar heard this, he snorted and commented, "Sev, you said it right, my brother. Emma is Magnus' Bellatrix."

[You can see Emma on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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