Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 186 186-The Things Needed To Be Done.

Chapter 186 186-The Things Needed To Be Done.


"That's settled."

Azrail's voice spread out once they were all locked within his control. Everyone raised their head to look at him, dread and fear filling their eyes as they gazed at him, clearly understanding their life was no longer theirs.

"Fret not, you can remove this restriction on you."

Azrail spoke, his words only building skeptical looks. Seeing this, he continued.

"As always, this is an influence. You are free to live your life as you deem fit within the rules of my faction, and when you reach a certain status, you shall gain the freedom from what I have placed on you."

The words Azrail spoke quickly started to have an effect as everyone's eyes started to gleam. The smarter ones quickly understood the fact that they might be the first ones in the faction, giving them an edge over others. Moreover, the greedy ones only found profit in being in such a faction, led by power over death and the mad scientist is enough backing to go around in the cosmos.

'The stick and the carrot method.'

Azrail mused as he saw the sudden change in the atmosphere bubbling here. It's the most effective method to deal with the situation, of course, it's only a short-term solution, but for now, it works.

"From now onwards, you all are not slaves nor experiments. You shall be provided accommodations worth your goal here, stay within till you will be notified later on."

Having finished his speech, Azrail, along with Nayan, disappeared from where they stood, while all those that were gathered also disappeared, this time being taken into a much better room, where accommodations that matched their specific species were provided.

"Give me the realm traveler."

Azrail quickly demanded as the two of them appeared back in the main room. Nayan didn't say anything as his 'huge' body started to move, taking out a small necklace device with a normal-looking red rock attached to the middle, overall it looked normal, but Azrail knew its higher worth.

This became one of the greatest inventions of Nayan, he had derived this from the Realm Scrapper itself, making a device that helps the wearer travel from realm to realm without problems. It also hides the user's location while protecting the wearer from the heavy atmospheric-based energy from any realm.

A great invention, something that lets Nayan display hell across realms in the 'past.'

"It only has recognition protection for a week, my creation is still in progress."

Nayan said, handing Azrail the necklace who took it, placing it in his storage space.

"Take us here."

Azrail spoke, giving Nayan the coordinates to move the Realm Scrapper to, receiving his orders Nayan took up the coordinates.

"We shall start moving soon."

The 'big' Nayan spoke, giving a bow and moving away.

"Good, don't disturb me for till I contact you."lights

Azrail gave the order as Nayan started to walk away. Once he did, Azrail closed his eyes, his mind playing through all the cards he had on his hand right now, to create a faction Azrail would need some powerful base to begin with, but thankfully the slaves that Nayan had solved the majority of the headaches to start his faction.

This place itself consists of all the needed members of World Spirit masters, array masters, formation masters, blacksmiths, and more, all needed to begin his plans, which would soon be joined in by the members that Valencia will start to gather from the leftover people that Adria used to lead. All of them will be powerhouses in their own right.

lightsΝοvel That itself will give a powerful collection of members, those members from Adria itself will take the topmost positions in the factions, they will all be extremely experienced and powerful, not to mention loyal if Azrail has the means to keep their loyalty all the time.

Azrail already has the powerful servants of Nayan, ones fully committed to the faction he will be creating, they will be the free workforce that Azrail will dry up but if they did their work well he might even put forth the situation of giving them freedom from slavery, a carrot to get their 100% power.

Then Azrail has the new 1700 different species that he just took in, all of them ranging in different years, with some of their minds still shaken, but it's still a workforce that works just for him, the only downside being that he would need to start investing in them, after that, will they be useful to his faction.

This would mean that Azrail would need to filter out the ones to make the very useful and the ones not too useful, which would be another humongous task that would take some time to implement.

Then there would be the personal army of the dead that Austin shall create, they would be the elite workforce of his faction that would only ever answer to him, which leads him to need to create different groups within his faction, all for different purposes and power, a lot of planning is required to be done by him, and thankfully Azrail isn't alone, he has a lot of useful people by him.

And above all that Azrail knows where he can get very useful people for him to use, they would either work with him alive or dead. In the end, it will be his choice on how things will go.

'Sigh.....a lot to do....'

Azrail lamented, yet a smile of satisfaction filled his face. There is a lot for him to do, but by the end of it, only his family will lay to be the strongest in the cosmos and perhaps even above that.

'But before that, I need to get the family together as a whole.'

Right now Azrail has three women as his. They are Yurou, Lun, and Valencia, all of them wife material to him, who will be able to hold with strength, mind, and status within the faction he will be creating, though Lun should be now called as Lysandra, Azrail is sure that by now she must have been named back.

In between, Azrail did have a talk with Lysandra, she contacted him through the connection the moment she woke up, and boy was she super pissed and pouty. Though the moment she understood that the two of them could meet at the tower and use All-Realm to meet, her pettiness took a step back.

From then on, Lysandra will call every day to talk to him about her day. She also going to explain everything about herself, the truths of her lineage, especially about her mom, which is another situation that has a lot of backstory.

Them being the fact that her mother is a Luminararch, a powerful species that belongs to the ones associated directly with a first-tier god of light and creation, one certainly in a more powerful position than the void realm itself, a group of extremely powerful members of a certain pantheon said to have thrown Lucifer to the depths of hell itself.

The Luminararchs themselves are the powerful royal lineages of that pantheon, an extremely powerful one contending with the realms of Greece and more, with their realm itself rating at SSS+, and Lysandra's mother is the direct princess of that place.

Back then the birth of Lysandra isn't something that should have ever happened, the perfect union of void that destroys and Luminararchs that create and spread light, now that is an existence that is breaking the balance, much more than the love that should have taken place between Lysandra's mother and father.

Hence many, even the family members of Lysandra's mother, wanted Lysandra dead, but Lysandra's mother couldn't accept the one true thing she cherishes over everything, a creation of her love, thus she took the help of a certain group of reclusive members of a terrifying faction of time that hides from reality itself.

For an extreme price that took Lysandra's mother, Aurora, to a never-ending sleep of death, Lysandra was at an extreme chance thrown into the future, though by now it's no problem to show Lysandra to the world, for her father is no longer a man that was thriving to survive in the cosmos, but the loved and eternal ruler of the void realm.

And his love for his first child, his first princess from the one woman he loves first and the most in his life is someone he would protect to his death, and the current him ruling over the void realm of SS+ rank isn't one anyone dares to challenge anymore, thus keeping Lysandra safe, but her mother right now lay farther from her reach.

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