Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Ling Clan Surrounded

“I don’t know.”

Ling Xiao shook his head.

“Noble Son Ling Xiao is so intelligent… How can you not know? In today’s Heavenly Peak Gathering, you shone brilliantly and defeated Li Xinghui to become the number one noble son. Originally, my father wanted to betroth me to Li Xinghui, but now, he changed his mind and wants to betroth me to you. Aren’t you happy?”

Shi Yulian chuckled.

“This Ling Xiao is naturally happy for getting the favor of Young Lady Yulian, but his heart lies in the martial path. Moreover, I’m just 14-years-old. It's too early to talk about marriage.”

Ling Xiao tactfully refused.

“Humph, a thing that cannot tell good from bad.”

A boorish voice resounded as Shi Long and a young martial artist entered the hall.

Ling Xiao had previously seen that young martial artist, one of those people who had infiltrated the small clans.

“Leave! Even if you had agreed, this old man wouldn’t have agreed to it.”

Shi Long sneered at Ling Xiao, “This noble son is Noble Son Fei Yu, and this old man has already betrothed Yulian to him. What are you? How can my Shi Clan take a fancy to you?”

In Shi Long’s eyes, his daughter was just a tool to exploit.

After learning Fei Yu’s strength, he had hastily rushed over.

In fact, he had previously decided that even if Ling Xiao agreed, he would find an excuse to drive him away.

If Ling Xiao didn’t agree, that would naturally be best.

Compared to the Rank Seven Martial Vein Martial Master Fei Yu, Ling Xiao was nothing.

“This Ling Xiao will take one’s leave!”

Ling Xiao found the situation laughable in his heart. Was Shi Long’s head okay? He had been the one to invite him, but now, he was saying this.

However, it was fine. He had never wished to marry the Shi Clan’s golden daughter.

He left without the slightest hesitation.

Other people might be interested in being the son-in-law of Heavenly Peak City’s City Lord, but he had no interest at all.

Within White Cloud Province were tens of cities like Heavenly Peak City. His goal was higher than the limits of this small Heavenly Peak City.

Seeing Ling Xiao leave without the slightest hesitation, Shi Yulian’s heart trembled.

She didn’t know why, but she felt that Ling Xiao was extraordinary.

Although this young man’s strength was not powerful now, his terrifying potential, calmness and wisdom were exceeded those of his generation.

Even some veteran martial artists couldn’t compare to this young man other than their cultivation bases.

Was he truly a 14-year-old martial artist?

Ling Xiao also didn’t know that after awakening the Landscape Martial Soul, he had greatly matured under the Landscape Martial Soul’s subtle influence.

“Father, isn’t it unwise to offend him like this?”

Shi Yulian asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Yulian. Do you know where Noble Son Fei Yu came from?”

Shi Log excitedly said, “He is a disciple of White Cloud Province’s Heavenly Ren Academy. Do you understand now why your father wants to betroth you to him?”

“Heavenly Ren Academy!”

Shi Yulian trembled upon hearing these four words.

From a long time ago, she had wanted to study there, but although she was regarded as a genius in Heavenly Peak City, her reputation was limited to there, leaving no chance for her to enter the academy.

After marrying Noble Son Fei Yu, wouldn’t she have a better chance to enter Heavenly Ren Academy?

“Yulian, Noble Son Fei Yu has already agreed with your father. Today, you will leave Heavenly Peak City with him and go to Heavenly Ren Academy. Once you enter there, regardless of any Li Xinghui or Ling Xiao, you will surpass them both.”

Shi Long happily explained. 

“This Yulian understands.”

 Shi Yulian quickly forgot about Ling Xiao. Only Fei Yu was left in her eyes.

After a short while, Li Clan’s Patriarch Li Yunsheng also visited the Shi Clan.

Fei Mu, Fei Liu, and Fei Yun had come with him.

“Fei Yun, how is the situation over at your side?” Fei Yu asked.

As the strongest among these four, he was naturally the leader.

“Refused!” Fei Yun shook his head.

“That Ling Clan actually dared to refuse us! Why didn’t you directly wipe out the Ling Clan? I’ve already wiped out the Wang Clan.” Fei Mu said with dissatisfaction.

“You don’t understand. The Ling Clan is much stronger than the Wang Clan. I alone don’t have enough strength, so I came back to discuss it with you all.”

“What’s there to discuss? Since the Ling Clan dared to not pledge loyalty to His Majesty Emperor Ren, they are courting death! We four will go wipe them out.”

Fei Mu was obviously impatient.

“There’s no need for that. Shi Long, Li Yunsheng, since you both have pledged your loyalty, do something on behalf of our Ren Race. I will let Fei Mu and Fei Yun cooperate with you all to wipe out the Ling Clan as well as dispatch 100 Ren guards.”

Fei Yu rubbed his chin and suddenly announced.

“Shi Long obeys the order!”

“LI Yunsheng obeys the order!”

They had long wanted to destroy the Wang and Ling Clans. Now that the Wang Clan had been destroyed, only the Ling Clan was left. With two big clans joining hands, coupled with Fei Mu, Fei Yun, and 100 Ren guards all with cultivations above Rank Five Martial Vein, wouldn’t it be easy to wipe out the Ling Clan?

Thinking this, they quickly agreed.

“Fei Mu, Fei Yun, listen! You can kill everyone in the Ling Clan, but try your best to draw that Ling Xiao over to our side. If he died here, it would be a real pity.”josei



Ling Clan.

Ling Xiaotian sadly examined the disciples below the platform.

The moment he refused Fei Yun, he knew that the Ling Clan had landed in troubled waters. Ling Xiao had returned and now quietly stood among the crowd, listening to Ling Xiaotian’s explanation.

As a beggar, Ling Xiao had originally had no attachment towards the Human Race’s sacred dynasty.

However, he was still a human.

When he thought about the Human Race’s territories being divided by the other races, he felt very uncomfortable.

He wouldn’t fight for the Human Race’s sacred dynasty, but he would fight to preserve the Human Race’s territory.

Moreover, he was currently a disciple of the Ling Clan.

It didn’t matter how Ling Shisan and Ling Jiu had plotted against him and tried to kill him.

It also didn’t matter how the three Supreme Elders looked down on him.

Moreover, the Ling Clan also had Uncle Ling Er, Ling Yihang, Ling Yixue, Ling Luo, and his grandfather Hong Qi.

It was impossible for him to betray the Ling Clan and abandon them.

Besides, with Ling Xiaotian not submitting to the Ren Clan’s threat and refusing to become a puppet of the Ren Clan, he would fight together with this old man.

It was very frightening to fight to the death, but betraying others for one’s own safety was too shameful.

“Everyone, the Human Race has already reached the critical point of total destruction. I, Ling Xiaotian, won’t ask you all to die with me. If you wish to leave, leave as early as possible. In any case, this old man is determined to live or die together with the Ling Clan.”

Just after Ling Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly frowned.

A heaven shaking momentum approached the clan.

In front of the crowd was someone wearing black armor with a black cloak. He jumped from his horse and directly landed on the Ling Clan’s wall.

“Hahaha, Ling Xiaotian, you are truly stubborn. Do you want to make these disciples of the Ling Clan accompany you in your burial?”

“Shi Long!”

Ling Xiaotian gloomily glared at this man.

“Brother Shi is right. There is a saying that ‘he who understands the times is a hero.’ Why are you, a small Ling Clan, struggling against the Ren Clan in vain? Just surrender.”

A figure landed beside Shi Long with his robes fluttering in the air.

“Li Yunsheng!”

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