Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Shameless Betrayal

The earth shook as an aura of danger filled the air. 

All the martial artists of the Shi and Li Clans as well as an army of over 10,000 martial artist troops under the personal control of Heavenly Peak City’s City Lord Shi Long surrounded the Ling Clan.

Although most in the army were martial artists below Rank Three Martial Vein, they had strength in numbers and weapons like crossbows. Even martial artists stronger than them might be turned into hedgehogs when facing arrows from all over the sky.

In addition, a hundred Ren guards above Rank Five Martial Vein were hidden nearby making sure that not even a drop of water would trickle through.

Naturally, the strongest among them were the top ten: Fei Mu, Fei Yun, Shi Long, and Li Yunsheng as well as three Rank Seven Martial Vein Supreme Elders each from the two clans.

At this moment, even if everyone in the Ling Clan grew a pair of wings, it would be difficult for them to fly away. In reality, not many could flee with a movement technique, not to mention flying. 

Seeing such a terrifying scene, many of the Ling Clan’s disciples trembled.

At this moment, their previous hot blood froze as if a bucket of icy water had been poured on them.

Even a fool could tell that today’s matter was bleak; the Ren Race might truly wipe them out.

Panic spread as one person’s fear grew to become the fear of many people.

From top to bottom, the Ling Clan had less than 5,000 disciples in total, and the majority were below Rank Three Martial Vein.

With just this strength, wanting to fight against this allied force was like throwing an egg against a rock.

Looking at the trembling, fearful appearances of the Ling Clan’s people, Shi Long was delighted at heart.

For many years, he had fantasized about this kind of scene, but beyond his expectations, the Ren Race had realized his dream: pledging his loyalty to the Ren Race had truly been the correct decision.

Shi Long stood and suddenly punched a building structure inside the Li Clan’s courtyard.

Just one punch with gang qi exploded against the structure.

That building instantly turned into ruins.

Only Martial Masters above Rank Seven Martial Vein could achieve such a terrifying strength.

“Hahaha, everyone in the Ling Clan, listen!”

He placed his hands behind his back and loudly announced with a domineering air: “The Ren Race came from the oversea island of the immortals. They are fighting to defend our Human Race’s territory. Today, we invited the Ling Clan to become a member of the alliance, but unexpectedly, Ling Xiaotian, this old ignorant man, refused this proposal with sinister intentions.”

“Today, this City Lord and two envoys have come to take this old ignorant man’s dog life and remove the Ling Clan from Heavenly Peak City!”

Remove the Ling Clan from Heavenly Peak City?

Wasn’t that saying they would wipe out the Ling Clan?

It seemed that Ling Xiaotian’s refusal to cooperate with the Ren race had truly angered the barbaric Ren Race.

“No, I can’t die yet! I’m still young!”

“Yes, I don’t want to be buried with the Ling Clan!”

“Why did the Patriarch offend the Ren Clan? He truly courted disaster!”



These feelings only grew.

Naturally, everything was seen by Shi Long.

He smiled. “This City Lord has said that we came here today to kill Ling Xiaotian and those other stubborn people. It has nothing to do with the rest. If you all are willing to leave the Ling Clan and pledge allegiance to the Ren Race, the Ren Race will definitely treat you all kindly!”

“The clan disciples also can do this?”

Someone asked in a loud voice.

“Of course! Even if you are Ling Xiaotian’s biological son, as long as you are willing to pledge loyalty to the Ren Race, there will be no problem.”

As soon as he said this, chaos broke out within the Ling Clan.

Heavenly Peak City had been peaceful for many years.

Most of the young people had never experienced the former war between the myriad races or even small-scaled wars against the alien races.

They didn’t know that the establishment of the Human Race’s sacred dynasty had been hard-won.

They didn’t even know that the Human Race could become the vassals and slaves of other races that could be purchased and sold.

Once, humans would be casually killed on the streets, and the other races would need to only pay a few taels of silver in compensation. 

That dark age had passed long ago, so the current Human Race didn’t understand the significance of the sacred dynasty.

Even if the sacred dynasty declined, the Human Race must never give up their territory; otherwise, the dark age would soon return.

Ling Xiaotian looked gloomy, but he couldn’t do anything.

Things had already reached the point where they couldn’t be undone.

The opponents were too strong.

Although he hated those who were not determined, it was too late to say anything now.

“Now, those who are willing to pledge loyalty to the Ren Race, step out, and stand over there.”

Shi Long pointed where Heavenly Peak City’s troops had aimed their crossbows. As long as these people dared to move randomly, he would not hesitate to shoot them.

“Don’t be afraid! As long as you are truly sincere, no one will do anything to you. Of course, if you don’t want to leave the Ling Clan, it doesn’t matter. You all can accompany Ling Xiaotian to hell.”

In the crowd, some hesitated while some were a bit scared.

After all, Ling Clan had always treated traitors without mercy.

Naturally, there were some people who hesitated between loyalty and life.

“Whoever dares to betray the Ling Clan at this time, I, Ling Wuhen, will kill him!”

Ling Wuhen, the second young master of the Ling Clan, suddenly roared and pulled out his sword.

“When you joined the Ling Clan in the past, the Ling Clan treated you all very well. Today when the Ling Clan ran into disaster, those who abandon the Ling Clan are unfaithful!”

His words were correct. In fact, including Ling Xiao, many had received a lot of kindness from the Ling Clan.

Although Ling Xiao had been wronged and treated unfairly, since he had joined the Ling Clan, it had given him food and drinks as well as the chance to cultivate martial arts.

Furthermore, most people had received much better treatment than Ling Xiao.

Those who betrayed the clan at this moment were truly shameless and unfaithful.

“Humph, Second Brother, your words are pleasant to hear, but if you want to truly die together with that old fool, you can accompany him. We are not willing.”

At this moment, Ling Jiu stepped forward and sneered at Ling Wuhen in disdain before walking towards where Shi Long had pointed.

“Ling Jiu, you scoundrel!”

Ling Xiaotian nearly vomited blood.

He had never expected that the first person to betray the Ling Clan would not be an externally recruited disciple but rather his own son.

“Old man, if you want to die, I’m unwilling to accompany you. As the saying goes, ‘he who understands the times is a hero.’ I feel that pledging loyalty to the Ren Race is a good thing. Not only will the Clan be saved, but our clan might also develop even further!”

Ling Jiu sneered. “Your way of doing things is no different from throwing an egg against a rock.”

“Father is right!”

Ling Chong rushed over to stand beside Ling Jiu.

Once this pair of father and son took the lead, many who had been hesitating before decided.

In a short moment, several thousand disciples walked over in ever increasing numbers.

Among these people, although some were externally recruited disciples, there were also a lot of clan disciples.josei

Honestly speaking, Ling Xiaotian hadn’t had much expectations for the externally recruited disciples to stay; it was normal for them to abandon the Ling Clan.

After all, they didn’t have any blood relations with the Ling Clan.

However, clan disciples’s betrayals broke his heart, easily discernible from his body’s trembling. 

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