Hero of Darkness

Chapter 961 Back to the Past

Chapter 961 Back to the Past

Chapter 961 Back to the Past

The Hero's Party continued their quiet progress through the frozen paths, their well-maintained formation helping them conquer the challenging terrain. [So there's the guardian.] thought Kahn as he sensed the soul of the enemy hiding in the shadows.

Kahn, in his role as Atreus, remained vigilant, sensing the presence of the guardian that pursued them from the shadows.

The abilities like Hunter's Domain still granted him some range in his passive skills, allowing him to keep track of the enemy's soul signature.


Even as a Semi-Saint, his passive skills were hardly limited and some abilities still worked perfectly even with the reduced range. SWOOM!! With a swift movement akin to a shadow, the guardian disappeared from Kahn's senses, slipping deeper into the obscurity of the surroundings. The pursuit continued, but Kahn's awareness of the enemy's movements remained a step ahead.

And in just a few minutes, the surrounding including the sky started to change.

In a matter of minutes, the landscape underwent a dramatic transformation. The light that had illuminated the sky dimmed, replaced by an eerie and oppressive purple fog that rolled in from all directions, enveloping the party.

The environment changed drastically, casting an unsettling atmosphere over the group as their surroundings took on an otherworldly appearance.

The party members reacted to the encroaching purple fog that was seeping into their protective barrier.

"My snowstorm can't repel this fog." Xavolees exclaimed in frustration.

Atreus couldn't help but make a snide comment.

"Tch! Great, another useless teammate."

Xavolees retorted, "Hey, if you're so good, why don't you try?"

However, his retort was met with a punch to the face from Atreus. Xavolees was clearly taken aback.

"This bastard!" he grumbled, though he was eventually calmed down by the intervention of the others.

"One day, I will make him pay for this humiliation." Xavolees muttered under his breath.

"You're right. Why does he get to act so brazenly? He's not even stronger than you as a saint.

You don't have to tolerate such disrespect."

Unexpectedly, an eerie voice resounded in Xavolees' mind. It was as if his thoughts were being echoed back to him.

In reality, the purple fog and the punch from Atreus were nothing but illusions. These illusions, however, were causing Xavolees to experience scenarios in which he felt belittled or humiliated by Atreus.

"Hmph! Just wait until I burn Atreus to ashes. That day, my vengeance shall be complete." declared Speki, the fire summoner mage, his eyes flashing with determination.

"Man, I just want to go home and eat my mother's cooking.

I don't care about this Conclave of Heroes and all this bullshit. Let's just get this over with as soon as we can." grumbled Borat, the lionkin with a mane made of green hair.

"Svana… I loved you!" Pokawor's voice wavered as he spoke, lost in memories of a past love.

"That damn bird Vikaat is finally dead. That asshole once made fun of my shiny scales.

That's what you get for messing with me. Ha ha!" Rolkan chuckled, the basilisk descendant mage clearly enjoying the comeuppance of his supposed comrade.

Each of them seemed lost in their own thoughts, speaking their inner monologues as if the outside world and the people around them had faded away.

Inadvertently, they were isolated by their own musings, unable to hear the words uttered by others.

In the present moment, an eerie sense of detachment had settled over the group, where feelings of hatred and anger seemed to hold sway.

The party members were caught in a peculiar limbo, each experiencing their own inner visions and emotions as if they were the reality.

[Kid, you noticed it?] Rathnaar's voice sounded in Kahn's mind.

[Yeah. This guy is really cunning.

I initially thought he might employ some sort of illusion skill to manipulate everyone's perception, but his method is far more sophisticated.] Kahn responded.

[He's using the entire environment as a grand illusion formation, weaving hints and visuals into the very fabric of the trees and stones.

These objects and their colors are triggering specific emotions and responses in our minds.] Rathnaar explained.

[Agreed. The marshland and poisonous gas are just distractions.

This guardian manipulates the Chaos Element to exploit our unpleasant memories, compelling us to act in certain ways he desires.

He can provoke anxiety, rage, suspicion, or any other emotions he wishes, like puppeteering characters in a twisted play.

And in this cruel game, the puppets are real living beings, with their deaths being permanent.] Kahn summarized with a disturbing sense of the guardian's twisted strategy.

[What a sadistic guy… I like it.] said Kahn with admiration.


The Chimera continued its manipulative assault on the minds of the Hero's Party, adopting various forms to sow discord and paranoia among them.

It skillfully incited skirmishes and fueled existing tensions, exploiting the emotional vulnerabilities of each member.

In Xavolees' vision, the Chimera targeted his fear of inadequacy, using his Ice element to demonstrate his vulnerability.

The Chimera orchestrated a scenario where Xavolees' powers faltered, leaving him defenseless and ultimately leading to his demise.

For Maximus, the Chimera delved into his deepest fears. It transported him back to his previous world, where he relived his final battle.

Despite his valiant efforts, the future it portrayed was grim—a kingdom in flames, people impaled on poles, and the stench of burning corpses.

As the illusions played out, the Hero's Party struggled against their inner demons and fears, each facing a personalized nightmare.

[This is amazing! I can feel the chaos element rising in this domain.] thought the chimera whose existence was still unknown to others.

The Chimera reveled in the chaos it had orchestrated, pushing the party members to their breaking points.


Maximus was ensnared by the illusion, transported back to his original kingdom, where haunting memories took over his senses.

His heart raced as he faced his grandfather, a pivotal figure from his past, who had shaped his sense of duty and honor.

In the illusion, Maximus found himself replaying a heart-wrenching loop. He attempted to avert the kingdom's downfall, tirelessly striving to save it from its tragic fate.

In one version, he resorted to drastic measures, even assassinating the nobles and seizing the throne in a desperate bid to secure victory.

But it was already late since with the figureheads of the forces gone and the internal corrpution with the military officers as well as court of ministers already causing mayhem, vying for power and authority… instead of making it work, the soldiers who served different lords and noble houses didn't unite.

Rather, they either fled from the kingdom or surrendered willingly.

Maximus did his best efforts to circumvent the situation and tried to save his kingdom... Yet, time and again, his efforts proved futile.

The cycle repeated, the kingdom's demise echoing relentlessly, and the weight of responsibility bore down on him, exacerbating his inner turmoil.

In the throes of his PTSD, his grandfather's presence became overwhelming.

The figure who had once guided him now taunted him, his words twisting into cruel and disheartening advice.

The illusion manipulated his vulnerabilities, pushing him towards the brink of despair.

"Why do you fight?" his grandfather's voice echoed, a sinister whisper in the depths of his mind.

"You're burdened by the weak. It's time to be selfish, to think only of yourself."

The illusion's influence tightened its grip on Maximus, his emotions entangled in a web of confusion and pain.

But as the cycle of torment persisted, a moment of clarity emerged

—a spark of defiance that blazed within him. Fueled by determination, he seized his opportunity.

With a resolve that pierced through the illusion's veil, Maximus confronted his grandfather.

In a climactic gesture, he drew his weapon, a symbol of his unwavering strength, and struck a final blow. STAB!!

He stabbed his grandfather's chest with bare hands and pulled his heart out.

In that moment, Maximus reclaimed his agency, breaking free from the chains of his past.

The echoes of his grandfather's influence faded, leaving behind a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As the illusion crumbled and the menacing figure began to transform into the grotesque Chimera, Maximus stood his ground.

The monster expressed its astonishment at his escape, surprised that someone had managed to break free so early from its psychological torment.

"How is this possible?!" it bellowed in surprise.

In the face of the Chimera's confusion, Maximus's resolve burned brighter. He had seen through the illusion's twisted machinations and regained his inner strength. josei

With unwavering determination, he confronted the monster, his voice infused with valor and resilience.

"This is a sick joke. I can't believe I fell for it." Maximus declared, his words cutting through the air like a blade.

"But thanks to you… my resolve as a Hero is even stronger than before."

As the Chimera's transformation continued, its monstrous form taking shape, Maximus's voice rang out with a renewed purpose.

He refused to be broken by the illusions, drawing strength from his own memories and beliefs.

"How… No one has escaped me this early before," the Chimera marveled, its surprise evident.

Maximus's response was resolute, a testament to his unyielding spirit.

"You made one big mistake." he stated firmly, locking eyes with the monstrous creature before him.

"Even in the darkest of times, even in the face of imminent death…" Maximus proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of his convictions.

"My grandfather would never give up on hope."

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