Hero of Darkness

Chapter 962 Completely Liberated

Chapter 962 Completely Liberated

Chapter 962 Completely Liberated

Struggling against the insidious mind games of the guardian, Maximus found himself ensnared within his own memories, confronting his deepest regrets and failures.

The guardian's power aimed to exploit the chinks in his mental armor, dredging up moments of vulnerability and regret to sow chaos within his mind.

Yet, even amidst the overwhelming flood of emotions, Maximus managed to break free from the cycle of despair. It was a memory of immense significance that provided him the key to escape the clutches of his own mind.

The guardian had manipulated his emotions, focusing on the failure he felt when he was unable to protect his homeland despite sacrificing himself. However, the true power to dispel the illusions lay in his memories of his grandfather.

Maximus' resilience and strength of character were deeply rooted in the teachings of his grandfather. The values and lessons imparted by his elder had shaped him into the honorable and virtuous man he was today.

When faced with the guardian's attempts to manipulate his emotions and exploit his vulnerabilities, it was the memory of his grandfather's teachings that ultimately became his anchor, guiding him through the tumultuous storm of illusions.

Maximus' realization that his memories and the wisdom of his grandfather held the key to breaking the nightmare showcased the profound impact of mentorship and familial bonds on an individual's development.

His ability to emerge stronger from the ordeal also highlighted his capacity to turn adversity into an opportunity for growth.

By confronting his past, both its triumphs and regrets, Maximus harnessed the strength to overcome the illusionist guardian's assault on his psyche.

This triumph was a testament to his resilience, inner strength, and the enduring power of the values he had inherited and internalized from his grandfather over time.


Meanwhile at the same time… just like the others, Kahn was also brought into a nightmarish world where he faced his fears and shortcomings.

Kahn now stood in his old apartment in his previous life. The metaphorical cage he had trapped himself in his previous life.

In this nightmarish realm, Kahn was forced to confront the isolation and loneliness he had experienced in his previous life on Earth.

The apartment that had once provided him solace now turned into a symbolic representation of his self-imposed cage, a reflection of the emotional walls he had built around himself.

Being the antisocial person Kahn as Elric was on Earth, after checking out of his office, he always directly returned to this Fortress of Solitude instead of mingling with his colleagues or creating any friends in the outside world.

The peace and quiet were so addictive to him that he would rather stay cooped up in his apartment for months than have a single human interaction.

And now, this enemy had brought him inside that Comfort Zone which was also one of the factors for his lonely and pathetic life on Earth.

The enemy had exploited Kahn's past insecurities and choices to create this mental landscape, drawing him into the very place where he had hidden from the world.


At the same time, a slim man with brown hair and blue eyes materialized out of nothingness.

It was a confrontation with the consequences of his actions, as well as an exploration of the fears and regrets that had influenced his decisions. So the past Kahn, known as Elric had also materialized in this place.

"Remember this place? Remember how it felt being left alone?

You had no one to worry about. You had no one who expected anything from you." spoke the manifested Elric, his words dripping with a mix of nostalgia and bitterness.

"All you used to do here was watch Animes, read Mangas and Manhwas as soon as it was available.

You cared more about the 'Next Chapter' than other important things in life.

It was a place without worries and any form of pressure. This was a blissful paradise." he continued, his tone carrying a hint of wistfulness.

Kahn stood there, immersed in the illusion of his past life's solitude. The apartment felt eerily familiar, the sights and sounds evoking memories he had buried deep within.

The conflict within him intensified as he was confronted with the allure of the uncomplicated existence he once sought.

But as the words of his manifested past echoed in his mind, Kahn's eyes began to reflect a different understanding.

While the cocoon of isolation had offered him refuge, it had also stunted his personal growth, rendering him emotionally distant and detached from the world around him.

He looked around at the familiar surroundings, once comforting, now suffocating. The illusion was breaking, revealing the limitations of a life without connections, challenges, and aspirations.

The realization dawned upon him that the paradise of solitude he had created was a gilded cage, isolating him from the richness of life itself.

And the next moment...

"The fuck do you mean?" Kahn's voice was sharp as he stared at his old self, his former life projected in front of him.

"I watched so many Animes for decades that I could no longer remember their plots or characters despite my eidetic memory. My mind jumbled them all together and erased the excitement and respect for them." he said angrily.

He continued, his tone reflective, "I read so many Mangas that I sought more and more of them just to fill my dopamine quota instead of doing real work or making myself better."

"I spent so much time on reading Manhwas and Manhuas that at one point, I stopped appreciating them. I became a cynic who left hurtful reviews in the name of constructive criticism, thinking I could write better ones myself, solely because I read other people's works." confessed Kahn with a hint of regret.

"I became a spiteful person who acted like I was a genius, believing I could create s or anime better than those who spent hours working, researching, and writing.

I belittled their efforts, dismissing their sacrifices for their health and social lives, all for the sake of indulging my own arrogance." spoke Kahn as a touch of remorse entered his voice as he continued to recount his past.

The room was heavy with the weight of realization as Kahn confronted the darker aspects of his past life.

"Do you think it's something I should feel proud of? Knowing nothing about what happens behind the curtain, yet feeling entitled for reading and enjoying other people's work?" Kahn's voice held a mix of frustration and self-questioning as he locked eyes with the projection of his past self.

"It was simply an addiction, much like those who indulged in drugs or surrendered to their carnal desires.

It was the easy way out, a hypocritical shield to mask my inadequacy and lack of real achievements in life."

"Acting like an asshole on the internet, believing I was somehow superior or had an intellectual or moral high ground, was nothing to be proud of." continued Kahn, his voice holding a touch of disappointment.

"Instead of falling into that pit, I should have embraced discipline, committed to my goals, and strived to better myself each day. Becoming a decent human being and contributing positively to the world, my communities, and the people close to me—that's the way I should have lived." with growing intensity, he berated his former self.

The room seemed to vibrate with Kahn's self-reflection, a powerful confrontation with his own past shortcomings.

"It took me committing suicide and undergoing intense training in this life to overcome those failures and the guilt that haunted me.

I died countless painful deaths, each one a stark reminder of my flaws."

"I was supposed to live as a real man, not some deluded coward who blamed his childhood trauma and circumstances for the loneliness and misery I endured." his voice grew more resolute, a fervent admission.

"I had every opportunity to turn my life around, to find happiness. Yet, I used my past as an excuse for my failures, rather than seizing the present moment to shape a better future."

His self-reflection remained unflinching, "And now, you're saying that I should value this rabbit hole of isolation I dug for myself, where I judged the world through a screen, as something peaceful?"

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of realization and regret.

"The current me is completely liberated of my past life." he declared sternly.

Then Elric responded to Kahn's thoughts with a challenging tone...

"Do you believe you're superior now that you've achieved the strength you so desperately sought?

Do you think you're finally courageous enough to break free from the mindset and limitations of your past?" asked Elric dauntingly.

"Then why not prove it?" he continued taunting Kahn.

In an instant, Elric's form morphed into that of Atreus. The only difference was the replacement of the usual glowing blue eyes with pitch-black ones.


However, Kahn's reaction was swift. He hurled a small orb towards the duplicate Atreus.


With rapid reflexes, the other Atreus seized the orb without hesitation. Not taken by this surprise attack.

But before he could comprehend the situation...


The orb detonated, releasing a cloud of green smoke. josei



Choking and struggling, the imposter Atreus collapsed to the ground, weakened by the gas.

His desperate coughs filled the air as he gasped for breath.

"Breathe in. That's fear." spoke Kahn in a domineering voice.


The fake Atreus stood up at attacked Kahn with a powerful swing.


But Kahn blocked it effortlessly with his left arm.

"You're not brave."

The camera's focus shifted to Kahn who revealed a stoic and tyrannical expression as he declared...

"Men are brave."

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