Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Love?

Imani looked at Midnight and smiled, "I'm a B ranked Awakened, training under Sir Ryan. My powers are Enhanced senses and high physical prowess. So I specialize in guarding and close quarters combat." 

Midnight nodded when she heard Imani, She smiled and looked at Imani, "well, I hope you keep Alex safe and sound. For now, I just want to go home and fall asleep. This day has been tiring." Her gaze then ran to Alex," I'm sure you also feel that way, right Alex?" 

Alex also nodded, "I wouldn't mind having a long warm bath after getting back into the hotel. Just relax like that for a while." 

Imani nodded when she heard the two, she turned towards the Exit and said, "Well, then, we better get going. I won't be joining you two in the same car but I will be in a different car, behind yours. From now on, you can ignore me like a shadow or if needed, you can call me for any form of help. My job is to protect and serve you for the time being." 

Alex laughed when he heard Imani, "Well, I have some basic knowledge in cooking food, and from what Ryan said, there might be some food in the house. Cleaning is also something that I can do so you need not worry about a thing."

Imani nodded when she heard Alex and walked towards a car outside the Bureau. Midnight and Alex also exited the building and walked over to their car. They entered the car and headed towards their Hotel. 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "Well now you have a little maid for you… Well, a maid who is also assigned to protect you, Isn't that romantic?" She said with sly eyes, seeming to plan something. 

Alex scratched his head questioned, "Romantic?" He was confused.josei

Midnight nodded when she heard Alex and laughed, "Yup, very romantic. Haven't you read the stories where a 'Young Master' is protected by his maid. He then falls in love with the maid. Their love being eternal. It seems like Alex will be a Man soon." She put her hands on her cheeks as her eyes glistened. Alex's eyes opened wide, he couldn't help but imagine. But Alex quickly shook his head and looked at the dreaming Midnight. "I… I don't think she meant it the way you thought. Plus, I won't be asking her for anything else…"

Midnight nodded as she puffed up her cheeks and pouted, "At least let a woman imagine something romantic like that… Men are so boring like that, Even buster doesn't do anything special." 

Alex Laughed when he heard Midnight, he seemed to be slightly surprised when he heard Midnight but when Alex thought through it, It was very obvious.

Midnight looked at Alex and laughed, "I might say things to entice a man but that's just how I normally am. My heart is taken by that dense man." Alex laughed in return as well when he heard Midnight.

Midnight then gave a small smirk towards Alex and said, "How about you, Do you have anyone special? Doesn't have to be from this world. From where you're from as well, anyone?" She seemed to be curious. 

Alex shook his head, "No one, Like I said this morning in the facility, I was alone my entire life. I didn't really have people who knew me well, except for that old woman who sympathized with me, that's it."

Midnight looked a bit disappointed when she heard Alex but she slowly turned to the road and smiled slowly, "It seems like that kid who had never experienced that form of love will be overwhelmed." 

Alex seemed confused by Midnight's words but he didn't keep it in mind. He had already grasped what personality she had and didn't take her words seriously, 'She likes to tease and joke around a lot so It's better to not take those words seriously.'

After some time, the two arrived at the Hotel. Alex walked out to see that the entire area was quiet. He looked across the road towards the site where the evolving Gate appeared to see a few soldiers assigned there. Around the soldiers, a few scientists sat, doing experiments. Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "Those scientists are checking the environment and the EMF left behind by the gate. Well, that's all I know about the tests, Buster could have explained in more detail." 

Alex shook his head and walked inside the Hotel, "It doesn't really matter. Not everything needs to be explained in detail, I would probably forget half of the things that Buster would have said so it's fine by me." 

Midnight laughed when she heard Alex. After they entered the hotel, Imani also followed behind, entering the building. Alex noticed a large suitcase in her hands. 

Imani noticed Alex's gaze and smiled, "It's to check the blood. You two should head over to your rooms, I'll be checking everyone's blood here before we can deem your contact with them safe." 

She turned her head to the reception and said, "Call out everyone who works here in turns, You'll be the first one to be checked." The woman hastily nodded when she saw a small badge on Imani��s chest and quickly did as told. Imani wore some masks and gloves, She also gave the gloves to Alex and Midnight and said, "Wear these before you touch the elevator buttons, We still don't know how they transmit the mind influencing parasite so we need to be extra careful." 

The two nodded and wore the gloves and Mask. They quickly walked towards the elevator. 

After entering the elevator, Alex looked at Midnight and said, "It feels weird being treated live this, I probably would have been fine on my own. This type of protection and treatment should be given to higher-ups who can't protect themselves, I can protect myself pretty well, plus I have you nearby so nothing will happen."

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