Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Interruption

Midnight shook her head, "I know it feels weird but from looking at the past as well as your current powers, You're an asset to the country. Healing powers are very rare so you already have a reason to be protected, plus the fact that you're already close to becoming a B rank in terms of powers is already a sign that you might break to the S ranks in the future. There are only 7 Active S ranks in the country. So you need to be safe. For the future of this country, You are very important. So that's why you're a VIP, at least for this moment. And the thing about me being nearby, I will be but not for the entire time. I will also need to train myself. I feel like I could make a breakthrough and become a bit more powerful if I continue to train hard."

Alex looked at Midnight and nodded, "I guess that's acceptable. Although I don't know much about this world, I guess it would make sense that they would protect someone who can heal. I guess I'll need to wait for Master Zhun to send someone to train me, on healing and combat. Haha." Alex laughed on the outside but he didn't want that to happen, He knew it was useless having someone train him, all of his powers didn't come from the training but from the system that gave it to him. 'I'll need time alone to get better, not with people… Once things are cleaned up, I'll need to go somewhere quieter and train as the System says to, I'm sure that's the fastest way to get better, Well that and defeating reapers from gates.' 

The elevator stopped, Midnight looked at the floor number and smiled, "Well, that's my stop, I'll be going now, Remember my room number if you need anything. I'll be happy to help. You can also call the reception if you need something, well once everyone is cleared from the tests. Imani will also come to your room in a while, I think.. No, I'm sure she will, so you can ask her for anything as well. I will come up to your room in an hour so don't be doing anything inappropriate at that time." Midnight laughed as she walked down the hallway, to her room. 

Alex said his goodbye and waited for the elevator to move. He looked around the elevator to see a small camera, 'I can't be that impatient in looking at the system, I need to calm down…' He couldn't help but feel a bit more excited to look at what he had unlocked. 

The elevator doors opened, Alex looked at the door and was surprised, "There are boxes here, lots and lots of boxes…" He couldn't help but walk towards the boxes to open them. As he walked to the boxes, He noticed a small note on one of them. Alex walked to the note and picked it up. 

"Here are your supplies to survive for a week or so. I've already shown you the kitchen so all you need to do is put these boxes there. The vegetables in the fridge might look like the fridge can't hold all of these but It's bigger than you think. That's all. I will be busy with my investigation so we won't be able to meet for some time. But if you do need me for some reason, I've left my contact number at the end of this note. And from what Ryan told me a few moments ago, If you want to help me out in the investigation, you can only do so once you reach the B rank in terms of powers. Take care… Hana." 

Alex slowly read the note and smiled, He then looked at the number written at the bottom of the note and entered it in his phone, "Thank you." He sent a message to Hana. 

Alex then carried the boxes and entered the Room. He walked in and organized everything. 

After some time passed, Alex quickly hopped in the bathroom and took a quick bath. After some time, He changed clothes and jumped on the couch. "Finally, I can have a look at the system and everything that I've unlocked…" Alex quickly rubbed his hands in anticipation as he opened the System menu. But a voice interrupted him before he could have a proper look at the menu, "Alex! It's me, Imani." 

Alex rolled his eyes and sighed, "I guess I'll have to deal with her before looking at the system…" He seemed to be a bit annoyed but Alex quickly calmed down. He walked to open the door, "Is there anything that I can help with?" He said when he saw Imani. 

Imani shook her head and smiled, "I was actually going to ask the same question to you, that's why I came here. That and another reason." Alex looked at Imani, confused, and asked, "Well, I don't really need any help so It's fine. What's the other reason?" 

Imani nodded, "Yup, Before anything I guess I should brief you. Everyone in the hotel is clear but we will be performing tests on anyone in the nearby areas. Until then, please don't leave the premises." Ale nodded in return, "Ahh okay, I got it." Imani smiled and said, "Then I'll be going, Please call for me if you need anything. " She walked towards the elevator and headed to her floor. josei

Alex sighed and jumped back on the Couch and said, "Well, At least It'll be quiet now. I can finally look at the System." He once again opened the System menu but just like before, a voice interrupted him, "Alex!" He took another deep breath and walked towards the door, He opened it to see Midnight in front of the door, a small box in her hands. She looked at Alex and smiled, "As I said before, I brought some food!" 

Alex looked at the ceiling, 'Will I ever have the time to look at the system?'

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