Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Advanced Tutorial

Alex looked a bit confused when he heard the description. He pressed on the Item Shop to have a look inside.

[Item Shop]

A bunch of items and potions appeared in front of Alex. He looked at A Health Potion. 

[Small Healing Potion - 2 Energy Crystals]

"Is that a small amount or a lot? What even are energy Crystals?" Alex questioned as he looked around the menu. He looked at the top right and saw a small crystal icon, next to it, the number 10. josei

"I already have energy Crystals?" Alex looked confused when he saw the number. He looked at his inventory to see if he could have a closer look at the energy stone. But when he opened his inventory, Alex has a confused look on his face, "Wait… This is the energy stone?!" Alex quickly equipped the energy stone. 

A blue crystal appeared in Alex's hand. When it did, Alex could immediately connect that this was the same crystal like the ones that the other awakened were very curious about. He saw another inventory slot that shocked him as well, "Charged energy stone" Alex looked at that name and already had an idea of what it was.

"Don't tell me, this is the same energy stone that Sir Fire used to experiment on? It was injected with energy so it was glowing pretty bright. If it's the same one… I might have a problem here." 

Alex Said as he quickly equipped the Charged Energy Stone. A glowing energy stone appeared in his hand, looking very similar to the energy stone in his other hand, except for the fact that it was glowing. But that wasn't the concern for Alex, He was more concerned about where the energy Crystals came from. "Don't tell me… This is the same energy stone that everyone got from the evolving gate today… That means that the awakened that sneaked into the facility or the chance that one of the staff was under the mind control in the facility was all wrong… The person who took some of the energy Crystals was me?!" 

Alex looked at the energy Crystals with a panicked face, he had no clue how this happened but he knew that this would cause many problems if he was caught. Alex quickly put the stone in his pocket and tried to think about how this might have happened. 

After pacing around the room, Alex put the dots together, "The Reapers that I killed… It must have been from the reapers that I killed… No… That doesn't make sense at all, why would I have 10 then? I only took down a few that had crystals… Hell, The charged Crystals that I have didn't even battle with me, It was midnight who took it…" It felt like everything was making more sense only for it to slowly not make sense. 

Alex ran his mind, trying to understand why he got more energy Crystals than the Reapers that he killed. Alex then quickly turned to the system and looked at the menu closer, He knew that the system took the crystals so there had to be some indication for why more was taken, especially when Alex didn't even know for himself. 

Alex then thought of something, He slowly spoke, "System, why did I get more crystals than the reapers that I killed?" he knew that the system would answer questions so Alex hoped that The system would explain this to him. 

[Shared experience and loot system. For more information, It is recommended that the Player take the In-depth UI and System Tutorial.] A woman's voice slowly explained.

Alex looked surprised by what he heard. He looked at a new prompt in front of him, [Begin UI and System Tutorial]

Alex thought for a few seconds before pressing the prompt, "I don't think that anyone else will come to my room today so I guess I can safely begin the tutorial." He nodded and pressed the prompt. 

The voice of the System slowly entered his Mind, explaining everything to Alex. He sat on the sofa and absorbed every information that he could. After a few minutes, Alex got up from the sofa. 

The Tutorial was nearly over and Alex had understood a lot. He looked at the ceiling and took a deep breath. "This will cause some problems in the future… They probably could suspect me because something like this has happened before with my dagger disappearing from the army's hands before they could investigate it. But again, this case is very different, that was explained because they thought the weapon was my powers creating it from magic and it just simply came back to me but the crystals had nothing to do with me. Ryan didn't even suspect me when he told us about the stealing. So I guess, for now… I am safe." 

Alex took a sigh of relief as he fell to the sofa. Alex touched his hair and laughed, "if I stress this much, My hair might turn white soon…" Alex slowly sat up and looked at the system.

"So… every time I'm involved in a battle, even just being on the sidelines. As long as they consider me a team member, I will gain some experience and a small share of the crystal from the reapers… So just shared ex and loot among the team… This could help me a lot as I could ride from very high ranked awakened defeating high level reapers, giving me enough experience to level up faster… But again, it did say that I had to be involved as well, that's why I didn't get the experience from gold killing those reapers alone…"

Alex shook his head and looked at the menu, He was interested in something, [Item Shop]

Alex looked closer into the item shop. "Maybe there is something that could be very useful for me… Maybe a high-level potion or an amazing weapon…" Alex looked at the different selection of weapons, armor, and potions, searching for something special. After some scrolling, Alex's face lit up, "That's one hell of a name".

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