Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: HADES

"Hades" Alex looked at the name with a small smile. 'The greek god of death. That's a good name.' Alex pressed on the name to see what the item was. It got his initial attention because the Icon was empty and only the name could be seen. 

[Hades- Legendary Weapon Made by the Gods.]

[Description: Made from the strongest metal found in heaven, hades is a special Legendary weapon built for killing demons. Its creator, Alaki, The god of weapons made it to be used by the Blessed to Put an end to the devil King. As it was made by the God Of Weapons, Hades has a special feature. It doesn't have a primary form but instead takes the form of the weapon most compatible with the User. It also evolves with its owner. A weak owner will have a weak Hades but a strong one will be able to take out the full potential of Hades to kill their enemies.]

Alex took a deep breath when he saw the description of the weapon. He looked at the weapon name once again and then the small text next to it, [Legendary]

Alex looked to the ceiling and thought for a second, he seemed to remember something, "Blesses…" He thought for a few more seconds, "Did that Reaper say something about the blessed from within the Gate? Are the Awakened called the Blessed by the Reapers?" Alex quickly shook his head, "No… If I remember correctly, The Reaper said that he was disappointed that there was no blessed in the area… but he also talked about getting stronger… That means one of two things, Either Awakened who have crossed a certain strength are the Blessed he was talking about… or Blessed are some other creatures who also battle with the Reapers…"

Alex then felt a huge shock when something came to the realization, "Wait… Gods… Gods blood… I didn't want to say this but our God's real? It would make sense, All of this magic, All these unexplainable things that are happening, It would make more sense if someone out there was going something to make them happen… But I don't believe that These God's are the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, and All-powerful gods that people worship but People who have great Powers… Maybe These "Gods" Might be the blessed the reaper was talking about. People who got extremely strong after awakening that their status became that of a god…" Alex tried to put things together but at that point, he was just speculating. 

Alex looked at the SYstem once more, "For now, I'll leave all that alone. I'm not strong enough. I'm sure that once I get more powerful, My questions will be answered. So I'll have to focus on this system more." Alex looked below the Weapon description, [Not for purchase.] He looked a bit disappointed when he saw the prompt but Alex knew that even if it was for sale, he wouldn't have enough crystal to buy a Legendary weapon." 

Alex looked around the menu, to see if there was some other way to unlock the Weapon. Alex then saw a small question mark next to the prompt telling him that it was not for purchase. He quickly pressed it to see.

[Hades is only available after Player completes its trial. There is no minimum level for the trail as the challenges in the trail will be according to the Player's level. More information will be provided on the trail when the player wants to begin the trial.]

Alex read the prompt and couldn't help but smile. He knew that he could begin the trial anytime but Alex didn't know what to do. "I could start the trail right now but I'll probably have to get to my peak before doing so. If it doesn't require a minimum level, I assume that the enemies will be similar levels to me. So I might need to train and get to my peak physical condition and not suffer the debuff from this morning before trying the trial… That would also mean that I will need to stock up in Potions so I can heal and have my Mana back before in the trail if it is combat-focused."He said as he went back to the item shop screen, "At least I won't need to save the crystals for the Weapon and I can just focus on buying what I need." Alex looked at the potions and smiled, "I'll probably buy an equal amount of health and Mana potions. The rest of the things here don't really interest me… But I can't be sure yet. There are more pages where I can scroll so I'll need to look more." josei

Alex looked around the item shop more. After some scrolling, another small smile fell upon his face, "Abilities…" Alex saw a tow filled with abilities. "But… These Abilities seem like they need a higher level… The lowest requirement here is Level 20 and that for a passive ability." Alex went back to the first page and bought potions. 

He took a deep breath, "3 Mana Potions and 2 Health Potions, they're small potions but I can use one potion multiple times… Maybe 2 times each. So I'll be good, especially since I already have a few options already." Alex lied down on the couch and looked at the ceiling, "I guess I'll have to train hard for a few days… I don't know what will happen in the trail so It's best to prepare myself. So I'll need to be at my peak before doing it. SO my first battle will be to complete the morning training routine that the system gives soI don't have a day-long Debuff… I'll also need to find a way to kill reapers to get more experience so my next hurdle will be to convince Imani and the others to allow me to go to gates to train… After doing these things, I'll hop in and do the trial. The dagger was good but I don't think using daggers in my calling. If I get this weapon, It will transform into the weapon most compatible with me so I won't need to stress too much."

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