Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: The Man in The Black Mask

Alex took a deep breath and said, "But won't this be a problem? The crystals are with me, I'm sure that later on when I defeat more reapers with the crystals, a small number or even maybe a huge number of those crystals might be taken into my inventory… It's said that even If I don't put it in my inventory, after a certain time or distance away from the items, they will automatically be kept with me. I think to prevent anything like this, I'll be to clear gates on my own… It might be better as the experience is also shared, I'll be In advantage when I'm with higher-ranked Awakened but once I'm with those similar to my in strength or weaker, It'll be my disadvantage as even if I kill all of the reapers, They'll get a share of the exp…"

Alex stood up, "I wouldn't mind it at all if the ones weaker than me would grow with me but I also need to focus on getting stronger. A Few already were pointing fingers at me this morning. Although I didn't put much thought into it because I was new to the world but I didn't like it as well… I didn't like it at all." Alex looked at his profile once again, "With my health and Mana increased, I can use more abilities with less worry. It should also increase a bit tomorrow after I finish the morning workout. Now, I've done everything that I wanted from this morning, It's time for me to just relax."josei

Alex lied down on the sofa and turned on the TV. He kept flipping through the channels until a certain one caught his eyes, "The Increased Rate of Gates appearing is concerning to everyone." Alex looked at the channel, "It's the news… Well, I don't know much about this world so I guess listening to the news is the best thing to listen to, for me to learn more." 

"Experts say that after the sudden burst in energy that happened the day before, The rate of gates increasing all over the world skyrocketed. With one gate being seen nearly every 30 minutes worldwide. And if this rate increases the same way it has increased till now, The awakened won't have enough people on their side to clear the gates… It's also said that an increase in the rates of gates will be the least of the problems. Speculators say that there will be more Higher Ranked Gates and an increased amount of even S rank gates… We also have the possibility of having the Legendary Gate once again… But on the good side of all this, increased gates means more people to awaken their powers. That is why the government and the Awakened Bureau is asking for your help. We ask anyone who had newly awakened their powers to visit the Awakened Bureau's recruitment office. The more awakened we have, the safer the country is." The anchor seemed to be confused all of a sudden, He looked at the camera with a scared expression. As he continued to look at the camera, A few muffled screams were heard in the background.

Alex got up from the couch when he heard the screams. The Camera suddenly turned black for a few seconds. "Alright!" An excited voice came from the background as the camera slowly turned to a Man in an all black suit. He has a black sack with a small smile on it. His overall getup was very creepy and unsettling. 

The camera slowly turned as the man walked to the anchor. He put his arm on the Anchor's shoulder and looked at the camera. The initially scared looking Anchor looked at the Camera and started laughing. Alex quickly had an idea of who the man in the mask was, "He must be the guy behind these mind controls…" 

"My happy little friend here will give you all the real news!" The man laughed as he put the focus on the anchor. 

The Anchor, still smiling said, "The awakened are taking advantage of you all, The bureau is all false. They take your tax and lie around all day. They leave people to die… They don't care about you, they just want to kill reapers for fun and get their money. I've seen awakened who have let an innocent girl run around close by a gate just to see her get torn apart by the reapers… Do you all really think that those people should be in charge of our safety?" 

The Man in the black mask laughed, "The increase in the number of gates is something that will bring more of those incidences to you all. Who knows, You might be the next victim to the Awakened who-" The Channel suddenly stopped broadcasting. 

Alex looked at the blank T.V and sighed, "This… This is to frame all of us and get the people to be against us… I don't know how true the words of that man were but… from what Hana said, Most of the Awakened are in it for the money and they wouldn't care if the people were to be killed… There will always be horrible people but there will also be good people… That guy… He's trying to get the Awakened Bureau to lose power so that the Government Will take control of everything…" Alex sighed once again. He couldn't do anything even If he was worried. "I feel like I can't do anything…" 

"HAHAHAAH" A maniacal laughed came from the T.V, catching Alex's attention. Alex quickly looked at the screen to see the Man in the Black Max, laughing continuously. He slowly started to dance and continued, "We're the Brotherhood of Freedom… Join us and we will free you from these evil Awakened who want to take over us… Everyone can join us!" The man Spun around as he laughed… Alex looked at the Man with only confusion on his face. "He looks like he already lost his mind…"

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