Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: They Won't Last Long

The man stopped spinning and ducked to the ground to pick something up. Alex looked curiously towards the screen, curious about what the man was trying to pick up. The man In black slowly picked up a long umbrella. "If you're interested in joining the brotherhood, don't worry. I'll tell you how to join." The man slowly opened the umbrella as he stared at the camera.

The Man twirled his Umbrella and continued, "If you're interested…-" The broadcast was turned off once again. Alex used to remote to check the other channels to see that every channel was down. "It seems like they initially tried to block the news channel but that man was able to put it up again so this time, they might have stopped the entire broadcast system to stop them from being able to do anything." Alex said as he watched the 'No signal' Box bounce around the T.V screen.

He looked at his phone and said, "Well, I really don't need to do anything, and I don't have the authority as well. Everyone probably knows what just happened so It won't make sense to call anyone…" Alex jumped back on the couch, "The Brotherhood Of Freedom…" Alex thought of everything that happened from the morning and laughed, "Freedom my ass… They just want to be in power so that they can take down the people who are protecting the citizens… I can't deny that there are bad people but there are more good than bad… The real bad men here are the ones who use mind control to make others do crimes for them… Attack others and provide more people to experiment on." Alex sighed as he slowly closed his eyes. 

————Awakened Bureau————

"What the hell just happened?" A voice roared through the building. The voice came from a man in a small dark office. He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone. His office was dark and the only thing that illuminated the room was the light from the screen in front of him. 

The man looked stressed, his face was red with and but a slight hint of confusion in his eyes as well. He looked at the screen in front of him and played back the recording of everything the Man In Black did. "It's good… Shut down every channel for the next 24 hours, we'll need to take action." The man ended the call and put his hand on his head. 

He looked at the screen once again and sighed, "It seems like the biggest question has been answered… The Brotherhood of Freedom? Sounds like a cult to me." The man stood up and slowly walked out. "You already knew that I was about to call you, Haha," The man said as he looked to the corner of the hallway. 

"Ryan, I also saw the news… It was obvious that you'd call me to investigate this…" Vis slowly walked out of the corner as he looked at Ryan with a serious expression. josei

Ryan nodded and continued, "I already have some bad news, The man in Black seemed to just disappear like nothing… If I had to guess he was the leader of the group itself… The anchor seemed to be genuinely scared at first but just after he came into contact with that guy, the anchor's face changed and he started to say that we were evil…" 

Vis nodded, "He did have some slight point though… The Awakened in lower ranks seem to be having fun doing nothing… Everything that the man said was true but those were the very rare cases and we imprisoned those who acted that way…"

Ryan nodded when he heard Vis. He looked at his office and sighed, "we already had so much to do now we have this on our hands as well. But this was something that wouldn't be that big of a deal… I'm sure that the guy knew as well, He just wanted the world to know of him and his organization than just run away. The Channels were cut by us but the guys at the broadcasting center told me that just a split second before they could cut the channels, the man was already cut off… Well, the screen turned black so him being cut just before explaining how to join them was also the plan…" Ryan shook his head and walked down the Hallway, "we need to talk with Master Zhun…"

Vis nodded and walked behind Ryan, "So them saying all that wouldn't affect the citizens and turn them against us…" Vis thought out loud. 

Ryan nodded, "indeed, If you were a normal person watching the news to see a man attacking the news studio to talk about the organization he made to fight against the very people who are first in line to protect them, would you believe them?" Vis shook his head when he heard Ryan, "I wouldn't at all, I would just think that it must be a conspiracy organization…" 

Ryan stopped walked and Looked at Vis and laughed "Well, some would believe them but there is always those type of people everywhere, who believe in everything they hear without looking into it once." Vus laughed as well, "that is true… But Ryan… If they're busy enough to attack the facility, steal some of their things, and then attack a news channel to introduce themselves to the world… What else will they do in the future… That's a huge call for concern."

Ryan nodded and took out his phone, "I really don't know… Everything that happened was unpredictable, For something like this, we can only wait for their attack and counter them… But I'm sure that this organization won't last long, even if they have mind controls…" 

Vis looked confused, "Why would their organization end quickly?" Ryan looked at Vis and smiled, "Well, We have Hana who is investigating their head scientist… She seems to have gotten closer as well so we are sure to find that guy in a few weeks… And we have Sir Fire and Buster working hard to find the solution to the Mind control…"

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