Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Sleep

Vis laughed when he heard Ryan's words, "Well, I never gave it a thought but yeah, they've already lost. Once Hana takes down the scientist, she will for sure go for their leader. We will also need to help her in her investigation but things are tight because of the increase in gates… But even if we offered her help…" Ryan nodded when he heard Vis's words. 

He looked at Vis and said, "That I have covered… Hana seems to be a bit fond of Alex, the reason is unknown but she does seem to trust him… And she has already said that she will allow him to help her once He ranks up to B rank. Which, looking at his growth, once we provide some intense training, he's already at a point where he could fight with a B rank head-on… So once he becomes more trained in combat, he'll reach it quickly. I'd say one week and then we will name him to be a B rank…" 

Vis looked confused by Ryan's words and took a deep breath, "That's all fine but Someone who you meet and know for only one day, being more trustworthy than people who you've worked with for 2 years now? Isn't that reckless and just plain dumb?"

Ryan nodded when he heard Vis and spoke, "It is… I can't deny that but I also have this intuitive feeling that Alex is someone we should trust. I don't know why but I would trust him… Call it a gut feeling. But still, We have a close eye on Alex but looking at his actions till now, he does seem trustworthy regardless… Anyways, It's Hana we're talking about, even if he was to show some ill will he just be taken out in a split second… Till now, I haven't seen anyone who could take down Hana." Ryan looked at the door closeby and smiled. "Well.. We will have to leave this talk for now and enter the room. Master Zhun just entered the room." Ryan said as he walked to the door. 

Vis nodded and said, "It was a good talk… I will now go and investigate the place. I'll keep you updated If anything happens or if I get some new clue.��� 

Ryan nodded and bid Vis farewell. He then walked into the room to see Master Zhun, sitting on the chair. "I was sleeping you know?" He spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Why did you call me, What happened now?" He asked in a grumpy voice. Ryan nodded and spoke, "The Organization behind all of this has identified itself… They raided the Newsroom and announced to the entire world that they were the saviors from the 'evil' Awakened who like to watch people die. They also talked about wanting more members but they themselves cut their broadcast before he could explain how to join so It's just introducing themselves to the world as the Brotherhood of Freedom and trying to make us the bad guys in a few people's eyes." 

Master Zhun took a deep breath and looked at Ryan, "any clues left? Do we know who the person was? They must have been on camera so facial detection to find the person is easy…" 

Ryan shook his head and spoke, "Nothing… He wore a black suit and a fitting black mast with crescent shaped eyes and a wide smile. He also had gloves on so we can't expect fingerprints… This is not likely but if we find some hair samples we could use that for DNA… Nothing else. Before entering the room, I sent Vis to investigate this as well as try to find some lead into who that person was…"josei

Master Zhun nodded and thought. After A few minutes he stood up, "We really don't need to do much, make a press release tomorrow, maybe a few interviews but knowing you, all the channels are shut off for a day or two. But after that, all we do is wait and watch. The companies will hire more guards to protect themselves from any potential attacks. And we just need to inform every awakened about the Mind control and tell them to not be in physical contact with anyone they don't know…"

Ryan nodded, "Yes sir!" Master ZHun then turned to the other door in the room and said, "I'll be off to sleep. You know that I don't have much time, this old fool needs as much sleep as he can get. Tomorrow, we need to explain everything that happened today to the Top Dogs as well as the public so I recommend you to sleep as well. As soon as dawn breaks, we'll behave to be ready for everything…" 

Ryan nodded again and watched Master ZHun walk out of the room. He also slowly exited the room from the other door. "Things picked up since yesterday… I'm sure that we also have a new S rank ahead of us but training him might take time… So much work to do and so little time… the thing about Master Zhun saying that he doesn't have much time also concerns me… He looks so healthy yet he doesn't think he will live for long… But I can't say anything, his powers are to look into the potential of other Awakened which is technically looking into the future or at least what it could be… So he knows that there is a possibility that he will die soon… I'll need to send more people to watch over him while I work as well… There is the investigation as well, even though Hana doesn't want me involving myself, I do need to do some more research… Master Zhun has already told me to ask OJ, our best healer to help Alex with his new healing abilities and train him to heal others…' Ryan took a deep breath, "Ahh! I'll just sleep!." He walked to his office, "I can stress about everything later." Ryan said as he jumped to his chair and went to sleep.

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