Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Attributes

(I know that It's been confusing for some of you but don't worry, I will be writing Attribute Points instead of Skill Points for Player attributes. I will slowly change it in the previous chapters as well.)

Alex laughed awkwardly, "I should go, We can have a chat later. Bye." Rachel continued to laugh and waved Alex goodbye and he walked to the elevator. 'Is there no other method of going to the higher floors that the elevator? I'm pretty sure that it would count as running if I ran down some stairs so It wouldn't be me waiting in the elevator for a few minutes… I'll need to ask once I'm fresh.' Alex thought as he waited in the elevator. "I should just take a bath, then call Midnight… She said that she would train me and I genuinely need the training. I might have some enhanced strength and speed but I have no combat knowledge, I just use the dagger skill or throw it. So I need to learn how to fight, at least at a basic level so I can be more useful in a battle." Alex said when he reached his floor. 

He opened the door and headed to the bathroom. "But what Rachel said was true, the sweat from doing that much training is just astonishing. I'll need to drink a lot of water as well." Alex thought to himself as he got ready to take a long bath. 'This is a more relaxing day, nothing huge is happening, no meeting… That thing about the Brotherhood of Freedom will be dealt with by the higher ups so I can finally let loose and relax…' Alex thought to himself as his mind started to relax. 

"I still can't believe that I'm in some other world, most things are the same… A few rules like the Id rule where you need the Id everywhere is weird but you get used to it… Not everyone has powers so there is no discrimination for those who are powerless… The thing that's the same here is that the people are just following every word of the government like it's made of stone… I was one of them but after everything that happened, My eyes have opened… Even here, the awakened dislike the government, Hell, the new organization which experiments on new awakened and uses mind control to make the victims do their bidding are supported by the top dogs of the Office…" Alex said with a sour face.

He looked at his body and took a deep breath, "but it's very weird, At times it doesn't feel like my body. I've grown taller, my muscles became more defined and my impure acne filled skin became clear… Wait…" Alex suddenly thought of something, he looked at the system Ui and spoke, "System, What happened to my body after I obtained your power?" Alex asked in high hopes. 

[Player Alex's body is still the same… The damage done from being torn in half was too great so when the player was healed from that state, his body was reconstructed once again, making the player grow taller as well as have a more durable body. Player Alex's body was also rid of any impurities by the reconstruction process.]

Alex was happy to hear the system's answer. "So the reason that I look more attractive was that I was saved from near death by my body being reconstructed? That's something to think about but what's more important now is the fact that I forgot that the System would answer my questions… I don't know why I didn't think of asking it more questions, I just assumed it to be something that only tells you a few things…" Alex put his palm on his hand and sighed. 

He looked at the UI and noticed his health.josei

[Alex- Lesser-Known Vigilante]

[Level- 11]

[health- 70]

[Mana- 63]

Alex looked at his Attributes menu and spoke, "I don't think I have to learn how changing the Attributes affects me by trial and error…" Alex looked at his health once again and asked, "System, How is my health and Mana affected by increasing the values of the Attributes menu?"

A woman's voice answered, [Attributes affect player health, mana, and situational awareness and rational thinking abilities. It also increases Physical prowess.]

Alex nodded and thought for a while. He once again spoke, "System, can you tell me what's affected by each individual Attribute?"

[Strength: Increasing Strength will affect Player Health. Higher-strength points mean a higher number of Health points. It also increases the player's pain endurance and defense. If the player has high Strength, he will not only have more health Points but will also take reduced damage from enemies. Strength also increases the physical powers of the player, meaning that the player can lift heavier objects, Jump higher or land without taking damage from a height.]

[Agility: Increasing Agility will Affect the Player's speed. It will also increase the player's health points but at a smaller rate than Strength. Increased agility also affects not only the player's physical speed but mental as well, Player will be able to process situations faster.]

[Intelligence: Increasing Intelligence will affect Player Mana. Higher Intelligence leads to an increase in Mana points. It also increases the Player's thinking capability of the Player. The Player's thoughts will also be less distracted and processing situations will also be quicker. When the player has higher intelligence, it will lead to the possibility of him being able to create skills and abilities of his own.]

[Dexterity: Increasing Dexterity will slightly affect player mana as well as slightly affect player health. Increasing Dexterity will lead to more health and Mana points for the player. The physical effects on the body by this Attribute is similar to Agility but the Player will also have magic related effects. The player can cast higher level magic at a quicker rate and as Dexterity increases, The mana usage for abilities will decrease.]

[Courage: Courage is A special Attributes Point as the player cannot change the value. It will be increased by other Player Actions. Its effects on the player are increased mental prowess. A higher number of courage points will lead to the player being calmer in deadly situations. Player will also be able more restive to Illusion type attacks.]

The System explained slowly.

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