Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Small Talk

"Wow, So I was just dumb and didn't realize that I could ask these questions to the system and get an answer instantly. I guess other than giving me powers, the system also helps me a lot in terms of information…" Alex said as he slowly got up from the bath. He walked out and wore a new pair of clothes, "These tracksuits are really comfortable, and I can more freely… The clothes I had before were just torn… I only had a few good clothes to wear when applying to jobs." Alex sighed when he thought of the past once again. He looked at the time, "It's six-thirty now… I'm sure they are awake by now. So I'll just call Midnight." Alex pulled out his phone. But after thinking for a second, He put it back in his pocket, "My muscles still hurt a little, I might as well take a break. Go down and talk to Rachel for a while. She seemed worried about me to It's better to do that. There also should be a restaurant in the hotel…" Alex then thought for a bit and said, "Even if there is one… It might be closed. The mind control parasites are something that we can't really do anything about but just stay away from others physically so eating food in a public place would be the main place where they would spread. That would make sense why Imani said that she would cook if I didn't know how to…" Alex walked over to the door and said, "Doesn't matter. I just need to relax for now and talking to someone normal will be the best thing to do for that." Alex said as he entered the elevator. 

He looked at the system Ui once again, "After I am able to finish this daily morning training and not have any De-buff for my health or mana. I'll immediately do the Hades Challenge. It doesn't need me to be a high level so it'll be the perfect thing for me. If it's some game mechanic like a wave of enemies or just certain challenges I need to complete, It should make the enemies around my level which would mean that they are easier to kill for me so It should be an easy challenge."

Alex exited out of the elevator with a small smile. He felt happy when he thought about getting a legendary weapon for himself. Rachel saw Alex with a smile and said, "Did something happen to make your face light up?" She was curious. 

Alex shook his head, "No I just thought that I would get a break today… It won't be as weird as the last two days. I'll just train at midnight, have some food, maybe train more and then go to sleep." He quickly made up a reason. Rachel looked confused and asked, "That doesn't really sound like a break to me… You did some intensive workouts early in the morning. And being an awakened or not, your muscles should still be sore, even if it's only a little. And now to have combat training with Miss Midnight… It sounds pretty rough to me." 

Alex laughed when he heard Rachel, "It's a bit rough, I agree with that. But if you really compare it to the things I went through the last two days, It really does feel like a break." Rachel looked at Alex and nodded. "I would offer some coffee but it's against the current rules so I apologize for that. We can continue our chat here though. I was pretty worried about you when I saw you get shot by the reapers… Even if you're fine now, it must have been difficult fighting all those reapers… Plus, you had to deal with more after you dealt with that lot. The gates evolved and even stronger reapers came. You also dealt with those even after you if you were tired. Granted Midnight and Buster were there to help but still, it must have been tiring." Rachel suddenly got up and ran over to the door behind the reception desk and headed in. 

Alex looked confused by Rachel's actions. He didn't understand what she was doing. "She just left as we talked? Or is she getting something?" Alex mumbled as he looked at the door. A few seconds later, Rachel spoke from within the room, "I'm sorry if it looked weird, I was getting my coffee. The milk was boiling and I didn't want to clean up the stain from the overflowing milk." 

Rachel walked out with a cup of coffee in her hands. Alex smiled and shook his head, "It's no big deal, I was just confused at first." Rachel smiled back and walked over to her desk. It was quiet for a few seconds but the ringing of the phone in the reception broke the silence. "Reception office, how may I help you?" Rachel said in a cheery voice after picking up the phone. 

Alex stood there as he watched Rachel Answer the phone, "He is here." Rachel looked at Alex with a smile. "Of course, I can send him over to you." She said as he put down the phone and looked at Alex, "it seems like our chat will be a short one. Midnight asked you to get ready. Training will begin in 10 minutes." josei

Alex looked confused, "How did she know I was here?" He asked as he looked around the reception. Rachel laughed and answered, "Weird, right? She can guess these things pretty well. But that doesn't matter for now. You already look ready so you can just sit here while you wait for Midnight to come. From the sounds of it, She was pretty fired up. Her combat training is pretty good from what I've heard, many people have come out from her training as effective fighters."

Alex walked over to a chair and spoke as he sat down "That means that she has trained others before me." He looked curious. 

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