Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Will I be able to use it?

Rachel nodded, "Midnight might not be a close ranged combat specialist but she is a good trainer. Every now and then, She and a few other A rank Awakened train the lower level awakened in combat so you have her as a personal trainer is really good. From what I've heard her training has helped many new awakened to be more effective in combat."

Alex looked surprised by Rachel's words. "I thought she was just going to help me because there was no one else available. I didn't know that she trained others as well and was that good at it on top of that…"

Rachel smiled, "you're lucky, having her as a teacher will help you a lot. At least you will be able to protect yourself if anything happens. Then I don't need to worry about you every time you do something."

She looked at Alex, slightly furrowing her eyebrows. Alex scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, "We'll if I get in trouble, It's probably not under my control. I mean, yesterday and the day before yesterday are the main examples of that. Half of the time I had no clue what was going on. I woke up in the morning, a few hours later, I'm in some other world, an hour later, I'm being attacked by a mind-controlled awakened, another few hours later I'm being investigated. The next day, It's just meeting, Gate opens, The gate evolves, It evolves once again and then the facility gets attacked and then the days end." Alex went off on a rant about everything that has happened so far. josei

He looked at Rachel who was holding back her laughter. When she saw Alex had quieted down, She burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. I really do feel bad for you because of everything that has happened to you so far but I can't help but laugh at you ranting about it all." 

Rachel shook her head and took a deep breath, "I've said this before, You've had it hard. But at least you're alive. That's what matters. The fact that you're alive and well. The reason to laugh is that you've survived it all and now look at you, you're an Awakened. Many people wish to be one of the Awakened, Fighting evil reapers and saving the world." 

Another voice added on to Rachel's words, "Exactly, You're an awakened now. From your story, I can already say that you've evolved a lot, Alex. From that small powerless kid to someone who people will admire, You've changed in a span of days. Granted I don't know for myself the things you've went through or have I seen any parts of your previous life but I can still say that you're doing amazing. And you should be happy and laugh at the shitty things that happened to you in the past. Laugh at their inability to stop you from evolving."

Alex and Rachel looked at the source of the voice to see Midnight. She was standing in front of the elevator with her arms crossed, listening to Alex and Rachel's conversation. Midnight looked at Rachel and smiled, "You aren't too shabby with words, are you? I guess being a receptionist at a huge hotel like this one has helped make you and your words pretty. At least pretty enough to attract and motivate a man in his 20's." 

Rachel Smiled at Midnight and shook her head, "I'm just speaking the truth from what I've seen." Midnight smiled back and looked at Alex, "Well, I guess That was the end of the motivating part of the day. Now after listening to that, I can say for sure that you must be motivated, at least enough to get started with the training. I just came here but knowing Rachel, she must have already told you that I have a lot of experience in training others in combat. I may be a support and long ranged awakened in actual battles but everyone needs to learn close combat. They're lifesavers. Most reapers are short ranged. Only some work with bows or similar long ranged weapons like spears so It's important for us all to learn it. From the way I've seen you fight, I already know that you have little to no combat experience. Except for your dagger attacks, which seem to be techniques which again make no sense to me." Midnight paused and walked up to Alex. 

"It really doesn't make sense at all. Little to no combat experience but you know weapon techniques to kill… You can also throw the dagger pretty accurately… It's all a bit too weird, right Alex?" She smiled as she looked at Alex in Question. 

Alex shook his head and shrugged, "I have no clue, to be honest. I really don't have combat experience, that's the truth. As I said, I worked odd jobs, Maybe some simpler jobs in markets, and even some mining but I've never had actual combat. So I really don't know what to do in battle. So you're right about me doing it from instinct. It all feels like a blur when I think back to it. And the using the dagger attacks, That I don't know. But I think It's just that I'm able to use the weapon that I was able to cast out of thin air. Might be related to being able to cast the dagger. Maybe in the future when I'm able to cast some other weapon than a dagger, I will also be able to use that as well." Alex answered.

'This isn't a lie so I'm sure that Midnight will believe it. It's a semi lie, just twisting words but Now that I think about it… I'm only able to use the dagger cause of the skill but what happens if I get Hades? I don't think a dagger suits me very well so It will surely transform into a different weapon for me but if that's the case, how will I be able to use that weapon?' Alex suddenly thought of a question.

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