Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Training Facility

Alex's face suddenly fell when he thought about not being able to use Hades. 'I'll have to train in basic combat first. After that, I'll need to focus more on weapon skills. If I get Hades, I'll need to learn the weapon that it transforms into. Hopefully, it won't be difficult. Its description said that the weapon would change forms into a weapon that would suit me best. So learning the weapon won't be difficult… Hopefully.' Alex was deep in thought. 

Midnight looked at Alex in confusion, "You just gave me the explanation but then your face just turns sour… Did something happen?" She was confused. Midnight understood Alex's speculation and accepted it but after seeing his sour face, she felt confused. 

Alex shook his head, "No, No. It's not what you think. It's just that a scary thought came into my mind." Alex scratched his head and smiled. 

Rachel looked concerned and asked, "What happened? What scary thought?" 

Alex looked at Rachel and then Midnight and took a deep breath, "it's just that I realized something very weird… I can cast this dagger…" Alex said as he equipped the dagger. He continued, "And I was instantly able to use it… But what if later on, I'm able to cast another weapon but not be able to use it… I'll have to learn to use that weapon from scratch." 

Midnight nodded when she heard Alex. She looked at Alex and smiled, "Then I can help you. I might not be a weapon specialist but I do have some basic experience with many weapons. Not medieval things like swords or Axes though. Only more modern weapons, like guns and close combat knives. If You are able to cast Something like a sword or a spear, I won't be able to help you… But I know a few people who specialize in that and I can ask them to help you." 

Alex's face lit up when he heard Midnight, 'I was worried that I would have some older weapons that I would need to learn on my own but It seems like Midnight will help me find someone.' He looked at Midnight and smiled, "Thank you."

Midnight shook her head and looked at the doors out of the Hotel, "Now then… For where to train, I'd say the training room. Going too far outside is off limits for us. Plus, I dislike the looks we'll be given if we train in a public area. Plus these guards will also be staring at us so we need a place inside and open…" Midnight smiled at Rachel and spoke, "Luckily, we have such a place right here, don't we Rachel?"

Rachel looked at the computer screen after hearing Midnight and nodded, "It'll be free for some time now so you two can train there. Other arrangements are already made as requested by the Association. So you two can just go there."

Alex looked confused by the two's words. He looked at Midnight in question, "Where are we going?" 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "The training room, The best place for combat training for awakening. It's mostly used by the association to train new awakened but due to the current situation, it's free for us to use… Plus it seems like we have some help from the association so no need to get other arrangements ready for that…"

Alex nodded but another question popped into his mind, "Where is the training room? We can't go far outside so traveling to some other place to train doesn't make sense… Is it perhaps a part of the Hotel?" He was curious. He never knew about the room.

Midnight looked at Alex with a small smirk and nodded, "You are half correct, It's here but not a part of the hotel. We can go there freely because it's clear from the public so it'll only be you and I… Well, And a few guards and most likely Imani as well but no one from outside so it'll be clear. We can train in peace there." 

Alex nodded. 'It seems like if possible, I'll be able to use that for that morning training routine. But again, If it's underground, It'll probably take time to reach there so I'll just train outside. I can't go far but I can stay on the premises of the hotel.' Alex made up his mind. He looked at Midnight, "Are we going there now?" 

Midnight looked at Rachel and nodded, "We'll be going there now, Just follow me." She smiled as she walked towards the elevator. Alex looked confused when he saw Midnight heading towards the elevator, 'I don't think I saw any button to go to a lower floor…' 

When both Midnight and Alex entered the elevator, Midnight spoke, "Rachel, you can do it. I'm pretty sure Alex is ready, I am as well." She then looked at Alex and smiled, "It's a bit far but the elevator will take us to an underground railway… We just enter that and the small train will take us to the training room." 

Alex looked confused by all of this but he slowly nodded, 'It seems like there must be underground tunnels joining many important buildings… That sounds smart as well as dumb… If someone gets into the tunnel, Wouldn't that mean that they have access to the other buildings?'josei

Alex looked at Midnight and spoke, "How long will it take for us to reach there?" He was curious how far they would travel. 

Midnight answered slowly, "Not much, a few minutes… The training room is more like a facility, very similar to the facility that they took you to. But that one was meant to take unknown suspects and test their morality as well as strength. This facility is more like a huge area filled with different small scale rooms or buildings that represent different environments to train in. The hotel is attached to this place because most people, Like I or Buster train sometimes and this is a very fast way to reach the facility. Otherwise, the others would have to enter the facility by railway under the association."

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