He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Angel In Disguise

"Ah-..." Andy faintly shook his head down to them before carrying on. "Since when did you have bodyguards? Not to mention... They look very... Very... dependable and strong..."

A muscle on Xiao Yun's face twitched. She didn't want to dwindle around and turn up late to the party and sincerely thanked Andy. "Anyway, this... the compact baton, it really helped me yesterday. Thank you very much." 

"Yup! Yup! I was really worried that something would happen to you... You know, Wang Li Lei was in W Country and he immediately flies back to China. Normally it would take more than 7 hours for him to arrive back, but he actually demanded with his king-like speech to arrive back at China less than an hour. After that, he quickly searches for your whereabouts. Really, you need to praise him a lot today for his hard work. "

Xiao Yun glued her onyx dew eyes on Wang Li Lei. That day, he exactly arrived to save her as fast as he could. Even after saving her, he felt great disappointment to himself for not being able to save her faster or stopped the kidnappers before it happened. 

Since before Wang Li Lei was the type to silently hold back his feelings, afraid of hurting someone from the expanse and heaviness of his feelings. 

Xiao Yun's heartstring tugged tightly. Perhaps even now, Wang Li Lei was still holding a great grudge against himself because of his inability to save Xiao Yun faster. 

'Yes!! If your lover is sad, there's only one person that could cheer him up!!! I should do something!' 

She shook her head with determination, clearing her head, before ordering Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan. "You two stay here today."

Tian Yi protested slightly. "Da- Jie, how could we do that? We are your bodyguards, so it's a must for us to stick into you 24/7 and guarantee your safety!" 

Hi Gu Yan was about to express his agreement when his body suddenly jolted from a hair-raising pair of eyes that seemed to be glaring at them from behind Xiao Yun. 

The bodyguards gulped. They couldn't understand the reason behind Wang Li Lei's sudden burst of jealousy. 

Tian Yi's shoulders straightened involuntarily. His brain worked its best and thought once again of what made his master's fiancee greatly angered. 

Wang Li Lei suddenly became angry because of his words... But which one? 

'Sticking...? A must to stick 24/7...Is it possible that offended Da-Jie's fiancee...?'

Jang Hyun cued from behind while Andy started to covered his nose while mumbling in revenge. "Ugh... Why does it smell like a sea of vinegar here?"

Xiao Yun unaware of Wang Li Lei's cold anger as Wang Li Lei purposely guarded his anger from Xiao Yun. 

"It's fine, Li Lei is here with me, so you two do not need to worry, rather, stay in the house and guard it well."

Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan quickly accept Xiao Yun's words and gave a salute. "Yes, please be careful on your way!" 

Xiao Yun's brow raised half-way. For some reason, Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan agreed too quickly and sounded like in a hurry to shoo her off...

Wang Li Lei opened the door of the care and escort her inside with a honeyed voice. "After you." 

Andy covered his forehead and mutter without a word before getting into the front seat of the car. 

Inside the car, Xiao Yun's mind was filled with how to cheer Wang Li Lei up. She stared at Wang Li Lei's face to gather ideas but in another's view, it seemed like an enamored young girl staring at her beloved with a love stuck eyes. 

Wang Li Lei could feel Xiao Yun's stares that grew heated each second and took a few thoughts before asking. 

"Is there something on my face?"

Xiao Yun flinched from the sudden voice, like a child who suddenly saw a mannequin spoke. Her rabbit ears raise up and fiddled in the air. "No- nothing!! You look perfect as always!!" 

Wang Li Lei chuckled and replied. "Thank you."

Xiao Yun evaded her eyes and stared at somewhere far on the window. 

'I can't read his mind at all...What could I do to make him happy?'

To read Wang Li Lei's expression, it's a billion times harder than an unsolved university-level math quiz. 

She gingerly looked down on the vacant slender, long, pale fingers and received a sudden bolt of an idea. 

Clenching to cheer her up, she naturally placed her hand on top of Wang Li Lei's left hand and tightly intertwine her fingers before leaning her shoulder to him. 

"Ah~ my shoulder is sore..." Xiao Yun gave a slight excuse. 

Wang Li Lei's slightly widened eyes finally understanding her previous behavior and covered his scarlet lips.


Xiao Yun felt pleasingly refreshed after holding hands with Wang Li Lei for the long ride and pout her lips as she arrived at her cousin's house. 

Wang Li Lei read her expression like an opened book and step out of the car before Xiao Yun to lend her a hand. josei

Xiao Yun stepped out of the car and saw Wang Li Lei's hand carefully placed next to her. 

Brightly, she seized Wang Li Lei's arms as if she was holding a delicious chicken drumstick that she would never share with anyone. 

Andy behind gave a tired long yawn and followed the from the back. 

The people that lined up in front of Yu Xia Shi's mansion instantly stared at the lovely couple that had just arrived and taken their breaths away. 

As if they froze on the spot, the people's eyes widened along with gasping and squealing. 

In their eyes, an angelic, delicate features face adorned with her black hair and flowery ornaments that build up an image of a flower fairy. Stood side by side by a wintry, expressionless man that easily bewitch anyone's heart be it women or men and bend them into a sharp U-turn. 

If someone had to express them, it would be like a demon lord and an elegant white Lilly flower. 

However, it wasn't that the pure Lilly flower was seduced mercilessly by the demon lord, but the opposite story. The demon lord was clearly head-over-heels for the pure flower. 

They haven't entered the hall but the chatters had already passed the ninth realm. 

"Wow!! So beautiful and handsome!! Who are they?"

"I don't know, but they don't look like an actor and an actress."

"Since when did Mr. Yu have such a distinguished friend?"

"That girl looks like a genuine angel in the disguise of a human!!!!"

"I have never seen them before? But it feels like I have seen them somewhere before..."

"Ah!!! That behind them isn't that the number one top half-German and Chinese model Wei Andy?!!!"

"What?!!! Woah!!! It's him in flesh!! His face looks so small!!!"

"Hehehe... Because the couple had a very amazing presence, I almost couldn't see him behind...."

Andy felt a sudden sharp pang puncturing his pride as a model from the last sentence. Wiping off his non-existing tears, Andy crooned. "That's isn't my fault... These two are just taking my limelight!! If I know that this will happen... I should have entered first..."

The party receptionist stared at the two's faces without blinking- no, she forgot how to blink from the blinding brightness that came from them. 

Xiao Yun pulled up the red party invitation and placed it along with a birthday gift. 

She raised her face up to the receptionist and slightly lifted her brow to the receptionist whose mind had flown somewhere in trance. 

"Er... Could we enter now?"

The receptionist stared at her in surprise, she didn't expect the doll-like girl in front of her could actually talk!

Sensing the off expression of the receptionist, a concentrated scent of vinegar could be smelled from 10 miles away. 

After learning that Xiao Yun's popularity affected females too, Wang Li Lei's guard to people around Xiao Yun grew tense. 

Feeling coldness, as if someone slapped her awake, the receptionist woke up from her trance and nodded with stutters. "Y- Yes... Er..." The receptionist unfastened the ties on top of the red invitation card. 

"Mrs. Yu, because you are a family of the host, please wear this white flower and the rest of your friend should wear the red one."

"Mn." Xiao Yun nodded, took one white flower and three red flowers on her hand before passing it to Jang Hyun and Andy. 

Without any thinking, Xiao Yun pinned the white flower on her white fur scarf and stood on her toes lightly before carefully place the red flower on Wang Li Lei's chest pocket. 

The people who watched the off-hand PDA scene bit their nails and handkerchief bitterly in jealousy. 

Wang Li Lei's eyes as always fixed to the one and only Xiao Yun. 

"Mn! Done, let's go." Xiao Yun held his arm once again and lead him inside the house. 

Wang Li Lei followed Xiao Yun's lead devotedly and settled his whole self next to her. 

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