He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Fairy Tale's Couple

Like a must, the people in the hall stopped their action and conversation to watch the scene of a lovely couple devoted to each other. 

"Who's that?"

"I don't know!! Woah!! A handsome man and beautiful woman, walking side by side like a magnificent oil-painting... Surely this image would burn the eyes of every single people..."

"But, hey, isn't the flower on the girl's dress is white? Doesn't that mean she is Mr. Yu's family?"

"Hmm...? Ah! That's true! But I have never seen her before..."

"Wait, the only person in Yu Family who still hasn't arrived is Yu Chang Xing daughter, right? What was her name? Yu Xiao Yun?" 

A young girl in a dark blue dress with hair tied in a french bun reacted with her expression as soon as she heard someone mentioned Xiao Yun's name. 

"Xiao Yun? She arrived?" The young girl's expression darkens as she quickly walked toward the main entrance to see the main person in the hot fiery news. 

The young girl froze at the spot. She couldn't find Xiao Yun in her thick white makeup and red lips with a thick panda-like eyeliner but rather a beautiful young girl with soft features, soft fair skin that shone even brightly with her white short dress along with a man in a black ink suits. 

Although Yu Shin Yang could not recognize the young girl's identity who was none other than her own cousin, she could clearly identify the handsome, charming man who is none other than her cousin, Yu Xiao Yun's fiancee, Wang Li Lei!

Subconsciously, Yu Shin Yang gasped and called his name out loud. "W- Wang... Wang Li Lei!!!" 

"What??! Wang Li Lei?" The other sharp-ears women were easy to pick on her words and in disbelief shouted in an even higher tone of squealings. "Wang Li Lei!!! It's CEO Wang!!!" 

The men that are acquaintances with Yu Xia Shi's in business and his company immediately fixed their eyes toward Wang Li Lei and quickly crowded him to introduce themself to widened their area of business, hoping that they could rub off some of Wang Li Lei's goodwill or sweeten their lips to lick his shoes.

Wang Li Lei coldly took a glance at the one by one, casting one thousand years like frost upon his eyes. 

Clearly, the state of Wang Li Lei's heart at the moment was irritation and deep annoyance to the people who crowded him and disturbed his good time with Xiao Yun. 

"CEO Wang, I'm from the Rua Company."

"CEO Wang, we are from the WILL Company."

"CEO Wang, thank you very much, do you remembered me from the previous meeting?"

Wang Li Lei parted his crimson lips bringing a genuine fact that he was alive and not a high technology A.I. josei

"Today is my fiancee's cousin's birthday, please refrain from making a scene before the party start."

Xiao Yun nodded proudly. 'Yup! Yup! Don't stay on our way!!'

She looked up toward Wang Li Lei's robotic face and gave a giggle. If someone could rewind the past video of Wang Li Lei's speech, nowadays, he spoke more words than normal!!!!!

All of this must be, without a single slight doubt, the fruit of her hard work and love!

The people who gathered upon Wang Li Lei clearly hold some unwillingness to let go of the scene like how a farmer wouldn't want to let go of the chance of witnessing the dragon of wealth, hoping to rub some of his luck. 

A word of the Demon lord worth heavier than anything they could ever bear responsibility off. Reluctantly, some of them obediently back off. 

But there were still some people lingering along Wang Li Lei and Xiao Yun but was immediately stopped by Jang Hyun. 

On the other hand, Andy had disappeared somewhere like a breeze.

"Did you heard what CEO Wang said?"

"Yes, fiancee? Who is his fiancee? Someone from Yu Family? "

"But who? That girl? I have never seen her before!!"

A woman in her 40s and a man at the same age walked down from the second floor and immediately walked toward Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei after noticing the undeniable presence. 

"CEO Wang!! Thank you for coming here!!" Yu Xia Yu, Xiao Yun's third uncle politely greeted Wang Li Lei with a gentle smile. 

"CEO Wang, please enjoy yourself. Although our hospitality isn't something we could never brag at, I do hope you could enjoy yourself here. " A woman fitting for Yu Xia Yu's gentle bearings spoke amiably. 

"Likewise, thank you very much for the invitation. " Wang Li Lei answered. 

Xiao Yun felt awkward in the middle of them but still held an uncracked smile. It was very unusual for her kind and gentle third uncle and third aunt to ignore her blatantly. 

Yes, it is almost impossible... Except...

Xiao Yun gulped, no way, right? There's no way that her family couldn't recognize her face after laying under her clown makeup for a handful of years... Right?

There's only one way to find out and Xiao Yun swiftly took the chance. She pulled the other corner of her skirt, spread it mildly, with a pleasing smile. 

"Third uncle and third aunt, good evening and thank you for the kind invitation. Where is Cousin Que Yin? I should quickly congratulate him for his 17th birthday." 

Yu Xia Shi and Yu Bai Xing froze and almost cracked from the sudden graceful greeting. 

The first question that could form in their mind after receiving the formal greeting was "Who?"

Xiao Yun felt like a basin of cold freezing water with plenty of ice cubes thrown over her in the middle of scorching summer after receiving both surprised and puzzled face of her third uncle and third aunt that confirm her guessing. 

Yu Xia Shi slanted his head and after some hesitation, he opened his mouth. "Wh-"

Before Yu Xia Shi and Yu Bai Xing could ask her identity, Xiao Yun felt like she couldn't recover if she was faced with another question of "Who are you?" or "Is that you, Xiao Yun?" and took a step faster to introduce herself. 

"It's me, Xiao Yun. Third uncle, and third aunt." Xiao Yun gave a burst of laughter and buried her face on Wang Li Lei's arm for a moment, hiding her nearly bumbling face. 

"A-...Ah... Xiao Yun! Yun-er!" Yu Bai Xing is very fit for her renowned personality. It took her less than a minute to compose herself with a kind smile while eying her husband hinting him to not make the scene anymore awkward than how it was already is. 

"Ah!!  Ah...Hahaha, Yun-er! You have grown very beautiful!!! This uncle of yours almost couldn't recognize who you were!!" Yu Xia Shi diligently picked his wife's eye motion and hid it with a laugh. 

It wasn't that he couldn't recognize... He really didn't recognize who she was!!

"Ahahahaha..." Xiao Yun laughed. 

In between the three people laughing, Wang Li Lei with his robotic face could still not understand a single ground for their laughter. 

Yu Xing Fu noticed them gathered in the middle of the hall and sped up toward his little sister. "Xiao Yun!!" 

He glanced at Yu Xia Shi and Yu Bai Xing giving a faint head bow. "Third uncle and third aunt."

"Fu-er, where is Yin-er?" Yu Bai Xing last time saw Yu Xing Fu spoke with her son and asked him for his whereabouts after being unable to find a single strand of Yu Que Yin's hair. 

"Que Yin? Hm... I was separated from him before... I also don't know where did he go..."

Xiao Yun took the chance to leave immediately as she still has many people to greet on. "Third uncle and third aunt, Ge-Ge. I will excuse myself for a moment to greet grandmother, first uncle, and first aunt."

"Mn!" Yu Xing Fu nodded.

"Okay, take care Yun-er. Grandmother is on the second floor. " Yu Bai Xing answered. 

Xiao Yun nodded and based on seniority, the first person she should greet would be her grandmother. In the past, she was nagged for not greeting her grandmother first even though she was fooled by her cousin. Thankfully this time, she could directly ask her third aunt for her grandmother's location. 

Wang Li Lei took the first step, turning his body halfway, and stretched out his hand toward Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun took his hand, placing her slender finger gracefully on Wang Li Lei's palm before wholly wrapping her hand on Wang Li Lei's elbow. 

Wang Li Lei didn't let out a single word but thoughtfully place all his attention to help Xiao Yun ascend the staircase. Paying all his affliction to Xiao Yun who was wearing a high heel, afraid that she would slip or have an accident. 

The delicate scene of a prince lending hand to his beloved princess affectionately surge many astonishments to the onlookers around the hall. As if they had just came out from a perfect painting of a fairy tale. 

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