He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: I Am Without a Doubt Xiao Yun

An old woman with a gentle face and curved eyebrow took a slight glance at Wang Li Lei who had just arrived along with Xiao Yun, stopped her conversation with the other people and walked toward them.

"Lei-er!" The old woman called Wang Li Lei's name friendlily.josei

The old woman wore a dark red Qipao, her black hair tied in an upper bun and decorated by ancient flower silver hairpins. Although in the present year, Yu Xi Lin had turned 70 in age, her young, lifely face made her 20 years younger than her real age. 

Yu Xi Lin's behavior and her upright posture hold a deep elegance and gracefulness, in her young age, she was once known for her endless beauty and even as dozens of years, her beauty still preserved. 

Xiao Yun turned her face to the right and smile gently before greeting her grandmother politely. 

"Grandmother, how are you?" 

Yu Xi Lin froze, in all her confusion and disbelief, she stole a 'Who is this' glance toward Wang Li Lei before staring at Xiao Yun's face once again. 

Xiao Yun's hand itched for another facepalm. She had now very wonted with those surprised expressions.

"It's me, Xiao Yun, grandmother. How are you?" 

'By now... I should start to greet everyone by naming my name...'

Yu Xin Li gave a very open book reaction, eyes widened and mouth slightly opened. She took a deep breath, nodded for some unknown reason and spoke. "Your grandmother is fine, Yun-er... It's been a long time since your grandmother has seen you, are you alright?" 

Yu Xin Li gently took Xiao Yun's hand and carefully patted Wang Li Lei's arm. Her eyes silently express her happiness and proudness after witnessing the awe-spiring change on her first granddaughter. 

At first, after hearing the news that Xiao Yun would be engaged with Wang Li Lei, Yu Xi Li was greatly concerned about their relationship. 

Xiao Yun's personality was over-spoiled, easily angered, and unladylike. Her behavior would be in no way fit for the cold, expressionless, and perfect Wang Li Lei. 

In any angle as a spectator's line of view, the two being a couple was a huge unfitting scene to imagine. 

Not only that Yu Xin Li was worried that Xiao Yun would be stressed from the over expectation of Wang's Family, but she was also worried that Wang Li Lei would slowly lose his affection for Xiao Yun and threw her away. 

However today, after seeing the deep impression left by her granddaughter's sudden change into a very lady-like, graceful, and elegant young girl; and how dear Wang Li Lei treat Xiao Yun, her mountains of worries lessen instantly. 

Xiao Yun nodded, regretfully, she part her hand from Wang Li Lei and walked to her grandmother before enveloping her hand on top of her elbow. "Yes! Ah! Grandmother, you know, I will be going to Hangzhou next week, do you want me to bring you any souvenirs?"

Yu Xin Li shooked her head and placed her hand on top of her granddaughter. "No, no need, take care of yourself there...How are your studies? It's near the university exam, take care of yourself and don't strain yourself in studying too much. 

Xiao Yun giggled softly before giving a sluggish sigh. "Yes... The university exams are very near! It's very tiring...But, you don't need to worry grandmother, Li Lei is always helping me to study!" 

Yu Xin Li's brow raised for a moment. "Really? Aiya- Yun-er, don't bother Lei-er too much. Lei-er, how about you, how are you?"

Wang Li Lei gave a gentle face and lightly bowed his head. "I am fine, grandmother. Xiao Yun didn't bother me in anything, instead, I was the one who wants to teach her."

Yu Xin Li proudly gave her approval to their deep affection to each other and continued. "Good, good! Ah-, Lei-er, how is Yan Zhi and Yongyi? Are they still aboard?"

Wang Li Lei, "Yes, grandmother and grandfather are still abroad."

As always, although Wang Li Lei's form of speech that often contain affirmative words to show either "No" or "Yes" had increasingly improved, his answers always straight to the point 

Xiao Yun looked around, she couldn't find either her mother and father nor the main person for today. 

"Grandmother, where are mom and dad?"

Yu Xin Li gave an exasperated sigh and shook her head before pointing the other room opposite to them. "Your father and mother are in that room along with your first uncle and first aunt."

Xiao Yun noticed the heaviness of her grandmother sigh and read between the air silently. It's highly possible that Yu Chang Xing once again has to deal with her first uncle's affair and the troubles that he brought. 

"I will greet them first then..."

Yu Xin Li, "Alright, but be careful and don't speak too rash, your first uncle and first aunt's moods aren't the best today."

Xiao Yun in her heart gave a laugh. 'Since when did those two's moods ever good? Dad and mum must have been stuck with their bickering once again... I should help them.'

"Mn, I understand, see you later, grandmother."

Xiao Yun stepped away from her grandmother, took Wang Li Lei's hand, and walked to the room that her grandmother pointed at. 

Wang Li Lei obediently walk beside her, giving a deep warm smile while gazing at each of Xiao Yun's actions. 

Xiao Yun studied the atmosphere of the room that was filled with annoyance like a fiery wood from a few meters away and stepped in with a tender smile. 

"Mom, dad?" 

Her cotton-like dainty voice halted her first uncle's mouth for a moment. Yu Zhong Xu and his wife, Yu Cheng Wan stared at both Xiao Yun who dotingly hugged Wang Li Lei's arm forgot the words that she wanted to shot out. 

"W-... CEO Wang!" Yu Zhong Zu called out Wang Li Lei's name in a moment of awe.

Taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Demon Lord like a painful lash to sober him up from his burst of anger; Yu Zhong Xu composed himself with great difficulty before clearing his throat heavily and knitted his brow to the unknown girl in front of his eyes. 

"Excuse me, young lady this is a private room for Yu Families. Please refrain yourself from entering the room you are not supposed to enter. " 

Normally, Yu Zhong Xu would never use this kind of polite tone and shouted at the person who dared to cut off his words. However, he needed to maintain his pride and politeness as soon as he saw Wang Li Lei standing beside the girl. 

Rubbing something off or doing something impolite that could trigger Wang Li Lei's irritation would impact extremely. So no matter what, even in a heat of anger, he still couldn't act irrationally in front of him. 

Yu Xiao Yun pulled a muscle on top of her left lips. "I'm Yu Xiao Yun, first uncle, and first aunt, how are you?"

"Huh?" Yu Zhong Xu gasped. Even her peaceful-loving ever silent first cousin, Yu Bei Dan had a shocked face and rose up from his seat. 

"Yu Xiao Yun? Y-...You are Yu Xiao Yun?" 

Xiao Yun walked in along with Wang Li Lei like an inseparable pair of white doves. "Yes, I am Xiao Yun."

Yu Yang Lu gave a soft snort and commented. "Of course she is my daughter Xiao Yun."

Yu Bei Dan stared without blinking for minutes at the gentle bearing surrounding Xiao Yun and called her name. "Xiao Yun?"

Xiao Yun held her neck and rubbed her forehead slightly. The scene in which she was standing now, seemed as if they had just seen a person who should have died rose up from their coffin...

"Yes, first uncle and first aunt, I am without a doubt, Xiao Yun."

Yu Cheng Wan rubbed her chin and retorted without a single thought, blurting her inner thoughts subconsciously. "You are Xiao Yun? How did you become so beautiful? What happened to your clown makeup? And did you get plastic surgery? Suddenly become so beautiful...As expected, living with such an overwhelming wealth stolen from someone is such a luxury."

Her first aunt's word was as sarcastic and cynical as always, but dealing with such a character had become amusing to Xiao Yun that she couldn't help but gave a burst of touches of laughter. 

'She never failed to criticize dad's company and wealth, even though all this time, Yu Company was only flourished by dad...How shameless.'

Yu Cheng Wan didn't expect the sudden laughter from Xiao Yun and her face felt burning from shame. With a harsh look, she continued. "Is that how you are supposed to answer your aunt? You really have no courteousness. Even if you change your face to become beautiful in any way, you still couldn't hide your real crude and insolent behavior. "

Yu Yang Lu's almond eyes turned sharp and with a dark expression, she rebuked Yu Cheng Wan's shameless comment. "Before you criticize others, how about taking a look at yourself? Wearing such beautiful clothes could still not hide your real sour face, isn't it better for you to continue going under the knife? Perhaps the doctors could perform surgery to fix your unconnected brain nerves. Do you want me to give you a recommendation? My daughter's face had always look beautiful, as a person who rarely met their in-laws, you could you possibly still remember her face? "

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