He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: You Have Been Cheated

Yu Cheng Wan's face flushed red in embarrassment, Yu Yang Lu's chide like a sharp fine spear struck down to her improper mouth.

Yu Zhong Wu held a face that wanted to slap Yu Yang Lu but was instantly forestalled by Wang Li Lei's immense presence.

He put down his tightly grasped fist that his knuckles whiten and clicked his tongue as loudly as it could ever sound. "Chang Xing! How could you let your wife's mouth ran out wild like an ill-mannered woman?!"

Xiao Yun's squinted her eyes in anger. 'You b*stard! With what ears are you using? Didn't you heard that your wife talked trash first?!'

If it wasn't because of the seniority etiquette, Xiao Yun would never let her first uncle continue to open his vile mouth.

Hearing the words that insulted his beloved, Wang Li Lei gave off a cold aura to them as they ran their mouth. With layers on layers of frost, Wang Li Lei parted his lips and spoke chillingly. "Silence."

If it wasn't because they were also Xiao Yun's family, Wang Li Lei would never hold back his anger at the moment. 

Yu Zhong Wu and Yu Cheng Wan who was confronted by such a frightening presence stepped back in fear with a dark expression. They forgot Wang Li Lei's presence and the fact that they have just insulted his fiancee and cower in the chill. 

Xiao Yun gave a light tap on his shoulder to calm down his anger while pulling her own composure. 

Since her past life, Xiao Yun learned many things- including people who fight with words lose and win in a different way. The first one to raise up their hand against the opponent and the first on the lose their cool in front of their opponent.

Xiao Yun learned this in her past life and although she did want to whip her first uncle with the compact baton hidden under her purse, she pulled her composure firmly.josei

Yu Chang Xing also kept his temper mild, with eyes that showed no judgment, he steadied his manner wisely. "Ge- Ge, I'm sorry if my wife's words hurt sister in law's heart in any way. However, this all started because of your wife who has offended my daughter. Isn't it a parent's role to guard their children against someone who hurt them? In any case, please also apologize to my daughter."

Like how apple didn't fall far from the tree, Xiao Yun's skill in negotiating, pressuring, and turning back people's words was something that her father passed on.

Yu Zhong Yu's mouth gape without a word. After the shame of being scolded wisely by his level-headed younger brother, his eyes glared at Yu Chang Xing in resentment.

Yu Bei Dan shook his head from the disgrace passed by his shameless parent and turned his head to the wall. He couldn't bear to lift his head upright to show his youthful face anymore and could only felt apologetic to Xiao Yun and her parents.

Even though she was afraid of Wang Li Lei, Yu Cheng Wan could never in her life apologize to Yu Yang Lu and instead gave a decry grin. "Yang Lu, you mocked me with nothing but lies, however, my words held nothing but the truth, so why should I apologize?" Her tone of speech grew weaker as she continued to speak. 

Yu Yang Lu gave an expression 'Are you crazy?' and she quickly opened her mouth to reply to the vicious sister in law's words.

Yu Bei Dan the most sensitive person in the family, stood up to apologize before her mother could speak more but a gentle voice stopped the tense room.

Xiao Yun took an approach. "First aunt, please do not joke. This is really my face and I haven't gone under the knife at all. Last time everyone had only seen my face once or twice and I also rarely shown my face, so it is no wonder that you would think so. But it's better not to keep talking and fighting, don't you think? Today is a very auspicious day, let's celebrate it without any anger."

Xiao Yun's tone was gentle and wise, it had no ounce of anger or mockery and shut the mouths of the people who wanted to continue the fight.

Yu Zhong Yu and Yu Zhong Wan quieted down if they kept on pouring fuel to the fire, it would provoke Wang Li Lei's anger and with no choice, they raised the flag first. 

Yu Zhong Yu laid down the side problem and continued to criticize the first problem that they were discussing before Xiao Yun's arrival. "Let's forget about that then!" He pulled a document from his bag and slammed it harshly on top of the table, showing it to both Yu Chang Xing and Yu Yang Lu.

"This-! What do you say about this?! The budgets that should have been used for the project was cut down in nearly a half! A half! Do you know how much left from the budget if you cut off half of them?! Only 9 million Yuan! How could we proceed with the project if we couldn't cover them and we have to pay the workers that were scheduled next week! Do you really understand that if we dismiss this project it would affect the company's relationship with the Yan company?! The head of the company, is my friend since childhood, doing this would bring great shame to me!"

Yu Chang Xing cleared his throat, although it was only for a moment, Xiao Yun could get a glimpse of hesitant and worry from her father. 

Xiao Yun subconsciously leaned her head to Wang Li Lei in order to cover her ringing left ear. Her eyes stared at the documents placed on the table and examine it whole-heartedly.

Yu Chang Xing thought for a moment before replying belatedly. "Ge- Ge, let's talk about this later in the company... This isn't the right place to discuss about this..."

Yu Cheng Wan scoffed and cynically wrinkled her nose. "Chang Xing, your older brother is worried about the company's relationship and the fate of the people below him. How could you possibly delay the important discussion? Or- perhaps you could not answer because you do not have the answer?"

Xiao Yun's first aunt obviously pointed her words, implying that Yu Chang Xing could not give his reason out of fear that his evil deed of craftily embezzling the company money would be shown.

Easily provoked by his wife's snake-like words, Yu Zhong Yu nodded in support of his wife and continued. "Di- Di, do you have anything to say? Let's not delay everything and expose the white truth of everything, or else, this brother of yours could not sleep peacefully tonight!"

"Based on the document, it is no wonder that dad would want to cut the budget into half. Normally, people would have already deducted three-quarters of the budget." Xiao Yun's voice brought clarity to the people in the room.

Her parents, her first uncle, aunt, and cousin all speechlessly look at her who already strode on leisurely to the table.

Taking the documents, she once again looked at the proposal, numbers, and the expenses of the project.

Yu Zhong Yu gave a sardonic laugh at Xiao Yun who sounded like a crazed young lady acting as if she had solved a great matter and passed on a taunting comment. "Xiao Yun, it is rude to butt into an elder's conversation, if you do not have anything else to do here, then go away. Your presence here would only worsen the problem."

Xiao Yun sneakily rolled her eyes and gave a sigh. 'Everything is already written clearly in the document that first uncle was blindly tricked by his friend to issuance more budget than the real budget...'

Xiao Yun continued to tap her finger on the side of the document's file and mumbled. 'The reason why dad didn't want to say the truth must have been because he doesn't want to make a fool out of his elder brother who blindly believes his friend in front of everyone...'

Although Xiao Yun knew the truth, she also understood the reason behind her father's stillness and didn't want to breach his kindness.

At her mind at the moment, she tried many scenarios and the possibility to come up with a solution and smiled. "Calm down, first uncle, I think you have been cheated here. "

Hearing his daughter's brief words, punctured his conscience and halted her from continuing. "Xiao Yun!"

Although his relationship with his elder brother had never been the best, it didn't mean that Yu Chang Xing didn't hold an ounce of sibling loves toward his older brother. Instead, he had always supported his brother from behind and never once want to embarrass him.

Wang Li Lei reached out his palm to Yu Chang Xing and lightly cupped his hand on Xiao Yun's shoulder hinting 'Don't worry' without opening his lips.

Yu Chang Xing pursed his lips and shut off his mouthful of words.

"What do you mean?!" Yu Cheng Wan solidly pulled the muscle on his forehead with a black expression.

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