He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Do You Understand?

Xiao Yun glanced at her father and reassuring smiled. "Do not worry dad" She muttered before continuing to speak.

"Yes, first uncle. Please look at this first page. From here, you could already understand that the numbers are questionably large. Although the project this time is wider and at first glance hold better sales, the next two pages prove the answer for the odd large budget. Look at this table, don't you think there is a very weird number adding up?"

Yu Zhong Xu for the first time in Xiao Yun's life silently focused on her explanation. The other people in the room also grew a tense atmosphere waiting for Xiao Yun to reach on a conclusion.

No one dared to make a single peep in fear that it would disturb the flow of her clear clarification.

Her thoughts at the moment were to save her uncle before he loses any more face while explaining to him as to how her father wished.

"Hm..." Yu Zhong Xu put on his reading glasses and strained his eyes to find any hole on the table. Even as minutes passed, Yu Zhong Xu who had mustered all the cells in his brain to work could not find the least mistake or oddness and shook his head. 

"I don't see anything wrong here? What do you mean?" His tone was as harsh as usual, but at the moment he looked more like a wary old dog.

Xiao Yun's struggled with a hand to point the document's line as her other hand didn't want to part with Wang Li Lei. Wang Li Lei held out his hand and hold up the file for her while adjusting the height comfortably for her. 

Xiao Yun muttered "Thank you" before continuing. If a straight-man came out of nowhere such as Andy and witness this scene, his eyes would surely burn like how salt burn fierce ghosts and raged with either "Do you want to kill me" or "Spare my little heart"!

"Not that last one but the one above on the left." She continued. 

Yu Zhong Yu gave a long examination with his brain. Xiao Yun shrugged her shoulder and left the rest for his brain to find out. Even if her first uncle is someone people would usually call good for nothing, his IQ was only a few digits lower than her father, so the hole on the documents would surely be seen through by him after a straight pointer.

"T- This!! This is!!" Yu Zhong Yu's eyes suddenly widened, impatiently, he took the documents and differentiate it with the previous papers. 

Flared up by something shocking that turned his face to ashen, a cloud gathered upon his whole line of sight. The muscles on his forehead bulge and twitched, with great trouble, he still tried to ease the trembling on his fingers. 

Yu Cheng Wan saw the changes in her husband's expression and hold his cold-sweated hand with concern. "A- Are you alright? What happened?"

Yu Zhong Yu glanced at Yu Cheng Wan unable to say anything. How could he possibly explain to his wife that the documents and budgets had already altered in a very large amount? 

This was as if... As if...

"T- This is... Embezzlement? No-... A scam?" Her first uncle faced up to Xiao Yun, searching for answers that could quench down the fire and flood his heart. 

Xiao Yun cleared her throat lightly with a faint cough. This is where she came to intrude and guard her father's pure lotus intention. 

"Let me explain so no one would get confused and tangled in the dark. These budgets, sales, and the increase of the sales are surely good to look at and very profitable at first glance. However, if I have to be blunt- This is nothing but what uncle would call as 'scam'. If you go through all this project's document, collate it with the other normal project that Yu Company had been signing with this worth not even half of our usual profits... Perhaps after another 6 months...No- the sales market this month is high and the higher it is, this project's profit would only get lesser. I could bet that in about 3 months, we would lose three-quarters of our initial budget."

Yu Zhong Yu staggered back behind like a drunk person, in a standby's point of view, he is surely drunk from his own foolishness and needed a bucket of cold water filled with ice to sober him up. 

"S...So wh- what do you mean?" The youth that had been hearing the whole conversation still couldn't come out of his way and say "My father had been cheated?" and asked Xiao Yun to fill the last blanks. josei

Xiao Yun glanced at Yu Bei Dan's face that coated with many expressions out of shame, guilt, and surprise, feeling quite pitiful to her eldest cousin whose heart was even whiter than a paper.

"Do you mean, that my friend who made this project blackened the documents, cleverly altered the budgets by stacking them up... and want to... want to..." -'Want to make me hand out a large amount of budget and suffer from loss of money...?'

He couldn't say the rest and felt his face growing thinner each second. 

Yu Chang Xing heart pained from his brother's expression and looked away. 

Xiao Yun shook her head, now her plan was to make her first uncle pull his tongue and back down for today, so he will not embarrass himself any longer as her father wished for. "But I do not necessarily think that first uncle's friend was the one who cheated you... Perhaps, he made a blunder or someone bellows him or he didn't know what was the result of the project. " 

Xiao Yun paused and walk nearer to her uncle with a voice that could only be heard by him. "Dad didn't want to embarrass you and planned to talk about this tomorrow with you and your friend to solve the oddness and discuss the future of this project, for once, uncle please open your eyes. There was never once when dad did something without thinking you." Xiao Yun patted his shoulder and brightened the room with another idea.

"Well, then it's already this late, let's not dawdle here and help the main person of the day to happily celebrate his birthday!" Xiao Yun tugged Wang Li Lei and stepped out of the room. 

Her first uncle was certainly dimwit but he wasn't that much of a fool that he couldn't understand Xiao Yun's words. Even when she lied and gave a solution, Yu Zhong Yu had completely understood that he had been fooled by his friend and his younger brother was thinking of another way to speak up with him without hurting his pride. 

Xiao Yun's last words meant that her first uncle should have a round of talks with her father and understand each other. 

Yu Zhong Yu held his head low, face downcast. He had thought too much of his younger brother and one-sidedly marked him as an evil person who wanted to covet everything to himself. When in truth, he was the very immature person in the family and blinded his eyes with hatredness. 

Yu Chang Xing finally understood what her daughter was doing and reached out his hand to his brother. Hesitantly, he patted his shoulder and spoke. "Let's discuss more this tomorrow, Ge- Ge."

Yu Zheng Yu nodded helplessly to his younger brother that he had wronged.

Entering the hall decorated with crimson-colored curtains and lights, the two waited for Yu Que Yin to arrive and blew the candle.

"Good job." Wang Li Lei praised her before passing a drink to her hand. 

Xiao Yun nuzzled to his shoulder and giggled. "You knew what I did?"

"Mn." Wang Li Lei answered briefly. 

"Father had always keep it to himself, but whenever he sees or hears anything about the first uncle, his face was always glum. Their relationship isn't good, but that doesn't also mean that it could be the reason for their never-ending hatred. A pair of a sibling who hates each other is a very sad thing..." Xiao Yun's tone drailed. 

She could still remember how saddened her first uncle was and how he shouted "Forgive me" in her parent's funeral in the past. At that time, she understood, that her first uncle was only blinded with hate and that his whole heart hasn't plunged deep into the darkness. There was still a chance for them to repair their relationship. 

Wang Li Lei quietly heard her words and solemnly. 

Yu Shin Yang stared at them with a confused expression, her eyes were wide open at Xiao Yun whose face was a million times beautiful than what she could remember. A second longer, perhaps Yu Shin Yang would forget how to close her eyelids. 

Hesitating whether to call Xiao Yun's name but was afraid of Wang Li Lei, she continued to linger along behind them, trailing. 

"Li Lei? Wang Li Lei?! " Suddenly a deep voice sonant from their back. 

As the voiced reached, a man whose age was close to Wang Li Lei walked up with his hand raised in the air. 

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