He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: It's Him Again!

After stopping at Zhi Ling Ling's class to drop her off, Nie An and Xiao Yun continued their walk to the class. 

As they opened the door, once again the class stuck all their eyes on Xiao Yun. Ignoring the stares that she expected from the morning. Xiao Yun's warm face veiled her cold emotion.

Nie An's first sight was pointed toward Xiao Yun's desk. Unlike yesterday, Xiao Yun's desk was in a perfect condition, however, Xiao Yun knew exactly that her things that would also be targeted today-

Nie An gave a relieved smile and spoke in a whisper. "It seemed that yesterday wasn't going to happen again, thank goodness."

Xiao Yun covered her mouth with a reflective relaxed smile along with a serene smile. "That's right- thank goodness." She hid the cold glint that passed through her eyes and parted her ways with Nie An to her seat.

The homeroom teacher who arrived earlier than usual closed the attendance book as soon as he finished calling the last student's name and spoke. "Have everyone brought the paper for the class trip?"

"Yes." All the students replied in a snack. 

"Then the class leader, please collect all the paper."

Lim Kin Shui collected all the things attentively and gave out all the stack of papers to the teacher before sitting back to his seat. 

On the other hand, the teacher gazed at Xue Xiu Yong's seat with invisible tears drizzling the corner of his face. At first, he thought he had somehow fixed Xue Xiu Yong's absent problem, however, now the latter has been absent for almost 3 days. 

Receiving the stack of papers, the homeroom teacher switched with the Math Teacher and started the first period of their schedule. 


Hours passed, and the lunch break came. Xiao Yun leaned her head on top of her desk, yawning as she did so. 

Stretching her back, Nie An came next to her with a pair of protective eyes. "Xiao Yun, hey- should we go down now?"

Xiao Yun nodded and placed her books on her bag before leaving the classroom. A blond-haired girl sneakily watched the scene and waited for quite a long time until Xiao Yun and the rest of the classroom students disappeared before entering the classroom. 

With a snicker, the girl pulled the corner of her lips before taking out Xiao Yun's notebooks that were placed on top of her desk before pouring a bottle of water fully so that it soaked deep enough to the edges. 

Before she left the girl bit ner thumb fingernails and muttered. "This b*tch, how come many people are on her side? Yesterday even though her whole desk was ransacked, she didn't show any emotion and instead smile... And the students of this class... came even earlier than the school's cleaner to protect her desk! How irritating!" 

The girl continued to bit her nails before switching the view of her eyes to Xiao Yun's school bag. "I should just destroy everything then-"

The girl pulled Xiao Yun's back roughly and as she was about to zip her bag, the bleached hair girl froze as though someone pulled out her soul. 

The handle of the zip which her finger held, couldn't work as if it froze in some way, rather- when she tried to move it from the place, the handle of the zip couldn't work. 

Finding no way of pulling the zip down, the girl forced her way through when suddenly something from Xiao Yun's bag gave off an alarm of 'Peep' in many instances. 

Surprised, by the sudden alarm that sonant from Xiao Yun's bag, the girl threw off the bag and ran from the room in a hurry. 

On the other hand, half a minute before her bag's alarm sound off; Xiao Yun, Nie An, and Zhi Ling Ling who just arrived at the canteen began their lunch after a few exchanges of stories. 

Nie An spoke first, "The mock exam for the college exam is this Thursday, right?"

Zhi Ling Ling who had the perfect eating etiquette swallowed all the food on her mouth before answering. "Yes, speaking about that, Nie An have you finished all your studies yet?"

"Of course, I did!" Nie An shrugged her shoulder indignantly as though she was saying that all the burden of studying that weigh on her shoulder had disappeared. Turning her face toward Xiao Yun, she asked. "And you, Xiao Yun have you finished?"

Xiao Yun made a space between her thumb and index finger as she replied. "Only a bit left."

"That's great!" Nie An and Zhi Ling Ling replied. Nie An continued, "My parents asked me to hold a lesson with the teacher from Huan Lin College and to be honest- studying with that teacher makes me even sleepier than when I studied on my own-"

Zhi Ling Ling laughed. "My parents also assigned me to a private lesson with a teacher from a university. And that teacher was very good at explaining things- "

Nie An nodded from her words and slanted her head toward Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun had noticed this since before, but Nie An was perhaps trying her best to engage Xiao Yun in a conversation as a way to cheer her up from yesterday's scene. 

"Well," Xiao Yun's eyes mellowed. "I have someone very reliable to teach me-".

"Speaking about studies, Zhi Ling Ling, shouldn't you ask Xiao Yun's cousin to teach you up~?" Nie An nudged her elbow with a playful tone.

Zhi Ling Ling instantly cupped her reddened cheeks. "T- That's... That's a bit too forward... I think..." Although her words denying, Zhi Ling Ling's eyes were full of hope to which Xiao Yun noticed. 

Nie An shook her fingers. "No. No. No. You know girls, these days boys like it better when you are more forward!"

Xiao Yun slanted her head and murmured. "Is that so?..."

Nie An's sharp ears caught her words and nodded indignantly. "Of course!" 

From the side, Zhi Ling Ling spoke with a soft tone. "Er... Xiao Yun, about the thing that you said before- I think it'll take some time for me... I have to ask my parent's permission first."

Xiao Yun silently guessed. 'She must've meant that it will take time for her to gather her courage to talk with her parents because she had never done so...'

She gave a gentle smile and replied. "Don't worry, instead, do you want me to help you?"

Zhi Ling Ling's eyes brightened for a moment, wanting to quickly agree and say 'yes'. However, her little heart gave her a question that if she kept on asking Xiao Yun to help her, then when would she stand on her own?

Zhi Ling Ling shook her head mildly. She couldn't possibly take such a person's kindness all the time. Xiao Yun had given her the courage that she needed, the rest was her part to do. josei

With a determined glint glistering her eyes, Zhi Ling Ling replied. "No. That wouldn't be needed. I will try my best. Thank you, Xiao Yun-"

Xiao Yun leaned her head slightly to her arm on the table. It would seem that without her own knowing, everyone on her side has been growing and maturing-

After a few minutes, Xiao Yun who had finished eating her lunch box in the canteen looked at her watch silently before standing up from her seat.

"I think I'll be going now-"

Nie An went back from returning the canteen's plate and followed Xiao Yun along with Zhi Ling Ling. 

As they were about to ascend the staircase, Xiao Yun's ears sensed many footsteps going down at the same time in a hurry and warned her friend first. "Don't go up, there's too man-"

Before she finished her sentence, as she expected many female students ran down from the third floor and flooded her way down in a dangerous manner. 

Xiao Yun had always trust herself in the matter of power; however, in front of such an abrupt rush, she couldn't support herself and collapsed down backward. 

"XIAO YUN!!!" Nie An and Zhi Ling Ling exclaim in surprise, goggle-eyed as they raise their hand, trying to protect her from the fall. 

Xiao Yun's hand nimbly reached up to the staircase's handle, when someone had supported her waist and brought her body close to his. 

"That was dangerous." Zhuang Han Wu spoke before giving a deep frown. He turned his face to the group of the girls who had been following him for weeks and spoke in an irritated voice. "Everyone, please stop doing this- it's dangerous."

Sternly he ordered his chaotic fans that were frantic. Realizing how angry the gentle Zhuang Han Wu as he raised his voice for the first time, the girl quickly silenced up and looked at each other guiltily. 

"Can you all please go now?" As to how he was called 'prince charming', even though Zhuang Han Wu was angry, his voice sounded gentle like a feather as how his face was. 

Just as how sleeping tigers are far more dangerous than a hungry tiger, the girls were afraid that The girls reluctantly went away as they feared that Zhuang Han Wu would get angrier than how he already was. 

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