He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: The Two-Faced Girl

Worriedly, Zhuang  Han Wu turned his angry face to a gentle one that was filled with worries toward Xiao Yun who had been struggling to ran away from his iron-claw arm that was still wrapped on her waist.

In her heart, Xiao Yun stare at Zhuang Han Wu's slender arms couldn't help but curse. 'D*mn it! How come this young man who clearly looked weaker than me has such a strong arm? I can't release myself!'josei

Realizing Xiao Yun's eyes were staring at his hands with an awkward face, he released his hand only when he placed Xiao Yun in a safe place. 

"I'm sorry, for going over the line." Zhuang Han Wu apologized in a gentle manner. He knew that touching a girl's waist for such a long time must've felt uncomfortable and impudent. 

"Are you alright?" He asked. 

"Yes I am, thank you very mu-" As Xiao Yun looked up and take a clearer view of Zhuang Han Wu's face, he hand reflexively went to her forehead for a facepalm. 

'Sh*t! It's him again!'

In a split of a second, Xiao Yun's brain worked faster than the light and the first thing that her mind warned her was that- This young man in front of her who has a myriad of fans from all over the school had been searching for the so-called "Water Bottle Cinderella" whose identity was actually her. 

Xiao Yun could feel her head swollen from the matter. It was enough that Xue Xiu Yong resulted in her to be bullied, she cleary, for sure, do not need any more eyes and bullies from Zhuang Han Wu's fans!

Sometimes, these hottie young men that people deemed 'handsome' could really be the end of her life... without even knowing anything. 

Xiao Yun cursed. Her entire face quickly evaded Zhuang Han Wu's eyes. She also remembered to take a few steps back in order not to trigger any of those memories from Zhuang Han Wu's mind. 

Fortunately, Nie An and Zhi Ling Ling quickly ran toward her and shielded her face from Zhuang Han Wu. With worries eyes, Nie An asked impatiently. "Xiao Yun, are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"I think we should just go to the infirmary-" Zhi Ling Ling intervene with a hasty tone. 

"I agree! Let's g-" Nie An suddenly felt the tug on her hand. She turned her face and found Xiao un shooking her head. 

"I'm fine, anyway the class is going to start. We are going to be late!" Xiao Yun ascended the stairs in a hurry, as though she had just seen a ghost- 

No perhaps at her state, it's better to see a ghost. 

Zhuang Xuan Wu glanced at Xiao Yun with eyes keenly examining her behavior. Noticing something, he raised his voice. "W- Wait!"

Xiao Yun's ears were exceptionally sharp and heard Zhuang Han Wu calling her but ignored him as she can't be arsed by his fans. She nimbly strode up to her classroom and stopped by Zhi Ling Ling's class before going back to hers. 

As she entered, Xiao Yun found her classmate crowding at her table which was covered by a pile of tissues on top of her desk. Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes froze for a moment. 'What happened?'

Nie An who saw this charged forward in a hurry to Xiao Yun's desk and frowned from all the books that have been drenched by water. 

Not only that her books were drenched, but it was also covered by tissues mountain in a very ugly manner as though pouring water wasn't enough, they even made the whole sight even uglier and untidier with tissues. 

Not far from the table, Xiao Yun's bag laid down on the floor obviously, it was thrown away from her desk. The other classmates seemed to be somewhat afraid, timid, yet guilty as they couldn't help Xiao Yun that much out of fear for the bully. 

Xiao Yun gracefully took steps toward her desk with a gentle face. On one side, she looked very clear without any thoughts; and on the other side, her mind was working on solving some puzzles. 

Her books were drenched, however, she didn't care about that since she had guessed it would happen, and had placed some protection against that. The tissues on her desk seemed as though it weren't playing together with the water, meaning, those must've been a sneaky help from her fellow classmate. 

Her school bag fell off her desk, no- it was probably thrown away from the bully who tried to force open her bag. 

Xiao Yun grinned. The bully must've tried to force open her bag. Not knowing that her school bag was gifted by Wang Li Lei, or in another meaning, that bag wasn't a normal school bag that a normal highschool girl would ever have. 

The full-moon shaped handle of the zipper was actually a fingerprint sensor. Other than Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei no one could open her bag no matter how much they tried. If they forced their way into it or try to rip open her bag, the alarm would run off for a maximum of 10 minutes. 

Meaning, her alarm perhaps had just gone out and the bully is here. Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes, flickering her eyelashes as she did so. 'That would mean that bully is here- perhaps now they are even watching my expression on air.'

Xiao Yun stopped her feet and took a plastic bag before placing all the tissues, which was quickly helped by Nie An. The moment she finished cleaning her desk, Xiao Yun glanced at the fake empty notebooks that she placed on her desk beforehand and dry it out on the small balcony which was used for sunbathing the plants and dried it off. 

As she finished her last step, Xiao Yun went back to her chair and thanked Nie An. "Thank you."

Nie An shook her head with a guilty face. "T- That... We are too late..."

"We are not." Xiao Yun gave a confident smile as she replied in an airy state. Nie An couldn't catch what she said, and could only get sad on Xiao Yun's behalf. 

Behind them, while hiding behind the classroom's door the blonde-haired girl who was the culprit of the whole bullying saw Xiao Yun's smiling face and clenched her fist to the point that her knuckles cracked loudly.

Feeling the heated glare, Xiao Yun's sharp round eyes turned to the source of the glare in a flash and took a slight view of the culprit's shadow who strode away.

Seeing a trait from the culprit, Xiao Yun muttered. 

'Blond hair?' 

As the lunch break nearly finished, the blonde-haired girl skipped the lesson and bit onto her nail in distaste. 'How could that b*tch become so naive? Why didn't she cried? Normally wouldn't girls at her state would cry, like those girls in the past? Especially those students around her- they acted as if they didn't help her out of fear, but they did!' 

The hatred that snowballed from Xiao Yun clinging to Xue Xiu Yong and to Xiao Yun whose life was always full of smile as though in front of her everything was nothing but a garden of flowers!

"I should give them all a warning!-" She murmured with a dark shadow covering her upper half face. Scrunching her sharp arched brow, the girl curled the corner of her lips into a twisted smile. 

As she drowned into her thoughts without watching her surroundings, the glass door of the school garden next to her left side opened abruptly and a girl swiftly ran over her, bumping to her harshly.

Collapsing into the cold floor, the blond-haired girl ruffled her hair with an angry expression. Her days were filled with jealousy toward Xiao Yun and now someone bumped her to the point that her bottom ached in pain.

'Geez!! Who is this b*tch?!'

The girl who bumped her looked up with a teary-eyed and apologizes meekly with hands covering her quivering mouth. "A-Ah! Senior Ji Gu Na!!... I-I'm very sorry..."

Ji Gu Na looked at the frail girl that bumped her with a frown. Ju Gu Na swept her blond hair from the side and stood up with a faint hump before lending her hand to the frail girl.

With a kind smile and soft voice, Ji Gu Na kindly replied. "I'm fine, next time, you have to be very careful with your surrounding. "

Ji Gu Na then acted as if she had just noticed the tears on her junior's eyes and lend her a handkerchief with a worried face. "Are you alright? Why are you crying?."

Her junior took the handkerchief apologetically before sobbing between her reply. "Y-Yes I'm fine..."

Ji Gu Na silently sneered at her junior. 'I'm fine? You're clearly crying- What a bullsh*t.'

However a moment after scanning the junior's familiar short body frame and an eye-catching short reddish hair... Ji Gu Na narrowed her eyes at the girl and comb through her memories.

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