He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: SLP Food Company-I

Xiao Yun placed her phone down as it would be rude to talk with her friend in a serious talk. 'She must be wanting to talk about modeling.' Xiao Yun thought to herself. 


"It's about the name card that you gave me. I ask my parents and they told me..." 

Xiao Yun's heart thumped a few rates, even though it wasn't her who was deciding the future. Seeing her friend growing up, made her felt a bit worried but at the same time proud. 

"That they would believe and support each of my choices." Zhi Ling Ling continued with a comforting smile. Since her childhood, Zhi Ling Ling wasn't the type to talk back or make a request to her parents. Her life was chosen by her parents and so did she live by those thoughts for years. 

The first time she had ever opened herself to her family was the time when she asked their permission to walk down the entertainment industry. 

"That' great." Xiao Yun replied. Facing up toward Zhi Ling Ling, she saw her friend's confident smile for the first time. 

"But ... I, as expected. I'm still a bit nervous going alone there." Zhi Ling Ling continued. 

"Don't worry, I was the one who introduced him. So it came without a saying that I should accompany you." Xiao Yun replied and looked over her shoulder at Nie An who seemed to be struggling at bringing the food. 

"I'm gonna go." Xiao Yun quickly went to lend a help toward Nie An. 

Times passed to noon and before they knew it, the time promised for Xiao Yun to go has arrived. She parted ways with Nie An who seemed to still have a few errands to do and waited at the entrance to see Wang Li Lei's car had been parked. 

Seeing Xiao Yun, Wang Li Lei opened the door in advance and greeted her with a loving tone. "Welcome back." 

"I'm back." Xiao Yun replied as she got inside. 

"How was your day today?" Wang Li Lei asked as he fixed the baby hairs on Xiao Yun's forehead. 

"It was fun! I went to see many things too, also I have something for you." 

Wang Li Lei's palm was taken by the girl suddenly to place a bag of almond coated in dark chocolate powder. "What's this?" josei

"You seemed to be very tired every day. This could ease your fatigue eat it while you are working." Xiao Yun puffed her cheeks and continued. "But this could only help you fight fatigue for a moment. Don't tire yourself out until you burn out! That's a big no! If you are tired get a rest and you also have many other people who could help you." 

Wang Li Lei, the CEO of Wang Corporation, known best for his intelligence and his ruthlessness. A perfect robot, the perfect human that people idolized. But that genius didn't come from a thin air or since his birth. He wasn't any magician nor a God. He wasn't born with all his knowledge too. Since he was young, he had understood his position as Wang Family next heir and that many people would aim for the seat. 

A responsible person he was, he studied faster than anyone and that came with exchanges, in his childhood, he had never once played like how a normal child would often do. It also impacted on his personality to become cold and expressionless. Some of the rules he placed in his heart were to never show his weakness as if someone knew his weakness they could abuse it to his loss. 

He has no siblings and the only people he could turn to were his parents. But soon, they died in an accident leaving him with no one by his side. 

His image of perfectness was honed by himself. People called him perfect, but to himself, he has nothing but holes in his heart. An imperfect human with no feelings or so whatsoever. 

Xiao Yun knew that his bad habit was to take up everything by himself until he burnt out. Although it was small, Xiao Yun would often search for ways to ease his fatigue and lift some of his burdens.

Xiao Yun continued as she opened the bag to eat one of the almond chocolate and commented on how tasteful it is before taking one and give it to Wang Li Lei's lips subconsciously. He seemed surprised by her boldness but delighted with it and took a bite straight from her fingers, giving a nibble to her fingers while staring at her eyes.

Xiao Yun quickly realized her bad habit of giving extra food that she deemed delicious to her friends but never expected him to ate it directly from her finger and retraced it back. But Wang Li Lei who noticed her realization took a quick hold of her wrist and smiled. "What's wrong?"

"My fingers." Xiao Yun choked up from the other word that she wanted to say. Her eyes fixed up to see the man not budging an inch until she gave out a proper reason and murmured. "You also bite my fingers."

"I did?" He lifted a brow.


"But it was also sweet that I mistake it." 

Wang Li Lei ended his teasing with a satisfied smile to let go of her hand. The burning fever ran to her cheek and their ride to SLP Food Company Building felt loud from her thudding heartbeat. 

Getting off the car, it was perfectly the time for the employees to have their lunch break. With almost half of the employees leaving the company, Wang Li Lei entered the building with Xiao Yun. 

The security and guards who saw Wang Li Lei's signature black car shuddered from the view. Standing up with a straight back, Xiao Yun looked at the people who sneakily glance at Wang Li Lei but at the same time having a frightened face. 

"Li Lei, do you rarely come here?" Xiao Yun asked as they stopped at the lobby for Jang Hyun to give the receptionist his master's order. 

"Yes. Once a month." Wang Li Lei replied and saw the girl rubbing her chin in deep thought.

"When the exact date?" Xiao Yun asked when Jang Hyun had come back to report Kin Hui Cha, the head finance and Zi Gong the head accountant had exited their office for a lunch break. 

Wang Li Lei nodded pushed the button to the office and replied back to Xiao Yun's previous question. 

"On the fifteen days of the month."

"After Kim Hui Cha finished the finance documents, he would recheck every document on Friday..." Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes to continue. "If the fifteen days of the month fall on Friday, would he still check the content or rewrite it? When you come here, which department you visit?" 

"The head director office and the finance." Wang Li Lei replied and saw the girl's black eye widened. "I know! Let's shuffle our plan, we will have to go to Zi Gong, the head accountant's office!"

Wang Li Lei agreed to her word unconditionally and choose another keycard to Zi Gong's office. Walking down the corridor, Xiao Yun noticed that the interior of the building wasn't that different from Wang Corporation, perhaps the only thing that made it different was the fact that it is smaller and had some bright colored wall in orange before in the corridor after the elevator. 

At the same time, almost half an hour after their arrival, Kim Hui Cha walked toward the building with his usual pompous stature. Behind him, a young man with an eyeglass had a rather weak expression on his face. Fidgeting with his fingers on his waist, Zi Gong glanced at Kim Hui Cha before eventually giving an exasperated sigh. 

It has almost been three months after he helped Kim Hui Cha to hide his embezzlement. Saying help was the term that Kim Hui Cha used, but to Zi Gong, he was threatening him to give a blind eye toward the black deed. 

Zi Gong's father was hospitalized and he had to work double to finish the debt stalling in the hospital. However, what made him work wasn't the debt but rather the fact that his father needed an urgent operation which he has no money to use for. Catching the news from the wind, Kim Hui Cha used this to lend him money with a condition that he has to look away at anything that he did. 

Arriving at their floor, Kim Hui Cha noticed the person behind him giving a long face and cleared his throat to wake him up. "Zi Gong." 

Zi Gong jolted and looked at Kim Hui Cha who was grinning with a cigarette between his fingers. "Y- Yes... Senior Kim?"

"What are you thinking about, dazing like that? If your junior sees you like this, they would trash back at you. Even if they give a respectful face in front of you, behind they have nothing but complain to direct at your face." Kim Hui Cha's words were almost like a vent up rather than a straight-up warning. 

"It... It's about..." Zi Gong evaded his eyes and walked to his office which was followed by Kim Hui Cha. 

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