He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: SLP Food Company-II

Almost half of the room covered by curtains and no light. He froze instantly at the door, looking at Kim Hui Cha who has started to smoke and ground his teeth. The man in front of him blackmailed and threatened him, but he was also the person who saved his father's life. He didn't want to become an ungrateful person and ignore his savior's life, however, embezzling money was definitely out of the line. josei

Kim Hui Cha clicked his tongue at Zi Gong's, he knew that Zi Gong wanted to resign from helping him on his deed. But Zi Gong's hesitation and his wishy washy attitude made him even angrier. 

He stepped closer to Zi Gong who had made his determination and puffed his smokes to feel the room, forcing Zi Gong to cover his mouth and squint his eyes from the smokes. "Zi Gong, haven't I told you? If you have anything to say then directly talk to me!" 

Zi Gong clenched his fist to a ball. "I want to stop this." 

"Stop what? Turning a blind eye to what I did in the documents?" Kim Hui Cha sneered.

"When I have the money back to repay you, I will. But I can't continue doing this. It is not your or my money, senior Kim. " 

Kim Hui Cha was about to rage but was opposed by Zi Gong's determined eyes and laughed mockingly. "Do you really think you could back down that easily? Zi Gong, I was the one who saved your father's life! And you said you want to pay me back, but how? You do know what will happen when the higher up know how much debt you have, don't you? Forgot about paying me back, you will never even have an opportunity to eat anymore!" 

"I will search for a way to pay you back and the debt. I could add another work, although it would take a long time if you could give me time, I will definitely pay you back. That's why, please stop senior Kim, before it's too late." Zi Gong continued. 

In the past, he was one of the people who looked up at Kim Hui Cha, however, that was before he knew what the man beneath his mask was. 

"Alright, we could stop, no- you could stop-" Kim Hui Cha gave a pause at his sentence, making a light brightening Zi Gong's face for a slight second before he heard his following words. 

"But, I will end it along with your letter of resignation. " Kim Hui Cha smirked, distorting the view of Zi Gong into black. 

Having his heart sunk into cold ice, Zi Gong's face turned pale. Although after the surgery his father's condition had been improving. He has three works to shuffle every day and the salary from SLP Food Company was the biggest one to settle his father's hospital debt and surgery debt. 

Finding another job that could sustain his life at the moment in a fast notice would take time and almost impossible for him now. 

"CEO Wang would not let you off, senior Kim." Zi Gong warned. 

"Huh?" Kim Hui Cha detesting burst into a crude laugh. "CEO Wang? Do you mean that stupid man who only uses his face for a living? Do you really think he is some kind of God who could predict and know everything? And did you think you could threaten me by telling what I did to him? He would believe a word from a no one like you? He is only a youngster who lives by riding his parent's coattail! I doubt he even knows what is happening at the moment!" 

"So you are admitting that you did the embezzlement?" A voice provoked at the corner of the room, but Kim Hui Cha was in a rage to notice that it wasn't Zi Gong's voice and replied in a loud voice. 

"Yes! Damn right I did, so what?!" 

Xiao Yun couldn't understand how come the man in front of her could be brave and shameless with his words even though he knew he was about to lose. 

A few minutes ago, Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei had entered the office at first hand, but Zi Gong and Kim Hui Cha were in some kind of a heating conversation to notice the two behind them. She had heard the whole conversation and didn't expect any of them to be holding this conversation at the right time. After some words and explanations that they give, Xiao Yun could understand why Zi Gong had to continue helping Kim Hui Cha in his evil deed. 

Xiao Yun crossed her arm to hear nothing but nonsense from Kim Hui Cha. Her hand had been itching to slap him a few times for talking down about Wang Li Lei, but with some control, she had been able to hold it down. 

Taking advantage of Kim Hui Cha's anger, her voice loud and clear asked a question. 

"So you are admitting that you did the embezzlement?"

"Yes! Damn right I did, so what?!" Kim Hui Cha shouted back involuntarily. 

Zi Gong's eyes turned wide and snapped his head to the source of the voice before staggering back to cover his mouth. Kim Hui Cha still didn't notice what made Zi Gong surprised, still screaming like a mad man until he realized the previous voice who raised the question was a woman's voice. 

He instantly followed Zi Gong's line of sight to the back to find two people sitting leisurely. Seeing Wang Li Lei beside Xiao Yun all the blood in his face drained to white. "Y- You... Why are you here?..." 

Wang Li Lei couldn't be bothered to answer his question and shifted his eyes from Zi Gong to Kim Hui Cha coldly. 

"Have you come to your senses, Mr. Kim Hui Cha? " Kim Hui Cha heard the question from Xiao Yun but didn't know who she was and looked down at her. 

"What do you need, young lady? I don't think it's not your place to poke i-"

"Answer her." Wang Li Lei sharp words pulled back his impudent tongue. 

Kim Hui Cha's face smeared with shame but still stitched his mouth at the end. Xiao Yun tapped her fingers on the armrest and continued. "Well, if you have woken up now, I have a few questions to ask you. Would you mind answering it?" 


"First, what did you do last Friday in Mr. Zi Gong's office? " Xiao Yun cut off his words smoothly. 

Kim Hui Cha clicked his tongue in shame. In his eyes, he still could understand the need to answer Wang Li Lei's question but couldn't understand why he needed to answer a spoiled young lady with her questions. 

Wang Li Lei had ordered him to answer the young lady's question, like it or not, in the end he replied with resentment. "I never come here." 

"Oh." Xiao Yun sang out. "It seems that you forgot your own doing last Friday here, well that's fine. Then-" Her hand threw out several documents to the table, sliding it to both of their views. 

"Explain what happened here, would you?" Her tone grew dark along with her stern eyes. 

Kim Hui Cha knew what the young lady tried to allude from the document but still fake his confusion and glance down to read the document. With a surprised face, his fingers shook to threw the document back to its place. "What happened here?" 

'What a good acting' Xiao Yun sneered in her heart. They had been here the entire time and he had confirmed his own doing, but still act as though it was the first time he saw the false documents. Did he really think that Li Lei is blind or deaf? Xiao Yun shook her head. 

"Still acting?"

"What acting, I never know any of this before! It is true that I'm the one who filed the documents but before it is sent to the headquarter, Zi Gong was the last one to have it! I don't want to make speculation but-" Kim Hui Cha turned his face toward Zi Gong. "Did you do it, Zi Gong?!"

Zi Gong's ears felt numb and his whole body froze from the people sitting behind them. He had only seen Wang Li Lei, the famous person for his works and his idol in TV and magazines, but he was the type of person who dislikes the camera and had only a few rare pictures. 

But when he heard Kim Hui Cha pushing all the blame to him, his mind was brought back. Shifting his eyes to Kim Hui Cha, he squinted his eyes. "What are you saying, senior Kim? You were the one who told me to turn a blind eye toward what you did!" 

"What the hell are you saying? I never told you any of that! Do you want to push all the blame to me after what I did to you?" Kim Hui Cha enunciated the last words and moved his lips toward Zi  Gong without a voice, saying: "If you dare to say anything, then forget about your father's life!"

In horror, Zi Gong pupils shrunken to hear Xiao Yun clapping her palm to bring back their attention. 

"Okay, okay. Stop talking there. Mr. Kim Hui Cha these documents here, are you saying that you have never seen this before?" 

"No. " Kim Hui Cha replied with a crooked smile. No matter what, Zi Gong was only a subordinate no one would believe his words in comparison to him, the head of finance, he thought. 

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