Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 328 - Bad Feeling

Chapter 328 - Bad Feeling


"Heru? My father's assistant?" Aiden's eyes turned sharp at that name. He didn't expect to hear that name today.

"Right. Until now Heru is still serving Master Bima and is very loyal to him," Hadi said.

Aiden's eyes looked deep as he examined the things he had just learned. If Heru was really Imel's colleague, Bima might have been deceived. Or did Bima actually know everything?

After that, he said to Hadi, "Mr. Hadi, I brought you vitamins. Take good care of your health. I'll go first,"

"Sir, don't go yet. Let me give you something," without waiting for Aiden's reply, the old man rushed inside.

A few moments later, he came out with a variety of vegetables and fruits. "Sir, I remember that you liked these vegetables and fruits. I grow it myself," the old man said with a smile.

Although Aiden's heart was as cold as an ice cube, the old man could melt his heart a little.

"Mr. Hadi, thank you very much. I will enjoy all your gifts," Aiden was too awkward and couldn't say anything touching. But he was really sincere and intended to spend all of Hadi's gift. After all, the old man used to be loyal to his mother. He had planted all of this by himself and gifted it sincerely.

"Sir, I am old now. I don't know if I can still see you getting married and having kids. If you have good news, don't forget to tell this old man," Hadi said with teary eyes.

"I am married. My wife is a very good woman. One day, I will bring her here and introduce her to you. We can eat together, cook barbecue and plant vegetables," Aiden comforted the old man.

"I will really look forward to it," Hadi felt really touched. Like his very kind-hearted Madame, Aiden was also as good as her mother…

"Take care of your health. I'll go home first," Aiden said goodbye to Hadi and immediately called Harris.

"No matter what you are doing right now, stop. Investigate the relationship between Assistant Heru and Imel immediately," Aiden ordered.

"Sir, today is the weekend. Heru invited me to play golf and I won't be able to cancel it," Harris said.

"Heru has a relationship with Imel. He has been by my father's side for years and now he invites you to play golf. I think he has a hidden intention. Be careful," after saying that, Aiden hung up the phone.

Heru used to be a poor kid who was financed by his father. After graduating, he joined the Atmajaya Group and worked as an assistant to his father. After Ardan took over his father's job, Heru worked as Ardan's assistant.

After Ardan's death, it was Aiden who took over the company. However, Aiden only trusted Harris so Heru returned to work for his father.

So far, Aiden had always considered Heru as part of the Atmajaya Family. He had extraordinary abilities and was always loyal to the Atmajaya Family.

Never once did Aiden doubt Heru.

However, upon hearing that it was the servant Heru introduced who killed his mother, Aiden immediately became suspicious.

If Heru really had a relationship with Imel, then it would shed a light to the long unrevealed mystery.

After calling Harris, Aiden called Nico. "Now that you live in the Atmajaya family house, pay attention to Heru's actions. He most likely has a relationship with Imel,"

"Is it true?" When he heard the news, Nico couldn't believe it.

"I still don't know for sure if they are working together. But if it's true, your engagement with Lisa would be pointless," Aiden said.

"Then I will fight with grandfather. I will force him to give Atmajaya Group shares as a gift to me somehow," Nico said.

"Tell your mother to cook fish for you," Aiden said, suddenly changing the subject.

Nico was silent for a moment. He couldn't understand what his uncle meant. "Uncle, aren't we talking about my engagement? Uncle changed the subject so quickly. Are you in the mood to eat fish?"

"Fish is good to increase your intelligence. You need a lot," Aiden replied coldly.

Nico's face immediately looked bitter. "Uncle, it turns out you are teasing me! Don't give up on me. I can help you! I will eat a lot of fish and carrots for my brain and eyes," Nico said seriously.

Aiden's lips curved slightly and then he said, "Use your brain to do something. You can say anything to me. Even if you are wrong, I will always teach you. But out there, think before you open your mouth. Understand?"

Nico answered with a smile. "Of course, Uncle. I'm like this only in front of you. I will always be careful outside,"

"Okay. Go out with Lisa this week," Aiden said before hanging up.

Maria came over to Nico carrying a plate of melons and asked, "Who's calling?"

"Uncle. He told me to date Lisa," he said.

"Then go," Maria stabbed a piece of melon with a fork and fed it into her son's mouth.

Nico opened his mouth and took a bite. He thought about the information about Heru that Aiden had just given. "Mom, where is Grandpa?"

"Your grandfather went out with his friend for tea," Maria replied.

"Mother, what do you think about Assistant Heru?" Nico asked.

Maria's face changed slightly and she asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Nico took the plate from Maria's hand and ate the melon, saying, "Uncle is curious about the relationship between Heru and Imel. So I asked you,"

"The relationship between Heru and Imel is not good. When your grandfather wanted to marry Imel, Heru and your father were both against it. In the end, the marriage didn't happen," Maria said.

"Okay. If you remember something, tell me. When my father was still around, Assistant Heru was his most trusted person and always helped him. But father is dead and now Uncle Aiden is in charge of the company. Uncle only believes in Harris and he suspects Assistant Heru of betraying our family," Nico said as he ate a few more pieces of melon before putting down his fork.

"Heru is different from the others. He is very loyal to your grandfather and will not be easily bribed by Imel. But I will pay attention. If he really works with Imel, we can plan something first," Maria said calmly.

"I know you can manage it. I'm going on a date," Nico called one of the servants and asked him to pick flowers from the garden. He wanted to send the flowers to Lisa.

"Why are you picking those flowers from home? Buy fresh flowers at a flower shop. You look stingy and insincere," Maria grumbled.

"I'm picking flowers in the garden for Lisa. I will say that my own mother planted this flower. Now that's sincere," Nico said nonchalantly.

"This kid... Even if you pretend, you should at least look sincere!" Maria couldn't just let it go. She followed the servant and chose the best flower in the garden.

Nico saw his mother and the maid busy preparing the bouquet. He took his cell phone and opened the chat group to send messages.

Nico: "Tara, my uncle told me to go on a date."

Tara: "Oh, congrats then! You will have a new lover soon."

Anya: "Happy dating, have a good date!"

Nico just sighed at the answers from these women. Didn't they know that he felt compelled to do this?

All of this was for the sake of his freedom...

He must be able to survive in order to get his freedom and live with the woman he loved...

Nico: "Where are you Auntie?"

Anya: "I'm on my way to the hospital."

When he saw the message, Aiden felt a bad feeling. He felt uncomfortable when Anya had to go alone, especially after yesterday's incident.

Aiden immediately sent a reply.

Aiden: "Anya, I will accompany you to the hospital later. Now go home first…"

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