Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 329 - Unwilling To Let Us Go

Chapter 329 - Unwilling To Let Us Go

Somehow Aiden felt uneasy since he returned from visiting Hadi. He didn't know what had happened and why he felt this way.

Plus, after coming home and not seeing Anya at home, he felt that something was wrong. Anya also didn't answer the messages in the group, so Aiden called her right away.

"Anya, go home first. I'll accompany you back to the hospital later. You are only with one bodyguard. It's not safe to travel alone," Aiden said.

"I've arrived at the hospital. It's okay. There are many doctors and nurses in the hospital," Anya said.

"I feel uncomfortable today. Follow my word and hurry home," Aiden said.

Anya couldn't understand why Aiden was acting like this. She had gone to the hospital often and even usually went by herself. The hospital was not too far from their house and the place was very busy.

What could happen there?

"What's going on?" Anya asked in surprise. She was already on her way to her mother's room.

"I just have a bad feeling. I feel uncomfortable letting you go alone. Come back. We can go to the hospital again later," Aiden had never felt this hot. The bad feeling in his heart was getting worse. He could only hope that Anya was fine.

Hearing Aiden's panic, Anya finally decided to obey her husband's words.

"Okay, I'll go home now," Anya said from across the phone.

"I'll pick you up," Aiden still felt uncomfortable even though Anya agreed to go home so he decided to go pick her up.josei

"No need. It's close from here. Just wait for me at home and rest," Anya didn't want Aiden to be tired just because he wanted to pick her up.

Aiden pretended not to hear what Anya said and immediately set off to pick up his wife. While on the way, Aiden was stuck in traffic so he couldn't get to the hospital as fast as usual.

Half an hour later, Aiden looked at his cell phone again. There was no message or phone call from Anya, so he decided to call his wife again. "Are you on your way home?"

"I'm on my way to the parking lot. There's an old woman who needs my help. She wants to bring food for her hospitalized granddaughter, but she finds it difficult to carry it herself. Her child is taking care of hospital administration at the moment and no one can help her. After helping this grandmother, I'll be home soon,"

"Anya, who told you to help that grandmother? If she is old, she can ask for help from hospital officials or other people. Why should you help her?" Aiden shouted angrily.

"Aiden? What's up with you today? I only intend to help this grandmother. After this I will go straight home. Besides, we are heading to the parking lot," Anya felt confused seeing Aiden's attitude like this.

"I want to talk to my bodyguard," knowing that Anya insisted on helping the grandmother, Aiden decided to directly talk to the bodyguard.

"Sir, we are on our way to our parking lot. I parked the car in an underground parking lot,"

Aiden's face immediately lost its tone. "Underground parking lot?"

"Yes, sir. Our parking lot is on the same floor as this old woman's car," the guard replied.

"Can't you realize the danger? The place was dark and there were rarely people passing by. What if someone caught you in that place?" Aiden immediately rebuked his bodyguard firmly.

"I..." Aiden's bodyguard looked at the old woman with a little confusion. Actually, he was suspicious because usually people would use children or the elderly as a trap to do evil. It's true that this old woman directed them to the last parking lot, which was quite dark and hidden.

"For the safety of my wife, hurry and bring her home. I don't want to hear anything else, leave that grandmother right away!" Aiden demanded.

"Yes sir." The bodyguard hung up the phone and immediately asked Anya to comply with Aiden's request.

"Young man, my son's car park is very close. Why are you only helping me halfway? Didn't you promise to help me earlier?" The grandmother said.

Anya looked at the grandmother with a little embarrassment. She did intend to help her, but she couldn't go against her husband's request either.

Suddenly, Anya remembered an incident when someone was chasing their car on a narrow and dark road. At that time, Anya ignored all the suggestions from the bodyguard and asked him to take a shortcut.

In the end, they had to face danger and their car was blocked on the way.

In order for them to survive, the bodyguard even crashed into Aiden's expensive car and dented the car's body.

All because of Anya's carelessness...

After that, Anya promised that she would always follow the guard's words because she was not sensitive to danger. The bodyguard knew more than her…

Besides, Anya didn't want to make Aiden even more angry.

"Grandma, how about I call one of the hospital staff to help you. I really have to go now," Anya said, trying to persuade the grandmother.

"Young people today. You guys promised to help me earlier, but now that we have come this far, you're intending to leave me. Are you guys teasing me on purpose?" The grandmother insisted and wanted Anya to keep helping her.

"Grandma, we only asked you to wait here for a while and we will find someone else who can help you," the guard said, helping Anya out of this situation. Seeing that grandmother continued to insist, he became even more worried.

Anya knew that the best option right now was to ask the hospital staff or another passerby. After hearing Aiden's panic, she didn't want to take the risk.

She had experienced terrible events in the past. The fear would always remain in her heart.

If it weren't for Aiden's call, Anya wouldn't have thought too much. However, after Aiden warned of the dangers that could occur in that dark place, Anya became worried too.

"Just say that you guys are playing me on purpose. Nothing can justify your ill treatment to the elderly like this," the grandmother grumbled.

"Grandma, it's not like we don't want to help. But your car park is too far and dark. Besides, we are in a hurry. I will remain responsible and help you to seek help from others," Anya said.

"If you weren't willing to help me from the start, then just say it. There must be other kind people who are willing to help me until the end. Not just helping halfway like you guys. Aren't you afraid of karma when you prank an old woman like me?" The grandmother said angrily.

Anya's face immediately turned pale, especially when she heard the word 'karma'. It felt like she'd been hearing those words too many times lately.

She immediately thought of her mother lying in the hospital bed…

She was really angry when she heard those words again. Actually, what did she do wrong that everyone swore she would get bad karma?

Anya looked coldly at the old grandmother, her mood to help her had gone. "Grandma, what you are doing right now is no different from us. In the name of morality, you force other people to help you. It's not our responsibility to help you, but we do mean well. We don't intend to leave you and abandon you alone. We are willing to take responsibility and find other people who can help you. But why do you insist and don't want to let us go?"

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