Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 475 - Cake Shop

Chapter 475 - Cake Shop

"How about your child? You won't be able to take them with you while studying," Tara asked.

"My mother said that if I chose to give birth to this child, she would come with me to France and help me look after this child. I have enough money to pay for my life there. And my mother also wants to rent out our garden to earn extra money," Anya said with a smile. "I have a wonderful mother."

"If you're short on money, I can help. The cost of living abroad is not cheap," Tara said.

"My mother bought a house in the Atmajaya Group's development project. She can cancel it and get the money back. Tara, thank you. If I have trouble later, I'll look for you," Anya said half jokingly.

Today, Tara took the initiative to help her and even wanted to give her money so that Anya could live in peace. This made Anya feel very touched.

She knew that Tara was not only a food lover, but also a money lover.

But for Anya's sake, Tara didn't even hesitate to spend a large amount of money.

"Never hesitate to ask for my help. Remember, you always have me, so call me when you need anything. Even if you want to end your relationship with the Atmajaya Family, I won't let you avoid me. I promise I won't tell them where you are," Tara said very seriously, feeling worried that she would lose her only best friend.

Anya nodded. "Do you really want to separate from Nico?" She said, changing the subject.

"Nico will forever remain as a child in the Atmajaya Family. Even though he will be 27 years old next year, he will never grow up in the eyes of his family. If a man as strong as Aiden couldn't protect you, how could I expect Nico to protect me? I've thought it all out. If this relationship can't make me happy for the rest of my life, then I better leave as soon as possible," Tara smiled, but this time she gave a bitter one. "I'm sad to be separated from him. But I love myself more than him,"

"I admire your way of thinking. You know what you want and you don't let other people rule your life," Anya said in a low voice.

"Just tell Nico, if he is willing to give up his status as a member of the Atmajaya Family, I will support him for the rest of my life," Tara seemed to have made a very big decision.

Anya thought about how Nico struggled so hard to get shares from his grandfather. Could he give up his current status and wealth to be with Tara?

"I don't understand the problems in the Atmajaya Family. Nico does look cheerful and has no worries. But as long as he is willing to fight, he will never hesitate," Anya said.

"You know yourself Aiden is the most powerful person in the Atmajaya Family. He tried various ways to help Nico get the shares from his grandfather. The ultimate goal is to make Aiden the largest shareholder in the Atmajaya Group," Tara said.

Anya nodded. "They did it because they were worried about Imel. Imel and Heru love each other, but Imel's greed makes her prefer to be part of the Atmajaya Family,"

Tara showed a sinister smile. "If Imel becomes Mrs. Atmajaya, she will be the most powerful once Uncle Bima dies. She will get all the shares and properties Uncle Bima owned. If it ends up that way, what can we do?"

"Though Ivan doesn't seem to be doing anything, maybe he was also involved with Imel and Heru's plans. I think I can live happily together with Aiden. But suddenly, I was kicked out of this marriage without knowing what the real reason was," Anya laughed at herself.

"Don't think too much about it. Even though divorce is sad, at least you can see the bright side," Tara smiled dreamily. "You're single again, so you can choose a handsome man around you,"

"Tara, can you be a little serious!" Anya hit Tara on the shoulder, but Tara quickly avoided her nimbly. How could this friend think of a handsome man at times like this.

However, Anya knew that Tara was not willing to let Nico go. She prefered Nico over the other handsome men around her. But Tara still said it to cheer her up. And to comfort herself...

"Anya, I..." Tara lowered her head.

"No matter what decision you take, I will always support you. I know you have thought everything carefully," Anya hugged Tara, hoping it would ease her sadness. Just like Tara's hug when she was sad.

"If possible, I want to kidnap Nico and take him away from his family. No man could make me feel this way. But his last name is Atmajaya and he will never escape that name. Nico can never be himself," Tara said in a choked voice.

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard and a nurse came inside. "Doctor Tara, your fiancé is coming again. Are you willing to meet him?"

"I'm busy," Tara replied briefly.

The nurse came out to deliver Tara's answer. After a while, she came back in with two roasted sweet potatoes.

"Your fiancé is gone. He said you like roasted sweet potatoes, so he bought this especially for you," the nurse put down the box she was carrying and then came out.josei

Tara couldn't hold back her tears. "Why is he so stupid? I didn't even explain anything to him and left right away. Even though I didn't want to see him again, he still gave me this roasted sweet potato. He really is…"

"Nico cares for you," Anya said, patting Tara's shoulder.

Tara looked sadly at the box of roasted sweet potatoes. "Do you want this?" She asked, her eyes still watering.

Anya just shook her head. "I must go home. Eat slowly,"

Tara didn't move an inch, she didn't intend to touch the box. After Anya came out and closed the door, tears streamed down her face again.

Anya stood at the door of Tara's room, she could hear her friend's faint sobs from outside. Before leaving, she left a message to the nurse on guard not to disturb Tara for a while.

In the car, Anya called Nico. "Where are you? I just walked out of Tara's clinic. I want to see you."

"There's a bakery not far from Tara's clinic. Can we meet there?" Nico said.

"Alright," Anya hung up the phone.

When she arrived at the cake shop, Anya saw Nico wearing a chef's dress with a high hat. His hands were busy stirring the dough.

This was her first time seeing Nico like this.

"Auntie, sit down first. I'm going to put this dough in the oven," Nico said with a smile.

Anya chose to sit near the window. A servant then came and brought her warm milk with a plate of fruit pie.

"Thank you," Anya had just eaten with Tara at her clinic and was very full. But when she saw the interesting pie, she really wanted to try it.

The pie was so good!

After finishing his job, Nico changed his clothes and approached Anya.

"I opened this shop. When I'm in a bad mood, I'll come here and bake a cake," Nico sat in front of Anya.

The guy was completely different from his usual self, or at least that's how he was to Anya's eyes. Nico, the comedian, the talkative, the childish— he wasn't there anymore…

Maybe the guy in front of her was the real Nico.

Or a version of Nico, if he weren't born with the last name Atmajaya.

"This is delicious. Tara will like it. You know that Tara really likes to eat," Anya said with a smile.

"I can't be with her," Nico grimaced bitterly. "Because of uncle and aunt's problems, Tara was disappointed in the Atmajaya Family and didn't want to be with me anymore."

"This is not your fault. Tara has her own decision. Still, no one knows whether she will end up like me or not," Anya said calmly. "Nico, don't you really know anything?"

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