Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 476 - Day Of Operation

Chapter 476 - Day Of Operation

"Nico, don't you really know anything?"

"I can only guess, but I think my guess is ridiculous. Maybe I thought too much," Nico tried to smile, but somehow his face felt stiff.

"What's your guess?" Anya asked.

"Nothing," Nico shook his head. "What did Tara say to Auntie?"

"She actually didn't want to leave you. But she loved herself more than she loved anyone else. If you are willing to give up all your status and surname one day, she is willing to pay for you for the rest of her life," Anya conveyed Tara's words without adding or subtracting them.

"Maybe you won't believe it, Auntie. It's not really that I don't want to give up everything, but if I really did, my grandfather would never forgive Tara and her grandfather. I can't do that," Nico didn't hide the sadness in his eyes. His head was slightly bowed.

"I know. Without you in the Atmajaya Family, Aiden and his father would never make up. Aiden and Ivan will be in a constant war. Because of you, the Atmajaya Family can look peaceful," Anya looked at Nico with a smile. "Nico, you are a good man. No wonder Tara doesn't want to leave you,"

"If only my father were still there, Uncle Ivan and Uncle Aiden would not have fought. All because my father is gone so the relationship between them became complicated. I am responsible for maintaining this family and I don't want to ask Tara to be involved in it," Nico took a deep breath and looked at Anya. "Auntie, I want to ask you a favor,"

"If I can help, I will definitely do it," Anya thought that she would be leaving Indonesia soon.

Maybe she would come back someday, but her relationship with Nico would change forever.

All this time, Nico had always treated her well. And Anya would also try to repay all his kindness.

"Thank you for visiting Tara and asking about all this. I won't ask Tara to come back. At least, can you take her to dinner together at home on Christmas? I haven't seen her in a few days," as he said it, Nico's eyes were filled with hope.

"I'll try it," Anya nodded.

Not only did Nico want to see Tara, she also wanted to meet Aiden. The man gave her a time until the end of the year and the day was drawing near.

At least, Anya wanted to spend a peaceful Christmas before leaving Aiden.

Anya was sure that Tara would also want to spend Christmas with Nico, just like how she wished to spend it with Aiden.

Even if Aiden didn't want to, at least Anya had to fulfill her own wish because they were going to separate.

Anya immediately opened her chat group and invited all of them to gather on Christmas.

Nico was the first to agree and said he would come.

After waiting for a while and not getting answers from Aiden and Tara, Anya deliberately spoke directly to Tara.

Anya: "Tara, maybe this is the last Christmas that we can celebrate together. Mrs. Hana will cook delicious food for you. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

Tara: "I'll come. When you are no longer in the house, I won't have a chance to eat Mrs. Hana's cooking. I just finished practicing so I don't have time to reply to your chat."

Nico: "Tell me what you want to eat, I'll definitely get it. There is no food that I cannot get."

After a while, Aiden finally replied.josei

Aiden: "Nico, do you want to come and eat at my house?"

Nico: "Auntie asked me. I don't need permission from you, uncle."

He said so while sending a haughty sticker.

Anya: "Just come while I am still the owner of the house too. Maybe I can't invite you to eat anymore in the future."

Anya sent that sentence with a bitter smile in her heart.

Nico: "Uncle, don't work late on Christmas. Let's eat together!"

Aiden: "Yes."

Seeing Aiden's answer, Nico immediately let out a sigh of relief at the same time. Perhaps, this was their first and last Christmas.

Tara then sent a private message to Anya.

Tara: "On Christmas day, I'll go out with Nico so you can talk to Aiden about your problems after dinner."

Anya: "Thank you!"

Seeing Tara's message, Anya smiled resignedly and put down her cell phone.

At least, Aiden had agreed to come home for Christmas. That alone was good enough.

Upon learning that there would be a Christmas party at home, Hana immediately ordered a few servants to decorate the house.

December 24th, the day before Christmas, was Deny's surgery day.

Anya went to the hospital early. Upon arrival, a doctor said that Natali wanted to meet her first before entering the operating room.

"Anya, don't meet her," Raka tried to stop her. He was afraid that Natali would harm Anya.

"It's okay. Natali's already willing to save dad. At least I have to see her," Anya followed the doctor to the room where Natali was resting.

Natali saw Anya entering the room alone and immediately sneered, "Aren't you afraid I will harm you?"

"Raka is at the door," Anya said calmly.

"You ..." Upon knowing that Raka was at the door, Natali immediately held back her anger.

"Raka is a kind and responsible man. His mother has asked him to end his engagement with you. Father also agreed, but Raka refused. Are you satisfied?" Anya sat on a chair near the door.

She chose to sit by the door because if Natali suddenly went crazy, she would still have time to escape and run right away.

"All of this is your fault. Why do you have to get in touch with Raka again? Raka is your ex-lover. You know that he still loves you and can't let you go. You already have Aiden but you are still close to Raka. Do you want them both?" Natali gritted her teeth.

Anya looked straight at Natali and smiled sarcastically. "Did you forget that you ordered someone to rape me so Aiden dumped me and Raka hated me? Natali, we are sisters. Do you need to act this cruel?"

"Am I as cruel as you? Do you think leaving me in the underground parking lot with those disgusting men wasn't cruel?" Natali still couldn't forget the bad experience that happened to her. Whenever she thought about it, her hatred for Anya would only increase.

"Are you saying that planning a crime isn't cruel? Then why did you consider me cruel if I made you suffer the same fate you planned on me? You are selfish and only think about yourself. There is no point in discussing all of this further. Just tell me now, what do you want from me?" Anya asked.

"Don't you want to know who told me about your checkup schedule and gave me information about the nurse that was paid to kill the child in your womb?" As soon as the topic of conversation changed, a cynical smile immediately appeared on Natali's face.

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