Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 990 - Already Prepared A Gift For Your Brother

Chapter 990 - Already Prepared A Gift For Your Brother

"What are you doing on social media?" Lili said while kicking Aksa's leg when no one was paying attention to them.

The kick didn't hurt Aksa. Instead, he turned to Lili and smiled broadly. "Lili, how about we get engaged first? It just so happens that your parents are here," he said.

"Who wants to be engaged to you? I just ended my engagement. If I get engaged to you right away, everyone will talk about us!" Lili immediately rejected his idea.

She didn't want to get engaged to Aksa right away. Her engagement to Mario just ended. If she was immediately engaged to another man, what would other people think of her?

"What are you afraid of? Your engagement to Mario is over. After all, the matchmaking is of our own initiation. Aksa is a man of your own choice. If you don't want to get married right away, it's okay to get engaged first," said Lili's mother, Laura. The woman then said while smiling, "You can get engaged while getting to know each other better."

Just like his cheerful and easygoing wife, so is Mark. "Right. Better to set a date soon. Tomorrow is his brother's wedding. We can all announce your engagement in front of the guests. No need to have an engagement party. Just tell people first."

Anya had heard from her daughter, Adel, that Aksa and Lili lived together. Young people these days find it difficult to hold back when they fall in love.

Instead of them living together without status like this, it was better to immediately announce their engagement. By ensuring that the two of them will head for marriage, no one will comment on their lives.

As a parent, Anya also tries to protect her son's reputation as well as his lover. She and Aiden had already discussed this with Laura and Mark, and they both agreed.

They also want Lili and Aksa to quickly formalize their relationship.

Arka and Aksa are twins. One of them will get married and the other will get engaged. It would be fine even if the event was held simultaneously.

"I… I haven't thought about it carefully," Lili looked confused. She is afraid of other people's views of her and also of Aksa. She did not want to destroy Aksa and the Atmajaya family's reputation because of this.

Wouldn't it be better to date long enough and get engaged when they were ready?

However, Aksa suddenly got up from his seat.

"I'm ready!" He suddenly took out a ring and knelt in front of his and Lili's parents.

"Lili, in front of the parents I love and in front of your parents who will become my parents too, I want to propose to you and make you my wife. I want to sleep beside you, want to wake up to see your face. I want to share happiness with you and carry your troubles on my shoulders. Let me be by your side for the rest of your life."

"Lili Caroline Mandala, I will be by your side when you are healthy or sick, happy or sad. I want to be with you until death do us part. Marry me!"

Everyone there clapped and cheered. Some even shouted the word 'Yes' repeatedly, including Lili's parents. They were touched to hear Aksa's expression of love for their daughter.

Adel immediately brought a guitar for his brother. "Brother, sing. Show your sincerity," she said excitedly.

Aksa then accepted the guitar and changed his position to be more comfortable. He sings a love song, an expression of his feelings for the woman he loves the most.

"I found love... For me... Come with me and dive to know how deep my love is. I found a beautiful and sweet girl. I never knew that someone was waiting for me. Because we were kids when we fell in love, still didn't understand anything. I won't let you go this time. Kiss me slowly, your heart is mine completely. And from your eyes, you are mine…"

"Dance with me in the dark, together in my arms. Barefoot on the swaying grass, listening to our favorite song together. When you say you look messy, I will whisper in a low voice. Listen my sweetheart, you always look perfect in my eyes…"

Aksa's voice sounded warm and full of love, it made Lili very touched and brought tears to her eyes. Her hands were trying to cover her face which got red from embarrassment and filled with tears. And then, her head nodded vigorously even though her lips couldn't speak.

Her throat was too tight to even say 'yes' or 'I accept'. But that nod alone was enough to show that Aksa's love was reciprocated.

Bella recorded the entire proposal and posted it on the internet.

Today, there is so much news that shakes the world. From bad news that threatens the Atmajaya Family, to good news that makes everyone happy.

Seeing the proposal, many people started sending messages and giving their support to Aksa. They also gave prayers to Arka and Sabrina who were about to get married.

The news about Adrian sank into silence right after, without anyone paying any attention to it.

In a hotel room, Mario slammed everything inside in a fit of rage. He felt furious, angry, and angry when he saw the news that spread on the internet.

He returns to Indonesia to meet Lili and intends to persuade her to marry him.

But he did not expect that his return to Indonesia would not only fail to persuade Lili, but expose her father's crimes.

Eka is suspected of having hired a hitman. He not only killed other people, but also Galih and his own daughter.

How could a father kill his own daughter? Such a father, how could he possibly educate his son well?

The Mandala family did not hesitate to cancel the engagement between Lili and Mario and it made Mario very angry. He waited, waited and waited…

Until a few days before Arka's wedding, he deliberately spread the news that Adrian was an illegitimate child. He had been waiting for the right moment like this.

But no one from the Atmajaya Family tried to explain. They don't care at all. They all remain calm and happy for Arka's marriage and Aksa's engagement.josei

"Why… why… why!?"

Mario has failed to destroy Adrian. Even his fiancée is now someone else's fianceé. He really couldn't accept it.

"The Atmajaya family… I will definitely make all of you regret it!"

At eight o'clock in the evening, Adel received a message from Mario.

Mario : Adel, I will go home and I can not attend your brother's wedding tomorrow. I have prepared a present for him. Can you come and get it for me?

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