Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 991 - Going To Collect Gifts

Chapter 991 - Going To Collect Gifts

At eight o'clock in the evening, Adel received a message from Mario.

Mario : Adel, I will go home and I can not attend your brother's wedding tomorrow. I have prepared a present for him. Can you come and get it for me?

Adel has three biological brothers, also one older cousin and several nephews and nieces who pamper her. Most of the girls in the Atmajaya Family are treated like princesses and spoiled by everyone.

Usually, the boys would do everything for the girls in the Atmajaya Family.

Like Anya, Adel just has to do whatever she wants. She has a father and three older brothers who are protective and always take care of her.

This time, Mario texted her, asking her to come to the hotel to pick up a gift. But she didn't want to go there. After all, the gift was not for her.

Adel immediately answered with a voice message. "Even though Sis Lili ended the engagement with you and made you angry, you couldn't show me a fake DNA test to slander my brother. I don't need that gift. I'm too lazy to take it too."

Mario answered right away. "I apologize. Because of my engagement problem, I got angry so I did that. I'm calm now. I hope you will accept this gift. If your brother accepts the gift, the guilt in my heart will also lessen."

Adel lay on her bed lazily. She was unsure whether she should go or not. But she's not going anywhere.josei

What does Mario's guilt have to do with her?

'I don't want to… I don't want to go, I don't want to go!'

"Sis Adel, I left my makeup remover at the office. Can I borrow yours?" Bella suddenly opened the door and entered Adel's room.

"Bella, what should I do? I'm too lazy to leave the house, but Mario insists on asking me to pick up Brother Arka's wedding gift at his place," said Adel, annoyed.

When Bella heard that, her eyes lit up. "Gifts cannot be refused, Sis. How about I accompany you there?"

"You want to accompany me?" Adel said as she got up from her bed.

"Tell him that one gift is not enough. Brother Aksa is also getting engaged. He needs to give one for Brother Aksa too," Bella said carelessly.

Adel thought for a moment and said, "Going home, I want to eat Korean barbecue."

"Alright, alright. We'll go eat too!" Bella said. "It just so happens that I haven't removed my makeup. Looks like I don't need to do it now.

"I don't want to wear makeup. Actually, I'm very lazy to leave the house," Adel got up from her bed and walked to her closet.

"I will go back to my room and change clothes. We'll meet downstairs!" Bella left Adel's room. And after returning to her room, she immediately called Aksa.

Tomorrow is Arka's wedding day and Arka won't have time for them. But Aksa will only get engaged. He just needs to be present without preparing anything.

He must be down.

And this problem… They need to fix it. After all, it was Aksa who made Mario feel angry. He had snatched his fiancée.

"Brother, Mario asked Sis Adel to pick up gifts at the hotel," Bella said.

"What gift? What for? Are we lacking in gifts?" Aksa said angrily.

Bella cleared her throat softly. "Sis Adel didn't want the gift either, but I persuaded her to take it. I will accompany her so maybe…"

"What is it? Was Mario really that shameless? He told a girl to come to the hotel and look for him in the middle of the night, has he gone crazy? I know he must have bad intentions towards Adel. You guys shouldn't go…" But when he got there, Aksa suddenly understood what Bella meant. "Ahh… I see."

Bella immediately laughed. "Try calling Nico, maybe he's free. Bring Mason too. Don't tell brother Adrian. I don't want him to meet Mario. He must have tried to embarrass him. He dared to destroy Brother's Adrian's reputation, and also deceive Sis Adel. If we don't take this opportunity to finish him off, will you just let him go?"

"Absolutely not. He posted hoax news on the internet, saying that Adrian was related by blood to the Hermawan family. Who doesn't know that Adrian and Adel are twins from the Atmajaya Family?" While saying this, Aksa felt more and more angry. "I will find a way to take care of this prick!"

"Alright, arrange everything. I'll see if Sis Adel is ready. After I leave, I'll send the location to you." After setting it up, Bella went downstairs.

Adel is really lazy to go tonight. But her laziness was defeated by her greed.

She left the house to pick up gifts and when she came home, she could eat Korean barbecue. Of course she would be ready as soon as possible.

When Adel came down, Bella was already waiting for her on the first floor.

Anya saw the two girls were neatly dressed and about to go out, and immediately felt worried. "Where are you guys going at this time of night?"

"Brother Aksa said she would take us to dinner. Would you like to come with us?" She asked.

Anya looked at the two slender girls in front of her. "Just forget it. If I were as slim as you guys, I wouldn't think twice about eating much."

"Do you want to come out?" Suddenly, Aiden came and approached her.

"Don't want to. I just want to exercise," Anya said reluctantly.

The two girls giggled looking at Anya. When Aiden found out that Adel and Bella were about to leave, he immediately arranged for some of his trusted bodyguards to escort them.

Not only that, he also called Aksa to make sure that Adel and Bella left with Arka's guard before they could leave the house.

As soon as he got into the car, Adel immediately asked the question she had been holding back. "Bella, how did my brother know we were going out?"

"Sis, you went to pick up the gift at the hotel. Aren't you afraid Mario will do something to you?" Bella said suddenly.

Adel combed his long hair and then ponytailed it a little carelessly.

"He won't be able to do it. I'm still trying to believe him until now, and that Mario is not that kind of person. If you don't accompany me, maybe I'll be too lazy to go and refuse his gift. If I have to go out even once, I'll bring my father's bodyguards. I am Adelia Nora Atmajaya. I'm not that stupid," Adel said with a smile.

Bella breathed a sigh of relief. "Then do you know why I accompanied you to pick up the gift?"

"If Brother Aksa knows too, it seems that the problem is not as simple as taking a gift. I hope after meeting him, Mario doesn't break my trust. Otherwise, I will make him suffer much more than in hell," Adel is also an Atmajaya. She is a smart kid and understands what will happen.

Bella smiled happily. "Anyway, we didn't do it on purpose. If he doesn't do anything bad, nothing will happen to him, right?"

"Yes," Adele nodded.

After arriving at the hotel, Bella and Aiden's bodyguards wait in the car while Adel goes to Mario's room alone.

"Why hasn't my brother come yet? You let me ride alone. Isn't it the same as sending a sheep into a wolf's mouth?" Adel asked.

"That's right, I had to sacrifice my sheep to catch the wolf," Bella said with a laugh.

Adel immediately glared at her. "You made me bait and still laugh. Bastard…"

"Hurry up and go. Don't let him wait too long," Bella urged.

Adel felt a little nervous. She decided to come to this place because he wanted Mario to be free from his guilt.

Because of that guilt, Mario has prepared a present for them. Although the Atmajaya Family does not lack gifts, Adel is willing to take them to help Mario release his guilt.

Adel is still kind, willing to help Mario.

But now that she knew that there was a possibility that Mario would hurt her, she couldn't calm down anymore.

Adel walked towards the elevator and suddenly, a voice was heard from inside. "Adel, don't be afraid. Brother is watching you. If he dares to touch the tips of your hair, I will kill him!"

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