His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 217 - THE VICTIMS

Chapter 217 - THE VICTIMS

The scandal involving the Murong clan, Lu Liang and Hu Lei kept heating up. However, it did not affect the popularity of TQA. Everyone was talking about the movie alongside the latest gossip about the Murong family.

Just when the gossip was dying off, an even more scandalous piece of news was released.

The youngest son of the Murong family, Murong Fai, was not the biological son of Lu Liang's current husband. He was the product of an affair between her and her former husband.

There was no doubt that the information was valid because a picture of the boy's birth records was provided by the anonymous poster. This new revelation brought the entire city into a shock because Lu Liang's story had already been discussed extensively.

According to common knowledge, Lu Liang had separated from her first husband quite early. The timeline was not clear, but everyone had heard that there had been no relationship for quite a while between her and her former husband, even before their break-up was clear.

Moreover, the connection between her and Murong Cheng had always been romanticised even though they were both on their second marriage. In the eyes of the romantics, it was a story of struggle, healing and finding love even when all fails.

Now, the exposed matter showed that Lu Liang had had carnal relations with her former husband after separating from him and even staying with the love of her life. In addition, she had lied about the matter. Everyone felt sorry for Murong Cheng who had to raise a child who he did not know was not his own.

Within a moment, the loving wife and benevolent stepmother became a shameless schemer who had taken advantage of a widower and his children to get ahead in life. The support she had offered her family through the years became a joke in the eyes of the public.

In the Murong home, Lu Liang faced Murong Cheng. There was a stern look in the man's eyes as he stared at the wife who had supported him, putting him at the helm of the Murong family businesses. Lu Liang could see that the man was being cold towards her, so she did not take initiative to talk.

"Lu Liang, the elder wants us to divorce." He declared.

The woman looked at him in disbelief. "You are going to let your father dictate our marriage?"

"You know that I cannot go against him."

"Why not? Most of the power in the company and the family has been transferred to you. There is nothing that he can do to you."

"You are the reason that this is happening. How could you have lied to me? I have taken care of someone else's child for years. How do you think this makes me feel?" The man hit his desk with his palm.

Lu Liang could not believe the man. She knew that he had always known that Fai was not his child even though they had never talked clearly about it. He was clearly just using this as an excuse to kick her out of the family.

She laughed harshly. "Are you burning bridges now that you have what you have been looking for? Are you the one who released the news about Fai?"

She stared at him, hoping for an answer that would comfort her.

"How could you think that? I did not know about this. I have always treated you as my equal, and I hoped that we would grow together."

Murong Cheng was not lying about the latter part of his words. He had known that the boy was not his, but he was willing to disregard it for the sake of Lu Liang who had always been his partner. However, it was impossible for them to continue.

What level of esteem would he have if he remained with a woman who had cheated him?

No one would respect him if they believed that he had been cuckolded. The decision had already been taken out of his hands. For the sake of his reputation, he could not keep her around and become a laughingstock.

"The divorce papers are being drafted. There is nothing further to discuss." He turned his face from her.

In another room, Murong Yue was facing her sister. josei

"I know that you are the one who released the news about that little b*stard." She said.

Murong Yan smiled. "Do you think that I don't know that you are the one responsible for sharing news about Hu Lei? I was merely finishing what you started."

"What do you stand to gain? Our family will just end up dragged through the mud."

"How could that be? We are the victims." The eyes on the plain face twinkled.

"What if Father does not divorce Lu Liang?" Murong Yue questioned.

"I don't care either way. Whether she stays or goes, we cannot lose out. If he divorces her, he will be considered a good man defending his honour. If he does not, he could always show that he is a magnanimous person who can forgive youthful indiscretions."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Why? It's simple. I have worked very hard for this family, but no one acknowledges my efforts. It was only a matter of time before that boy became the successor. You know Grandfather liked him because he was the only boy. But now, he will definitely be eliminated from the competition. Grandfather would never let someone who is not related by blood to inherit the company."

"I see." Murong Yue could not help but be surprised and even impressed by her sister's devious mind.

"You have no right to judge me. At least, I did not do it just for popularity." She paused. "You know you should be thankful to me. Lu Liang cannot control your life anymore for the sake of helping father to advance his business. Now, you won't have to sacrifice yourself for an arranged marriage. So sad… I had already picked out a perfect candidate for our pretty princess." There was clear mockery in Murong Yan's voice.

Murong Yue huffed at her annoying sister and left the room.

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