His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 218 - TAKE HIM AWAY

Chapter 218 - TAKE HIM AWAY

When Hu Lei found out that Lu Liang and Murong Fai had been kicked out of the Murong family, she could not sit still. She wanted to go rescue her brother from the public eyes right away. However, she was not certain about how to approach the issue. In the end, Fai was a minor, and her mother had the final word on what would happen to him.

After thinking a bit, she called Lu Liang. She figured that Lu Liang would at least be open to discussing the matter. After all, she had never been close to Fai, and it did not seem like she would be in a position to take care of the boy with all that was going on.

Unfortunately, when she called Lu Liang, the woman hung up the call as soon as she realised it was Hu Lei. When she attempted to call back, she found that she had been blocked. Her anger rose to disproportionate limits.

She felt her head throb and her eyes became cloudy. She threw her phone onto the thick carpet, sparing it the fate of cracking. Just then, Zhong Feng opened the door of the apartment and found his irate wife who was a second away from destroying the penthouse.

He walked straight to her and held her in his arms, even as she looked like she was rearing to fight. For a moment, it seemed as if she was going to fight him. However, after a short while, the anger in her seemed to drain out of her completely.

"Ah-Feng…" She called out in a small voice.

"En…" The arms around her tightened a little more.

"There is something wrong with me." Hu Lei said.

Zhong Feng felt his heart hurt deeply at the voice. He wanted to tell her that she was ok, that there was nothing wrong. But he could see that she was struggling. He had been planning to talk to her about going to the Huo family in Herb Town for check-up and treatment.

But now, with the mercenaries circling Supreme, he did not think it was a good idea.

How could he leave her unprotected? On the other hand, he could not stand seeing her tortured and vulnerable by the inner demons. He had never been indecisive before. He felt like he had no way of keeping her safe and happy.

"I'm here." He whispered in a hoarse voice. There was nothing else he could say.

The two remained in that position for a while before Hu Lei settled down. She looked at her husband an felt that she was luckier than she had believed was possible. With that thought, she looked up and pulled his head down for a kiss before disentangling herself from his arms.

"What happened?" Zhong Feng asked seriously.

Hu Lei frowned. "Lu Liang has refused to talk to me. I am worried about Fai." Even though they did not know each other well, Fai was still her little brother. She could imagine how much effect the scandal had on his life.

"It seems that he is with the Murong family elder." Zhong Feng had already been looking into the situation. He frowned as he remembered the rumours that the old man was one who treasured blood and male heirs. If this was the case, he had to be feeling duped. This would not be good for Murong Fai.

"Can we get him?" Hu Lei asked nervously. josei

"We could. But as long as Lu Liang wants, she can take him away."

Hu Lei mulled over the issue for a while. She would prefer if Lu Liang could handle the Murong family and get Murong Fai from them cleanly. After that, she could negotiate the parental rights with her directly. However, she could not stand the potential risk of the boy being alone in the hostile environment. Who knew what would happen to him?

"Can you just get him from the Murong elder? I will find a way to deal with Lu Liang." She finally decided.

Zhong Feng nodded. He had had some associations with the old man, so he was certain that he could get the boy from him, one way or another. After all, that ancient creature was always most interested in benefits. However, Zhong Feng could not help being concerned about Hu Lei meeting with Lu Liang.

"Don't worry about me. I know what to do. I will meet with her tomorrow. We can meet at the Area 99 house in the evening, and I will explain everything to Fai."

Zhong Feng did not still feel confident about the plan. However, he could see the spark of determination in her eyes. He sighed as he pulled into his arms. Maybe, tomorrow they could sort this drama and move on to handling the more important things. Like the assassins hovering around Supreme and the matter with the Huo family.

Still, there was a lingering premonition in his heart…

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