His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 227 - A VICIOUS DEMON

Chapter 227 - A VICIOUS DEMON

Hu Lei's mind was blank as she rode her motorcycle. She felt numb. There was nothingness in her mind and soul. She accelerated without a care, perhaps in an attempt to wake herself up from the hollowness that was consuming her.

When she got to the highway, she did not even notice the traffic jam. She simply wove through the vehicles without concerning herself with safety.

Unfortunately, this meant that she was no longer in the sight of the bodyguards who always watched her from a distance.

But she did not care.

Her mind could not grasp such a small detail. She just wanted to drift away from the nightmare that was her life.

She rode without a care for the laws. Only her well-honed instincts which had been developed by handling the motorcycle in harsh conditions kept her from getting into an accident. When she reached a red light, she did not slow down. Instead, she accelerated and passed in between the vehicles moving across.

A lot of hooting ensued as she left and a policeman attempted to give chase on his motorcycle. However, he did not have a powerful engine or the skills. Before long, the small black shadow seemed like a dream as she disappeared into the horizon.

Hu Lei did not know how long she had been moving. However, when her mind cleared up a little, she realised that she was entering the industrial zone of the city. But more importantly, there was a black vehicle following her.

It seemed like an armoured vehicle, and the windows were tinted.

She thought for a moment before veering off towards the streets without a lot of people. She had a lot of pent-up energy, and it was good that some people had sent themselves to her.

After riding for a while, she finally spotted an abandoned industrial space. She went in without hesitation and packed her motorcycle at the side before waiting for her stalkers to follw. When the vehicle arrived, there was a moment of silence, and then, the doors opened.

The two people who stepped out from the driver and front passenger seat were unarmed. However, they had a certain air of danger. They were certainly not simple people. The people behind them seemed a little younger and less experienced.

Hu Lei, however, did not take any of them too seriously. She cracked her neck and moved her shoulders before adopting a fighting stance.

This seemed to annoy the four people.

Within a moment, the two in front attacked Hu Lei with their hands formed into vicious claws. Judging from their behaviour, they wanted to injure her, not kill her. Hu Lei lowered her body and kicked the one on her right with her tough boot and punched the other in the gut. josei

The two recovered quickly and came more forcefully at her. She moved like a sleek shadow, avoiding their jabs and kicks. She did not want to waste too much energy on them because there were two more people that she had to handle.

When the opportunity came, she kicked one of them in the knee and there was a resounding knock. She had broken his leg. While the other one was still in a daze, she punched the man in the throat and he lost consciousness. She turned her vicious eyes to the other person.

Without missing a beat, she aimed for his waist and kicked him in the kidneys. His body turned painfully to the side and Hu Lei took the opportunity to kick him in the spine, causing him to fall. Then, she kicked him at the back of the head.

The two nervous people waiting by the vehicle looked torn between running and attacking Hu Lei. While they were hesitating, Hu Lei had already planned on how to take them out and leave the place.

However, before she could put her plan into action, three more similar vehicles pulled into the industrial space. The two young men who seemed to have lost their energy seemed alive once again as they looked at their salvation.

When the people in the vehicles stepped out, they looked at their fallen brothers. Then, one of them, a man with a bald head, looked at the stupid boys who were doing nothing.

"Are you stupid, why aren't you attacking her?"

Without a choice, they could only come at Hu Lei and try to solve her. Unfortunately, things did not go well. Hu Lei only wasted a few kicks on them before they were done. Just as she was finishing up with them, a shot rang and she felt a bullet pierce her abdomen.

She looked at the bald man who held a gun with a smug expression.

"Baldie, if you kill her, you know we will not receive the money." One of his companions rebuked him.

"Shut up! I did not kill her. This will slow her down enough for us to gain control of her."

"She is just a small lady." Another spoke up with a little sympathy.

"You are all stupid. Do you think that there would be such a high reward if she was nothing? So many people have already tried to capture her without success. Moreover, you have not heard the stories… Trust me. She is a vicious demon." The bald man looked at the lady stumbling with her hand over the wound.

Once she fell, they would deal with her.

Hu Lei felt the pain for a moment, but it also made her feel.

She had been numb since Lu Liang had told her about her father. But now, the pain made her feel anger, hate, disappointment and everything else that she had always tried to suppress with regard to her father. She had always forgiven him because he was the parent who had chosen her.

But now, she doubted everything that she had believed.

With the negative emotions, the dormant suppressed darkness in her mind surged. It rose and covered her mind. It comforted her, as it always had, when she had gone through unbearable situations. Overwhelmed by emotion and broke by memories of her life, she surrendered to the darkness.

The Hu Lei who always had kindness even in her worst moments stepped back. And another who did what had to be done stepped forward, ready to protect them both. She was the same woman, but the darkness swirling in her yellow eyes showed that there was something different.

With practiced ease, Jane pressed her fingers in the wound and stopped the bleeding. There was languidness as she rushed to the people before her. It was almost as if her body was rubber, flexible and unbreakable.

Before they could realise what was happening, she was upon them. Unlike the person she was before, she did not waste her time on incapacitating them. She focused on killing moves. She targeted their weak points as she moved from one person to another like a phantom.

There were screams as she caught each one of them, even as they tried to escape. Like a smooth ballerina, she twirled among the bullets which targeted her as those men made a final attempt to save their own lives.

When she was done, her hands and clothes were covered in their blood.

She smiled as she noticed the bald one trying to crawl. It seemed like she was out of practice. She had almost let a rat escape. She walked to him and looked at him with a lifted brow. She lifted her boot and placed it on his neck.

"You ruined our jacket." She steeped a little harder and his neck broke with a crack.

She brushed her hands over her body to fix her clothes before sashaying to the motorcycle.

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