His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



Zhong Feng looked at the industrial site which Hu Lei had already left more than three hours ago. The sun had long set, and there had been no word from her. When his men had told her that they had lost sight of her, he had felt that his heart drop.

He had been trying to find her since the bodyguards had informed him that she was missing. However, he had not been fortunate enough to find her immediately.

"We found two of them alive. They were trying to crawl away." One of the men told Zhong Feng.

"What did they say?" He asked coldly.

The man hesitated a little before speaking. "They said that they saw the massacre and pretended to be still unconscious. They said that she just rode away after dealing with the other people."

This bodyguard did not dare say that the two survivors had called Hu Lei a female demon. He knew how much his boss loved the woman. Moreover, he seemed unstable and angry, and no one knew how he would react if anyone insulted his woman.

However, he could not help agreeing with those two men a little bit. When he and the rest of the security people had seen the scene, they had felt their stomachs churn.

They could not believe that the little lady that they always saw flirting with the boss was capable of such cruelty. Besides, they wondered who they had been protecting her from if she had such capabilities. Still, they could not speak carelessly.

"Was she injured?"

The bodyguard felt a cold shiver in his body. "It seems that the lady was shot in the abdomen."

The air around Zhong Feng became cooler. It was as if his anger became palpable. For a moment, the men thought that their boss was going to punch something. However, he just got into a vehicle and drove away.

Sometime later, the black car pulled into the home where Hu Lei had been some hours earlier. Zhong Feng left the vehicle and rang the bell impatiently. For a moment, it seemed like he would break the gate, but then, the front door of the house opened.

It seemed like Lu Liang had already moved in within those few hours.

When she saw Zhong Feng, she rushed to open the gate. She did not know why he was there. But she knew who he was. After all, they had met when Fai had been taken to the hospital. Plus, she had known of his reputation in the business circle.

She opened the gate quickly.

"Young Master Zhong, what are you doing here?"

Zhong Feng did not feel like wasting his words. He looked at the woman coldly. "What did you say to her?"

Lu Liang was confused. "Who?"

He frowned. "Xiao Lei. What did you say to her?"

In a state of shock, Lu Liang sputtered for a while without saying anything.

"She might still have some attachment to you, but I have no reservations about destroying you."

Lu Liang felt a little scared. It was clear that the relationship between the Zhong heir and Hu Lei was not simple. "I just told her a little about her father."

Zhong Feng frowned. "What exactly did you say?" His voice was hostile. Hu Lei already knew a lot of her father's shortcomings, so it had to be something major.

"That she was a designer baby." She blurted out.

Zhong Feng turned and started to walk back to his car.

"Young Master Zhong, what is your relationship with Hu Lei?" She could not hold back her curiosity even though she was afraid. josei

The man looked at her. "She is my wife. Remember that the next time you think about playing your little mind games."

With that, he got into the car and drove off.

Lu Liang looked at the taillights for a while before locking the gate. She felt bitterness in her heart. Zhong Feng, the richest and most powerful young man in Supreme City, was her son-in-law. But it seemed that he already hated her.

For a moment, she imagined that she had a good relationship with her daughter. If that were the case, Murong Cheng would not have dared to carry out his little tricks on account of the Zhong family. And even if he had, no one would have taken her lightly because she would still have Zhong Feng's support.

She had always felt that Hu Lei had support from someone important in Supreme City. After meeting Qi Han, she had thought that he was the one. She could not have imagined that it would have been Zhong Feng. She realised that it was the reason that he had helped Fai.

Unfortunately, like her daughter, he hated her. She sighed. It was too late for regrets.

In his car, Zhong Feng gripped the steering wheel tightly in his hands as he tried to think about where Hu Lei could have gone. In her state and with her skills, she could be anywhere, and he would have no way of finding her.

He felt his heart crack at the thought of her leaving him again without a clue of how to find her. His foot subconsciously stepped on the brake pedal.

Mmmh… A clue…

He remembered their argument on the night of the day they registered their marriage. He had asked her never to leave him.

"I will not leave you, Ah-Feng. And if a day comes when I do, I will make sure to leave breadcrumbs so that you will always find me."

He remembered that promise.

His eyes cleared up. She would not leave just like that. He only needed to find the breadcrumbs that she had left. He accelerated and headed to Westend.

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