Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 168

Chapter 168: It won't be too much time..

Come on..."

Ivan said to Parvati and Lavender, feeling in his heart that the current little wizard is really precocious. At the age of twelve or thirteen, he was thinking about group CP.

After the two climbed up and sat down, the carriage that had been stagnant for a long time finally started slowly. It seems that they have reached the starting standard...

The carriage that Ye Qi was pulling was not fast, and it made a creaking noise during the action, which made Ivan sitting on it feel a little uncomfortable, but it was still bearable.

Parvati and Lavender who got in the carriage curiously continued to ask about Ye Qi.

In desperation, Ivan explained to them the habits and nature of the creature, Ye Qi.

"You mean that only people who have witnessed death can see this kind of creature? Then how do we know if the night sky you are talking about actually exists?" Parvati asked in confusion.

Although Hermione couldn't see Ye Qi, she had no doubts about Ivan's statement. She just felt that she hadn't read enough books and hadn't seen the introduction of this creature.

"Yeqi can't see it, but it should be okay to touch..." Ivan thought for a while and said.

The courageous Lavender stood up suddenly and leaned out of the carriage to touch the position of the front rein. He quickly touched a long, whip-like thing in the palm of his hand, possibly a tail.

"Oh my god, there really is Ye Qi!" Lavender said in shock.

Parvati was also a little curious when he heard the words, and planned to touch it after learning Lavender to go out.

Seeing the bold actions of the two little witches, Ivan hurriedly stopped.

"Yeqi is a very dangerous creature. Don't touch it indiscriminately now. This guy can fly. What if you anger him and throw us into the sky with a carriage?"

Parvati hurriedly closed her hand, but there was still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. Obviously she still touched it...

"It's so dangerous? Will they bite?" Lavender asked.

Ivan nodded without hesitation, and by the way explained the fact that Ye Qi was attracted by raw meat and blood, and also described the appearance of Ye Qi, which was extremely terrifying.

Although Ivan knew that the night skies in the school had been domesticated, they were very docile and generally would not attack people.

But Parvati and Lavender couldn't see Ye Qi at all. They were little children. What if they became addicted to the Ye Qi on a whim, what should they do?

No matter how docile the Ye Qi is, it is essentially a magical creature listed as dangerous by the Ministry of Magic. It is of course no problem to simply confirm its existence, but it is better not to lose your vigilance.

Under Ivan's intimidation, Parvati and Lavender completely dispelled the idea of ​​touching Ye Qi again.

However, Ivan did not see Hermione sitting next to him, and wanted to touch Ye Qi, but when he heard his words, the little witch quietly retracted her hand and looked at him resentfully.

The carriage drove steadily on the trail, following the long convoy ahead, four people sitting in the car chatting, or Ivan listening to the others chatting gossip, Hermione was a little worried with Harry and Ron. His safety, just follow along with a sentence at will.

After half an hour, the carriage slowly stopped beside the stone steps leading to the oak gate.

When I arrived at the castle, it was already night, there was no moon in the sky, and the light from the stars was very dim. The few people could only follow the street lights and the guidance of the crowd...

"Ivan, what's the matter?" Hermione walked a few steps and found that Ivan hadn't followed, still standing by the car, reaching out and stroking something.

This reminded Hermione of the Ye Qi that Ivan had mentioned...

Ivan withdrew his hand, and he suddenly became interested because he thought that Yeqi seemed to be a good magical creature, and he didn't know what kind of abilities would be gained by fusing the blood of Yeqi.

Get a body that is invisible to ordinary people?

Ivan was thinking, suddenly heard Hermione's questioning, turned his head with a smile, and said.

"Hermione, didn't you confirm the existence of Ye Qi?"

"But you just said that Ye Qi is a dangerous and magical creature. It's better not to touch it at will?" Hermione said hesitantly, somewhat moved.josei

"Usually this is true, but the Ye Qi here is well domesticated. As long as you are careful, there is no danger. I lied to them just now..." Ivan explained.

At the same time, Ivan looked at Parvati and Lavender in the distance.

The two little witches of Gryffindor had obviously signaled that Ivan and Hermione had not followed up. Parvati wanted to go back and ask what was going on, but was dragged away by the wise Lavender. Up...

Hermione hesitated for a while, she remembered that Harry and Ron were still in danger.

"Just a few seconds, it won't be too much time..." Ivan continued, and he estimated that Harry and Ron were now fighting the beating willow.

After all, the speed of the magic car is not slow, it almost arrived at the same time as the train. When they were in the carriage, this thing should have landed.

Even if they go to inform the professors now, it is too late...

Only then did Hermione let go of her worries, and ran over quickly, with a hint of curiosity and excitement in her eyes, remembering the various terrifying words Ivan had described before, and tremblingly stretched out her hand.

She was a little worried about whether she would be bitten.

Ivan smiled, put his palm on the back of Hermione's hand, and directed her to touch to the front left. This was also the place he had touched just now. It should be the position of Yeqi's wings.

Realizing that her hand was being held by Ivan, the little witch's cheeks turned a little red, she pretended not to care, but quietly glanced around her eyes.

The students nearby were almost gone at this time, and the rest of them didn't look at them, and Hermione quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, the touch from the palm of her hand made Hermione's eyes widen~www.mtlnovel.com~ rough and cold...

It seemed that there was nothing in front of her, but she touched a thin layer of leather, with bones in it, which was very hard.

Hermione experienced this magical feeling,

Suddenly, both of them felt something licking their hands, and the back of their hands felt slippery.

Hermione was taken aback first, but fortunately, she quickly realized that it was Ye Qi's tongue, guessing that the other party might be showing goodwill to them.

It seemed that this creature was not as scary as Ivan had said before, Hermione thought to herself.

"Okay, I've touched it, let's go." Ivan withdrew his hand, staring at the empty surroundings, and said.

"Ah, it's been so long! Harry and Ron are still in the car." Hermione, who also realized this, changed her face and hurriedly took Ivan's arm and ran towards the castle...

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