Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Why didn't we think about coming in a car?

Ivan took Hermione all the way back to the castle, and met Professor McGonagall who was welcoming the freshman. Hermione hurried forward and reported the matter anxiously.

"What? You said Porter and Mr. Weasley drove a Muggle car and were about to fly to school?" Professor McGonagall was surprised, almost thinking that Hermione was joking.

As far as she knows, Muggle cars can’t fly!

But noticing that the worried look on Hermione's face did not seem to be false, Professor McGonagall immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

"I think Harry Ron might be in some trouble, so that he missed the train and drove over in a Muggle car." Ivan added.

"That's not okay. If you miss the train, you can send a letter and let us find someone to pick it up. How can they do such a dangerous thing?" Professor McGonagall rebuked angrily, his lips trembling constantly.

What if the Muggle car that Harry and Ron drove had a problem, or it crashed halfway?

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall said anxiously.

"I will go to your principal Albus now and ask him if he can do anything about it."

"As for you, go to the hall now and don't run around!" Professor McGonagall warned, and then hurried away.

Hermione vaguely wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ivan, and they couldn't help now.

Entering the auditorium, Ivan took Hermione to find a place to sit down, and looked at the teacher's seat. The seats of Snape and Professor McGonagall were empty, and the seat that represented Chino before was Occupied by Lockhart.

At the same time, Dumbledore was not seen.

As time approached, the sorting hat was babbling about when it started, and it couldn't help but want to sing its newly compiled lyrics.

The freshmen became more and more uneasy, and all of them looked nervous.

Several professors on the faculty chair discussed it and discussed who will be in charge of the freshmen's branch.

"You all listen to me, I'm afraid that no one in the magical world understands the branch better than me!" During the argument, Lockhart stood up and said confidently.

In the expressions of a group of professors, Lockhart tried hard to promote himself, wanting to get this opportunity for the freshman branch. And it has been repeatedly emphasized that he has presided over similar branch work in Muggle schools many times.

Even Boothbatten and Durmstrang, the two major magic schools in Europe, invited him to attend the opening ceremony.

It's a pity that the other professors obviously didn't trust him. Finally, Professor Flitwick, the most prestigious professor, jumped off the chair, left his position, and walked towards the stage.

The Sorting Hat can finally sing, although its voice is not good, but it sounds surprisingly good in time.

Then the freshmen walked to the front desk one by one, sat in small chairs and started sorting the hospital.

Professor Flitwick soon discovered that he was not suitable for this job. As a fairy, when he was holding the sorting hat, he could not reach the top of the students' heads with his feet on his feet.

Just as Flitwick was about to use a spell to lower the chairs where the students were sitting. The clever Lockhart has moved a chair over and signaled that Professor Flitwick can stand on the chair for sorting!

After some manipulation, Professor Flitwick was embarrassed, but Lockhart didn't realize it...

Ivan doubted this guy was deliberate...

Ivan looked at the small theater on the stage with relish, but felt that his clothes were pulled by someone, and turned his head to find that it was Hermione.

"It's Harry!" The little witch was looking at the door of the hall at this time.

Ivan followed and saw that Harry and Ron, who were disgraced, were planning to sneak in through the door.

The two little ghosts might think that no one would pay attention to them when they were sorting out, but they forgot to look behind them. Snape waited for them for a long time.

"Harry and Ron won't be expelled because of this?" Hermione said with some worry as they watched Snape take them away.josei

"Don't worry, it won't!" Ivan said comfortingly.

No one would fire Harry when Dumbledore fired, even if they drove a magic car to the school, they also crashed a beating willow.

Time passed slowly, and Dumbledore was late until the Sorting Ceremony was over, his expression on his face was very flat, as if nothing had happened.

He gave a brief and concise speech, and after arranging dinner for everyone with his magic wand, he left again.

Ivan guessed that Dumbledore might have swept Harry and Ron, after all, they drove a flying car to school, and I don't know how many Muggles saw it along the way.

The Ministry of Magic estimated that it would send a large number of people to erase the memories of these Muggles.

Having caused such a big trouble, if Dumbledore hadn't been around, the Ministry of Magic would have troubled them...

But this has nothing to do with Ivan. He ate a rich dinner on his own, while also thinking in his mind what he should do this semester.

First of all, of course, look for the remaining pages of "The Origin of Blood" and find a way to merge multiple bloodlines.

Secondly, you can't slack off in your daily study. Accumulate student status and improve your skill level. This is the root of strength.

There is also the practice of Animagus, Ivan has not forgotten the agreement with Professor McGonagall at the end of last semester.

What gives Ivan a little headache is how to obtain the legendary value. This thing needs to collect five points to make it work. He only has three points now, even if he completes the mission of the bloodline mystery, it only has four points.

After dinner, Ivan followed the other Gryffindor students back to the lounge.

On the way back to the bedroom, Ivan unexpectedly heard that many little wizards were discussing the missing Harry and Ron. Apparently, he and Hermione were far more likely to see the Muggle car when they were on the train.

After talking with a senior Gryffindor next to him for a while, George couldn't help turning his head and speaking to Fred.

"This is so cool, why didn't we think about driving those two cars to school?"

Fred nodded and was also surprised. He and George had never had the guts to do this, because if their mother knew ~www.mtlnovel.com~ they would definitely be killed!

Never thought that their brother Ron would have such courage.

It seems that they usually underestimate Ron...

Ivan listened in the sidelines, quite speechless about the logic of the two.

But George is not the only one who thinks this way. Many little wizards in Gryffindor think this trip is very exciting.

Because of this, when the distraught Harry and Ron returned to the dormitory, they were greeted with warm applause, and many little wizards gathered around and asked them about driving to school.

For a while, the two even received heroic treatment, as if they had done something amazing.

Harry and Ron were embarrassed at first, but slowly they forgot their previous experience of being near death, and talked to Neville about today's thrilling experience in the dormitory...

Ivan yawned and went back to bed to sleep, sincerely hoping they could laugh tomorrow...

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