Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Letter from the Merlin Knights

The next day, Ivan came to the auditorium early to enjoy the first breakfast at the beginning of school.

Harry and Ron seemed a little absent-minded. They always felt that something bad was going to happen, until Neville greeted them, and they agreed.

On the side Hermione was very angry at their adventure yesterday, her expression on her face didn't look good.

Not long afterwards, there was a huffing sound from outside the hall. Ivan looked up and saw that a large number of owls swarmed in from outside the castle, flew to their respective targets, and sent letters and items to the long table of the four major colleges. .

Nearly half of the owls flew towards Ivan, and several of them were crowded and bumped into each other during the flight. A large number of envelopes fell from the sky, and they were scattered everywhere.

Ivan frowned and stretched out his wand and knocked it. All the envelopes that fell on the ground flew over and piled up in front of him. Gao's even somewhat blocked his vision.

This abnormal phenomenon quickly attracted the attention of a group of little wizards.

"Wow! So many letters? Who sent you?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Should it be the order for the wolf poison potion?" Ivan said casually, and then continued. "Strange I asked them to send the order to the store."

Picking up one of the letters, Ivan hesitated for a moment. He found that this envelope was different from the others. It had a white background with a gold edge and a strange circular pattern painted in the center.

The signature is Richard Gorschak, a name that has never been heard

Ivan got some interest, opened the envelope, and checked it.

[Dear Mr. Hals:josei

Since your invented wolf poison potion has improved the living conditions of werewolf wizards and has made outstanding contributions to the magical world, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected into the Merlin Knights and will soon become the smallest second-level Merlin Medal winner in a thousand years!

According to your nominee Albus Dumbledore’s proposal, after the investigation, we will send someone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to issue you the Merlin Medal II!

Leader: Richard Gorshak (Grand Captain of the Merlin Knights, Vice President of the International Magic Federation, winner of the Merlin Medal of the First Class)

Yours sincerely! 】

"It seems to be a letter from the Merlin Knights..." Ivan shrugged and handed the envelope to Hermione who was full of curiosity aside.

After checking the contents of the envelope, Hermione said happily.

"Congratulations, Ivan!"

Ivan nodded, but was thinking of other things in his heart.

He estimated that this time when the medal was issued, he should be able to obtain the legendary value. After all, the matter of obtaining the Merlin Medal was more influential than his playing in school during the last school year.

It was just that the time for awarding the medal was delayed until around Halloween, and it was still held at Hogwarts. I don't know what Dumbledore meant.

However, in Ivan's view, the Merlin Knights are quite rigorous.

He actually planned to spend a few months tracking and researching the effects of the wolf poison potion, and getting a report on the survival status of the werewolf wizard to evaluate his contribution to the magical world.

As for the other envelopes, there are some ordinary content inside. Ivan just looked through it at random. Most of them are letters from fans, most of which are werewolf wizards.

Ivan suspected that the remaining few letters might have been sent by wizards who hated or opposed the werewolves.

Because it was filled with intimidating and insulting words, and bluntly said that werewolves were abnormally evil existences, this trouble could only be solved by eliminating all werewolves.

Ivan didn't bother to pay attention to these mental disabilities, and crumpled the two letters into a ball and prepared to throw them in the trash can.

Harry and Ron also leaned forward at this time, wanting to read the letter from the Merlin Knight Commander.

It's just that before Harry could speak, he saw that besides a pile of envelopes, there was an extra newspaper on the table.

The headline of the cover is a picture of a magic car driving through the sky of the city, and two figures can be vaguely seen on the car.

"Gosh, Ron, we reported it!" Harry said in astonishment.

Actually, he didn't need to remind him, Ron's eyes had been fixed on the newspaper long ago, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes, and he suddenly felt that the trouble might be bigger than they thought.

Above the head, a trembling owl flew over, with a red letter in its mouth, flapping its wings feebly, and flying extremely slowly, making people wonder whether this owl will be in the next moment. Suddenly fell down.

Fortunately, the gray-black owl finally completed its task and delivered the thing to Ron, even though it slammed into Hermione’s milk jug after that...

Ivan Limara backed Hermione a few meters away, covering her ears tightly.

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked strangely.

"That's a yelling letter, I advise you to be like me!" Ivan reminded him by turning his head and looking at her.

Although the little witch didn't know what was going on, she still blocked her ears like Ivan, and the Gryffindors who knew about it all ran away.

Harry swallowed and looked at Ron in horror. He had seen the power of the yelling letter in the last semester, and the sound could even wake up the entire Gryffindor lounge.

Ron's expression was also very ugly, he seemed to be almost crying... his fingers trembling and slowly opened the envelope.

Originally Ron was planning to destroy the roaring letter, or simply throw it into the lake.

But Neville stopped Ron, because doing so would have more serious consequences!

Anyway, don't ask how he knew...

Ron just tore the envelope through a small opening~www.mtlnovel.com~ The letter moved on its own, folded into a big red mouth, and the loud voice suddenly echoed in the large exhibition hall, the nearest one of them The two felt that their ears were almost deaf!

"Ron! Why do you have the guts to do such a thing without telling us?! Ah? You drove that magic car to school without authorization!"

"If they fire you for this, I won't be surprised at all, and see how I will clean you up then. You probably never thought about it at all. Your father and I were in the mood when we found out that the car was gone..."

Mrs. Weasley's voice is usually very loud. After the bellowing letter was amplified hundreds of times, the sound wave formed even clinked the cup on the table.

Everyone in the auditorium heard it clearly, trying to see who received the yelling letter, and Harry and Ron were ashamed to death under everyone's attention.

It's uncomfortable to be executed in public, not to mention that Arthur might be expelled from the Ministry of Magic because of their involvement!

The roar lasted for more than ten minutes before it stopped. Then the envelope burned on its own and turned into ashes...

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