Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: You definitely think it's easy to make headlines, right? Harry?

When the roar surrounding the hall completely disappeared, Ivan released the hands that tightly covered his ears.

There was a brief silence in the hall, only Harry and Ron were awkwardly at a loss as everyone watched.

At this moment, a mocking voice came over the Slytherin academy desk.

"Potter, it seems that you have done another showy thing..." Malfoy walked over with Gore and Clark, and he gave Harry a mocking look, then he was at Ron's. Stayed there for a while.

"Weasley, I guess your father must hate you to death by now. He may be forced to lose his job and get out of the Ministry of Magic dingy..."

As he said, Malfoy laughed, and Gore and Clark behind him also smirked...

Ron's face flushed red, he was anxious, and even ignoring that it was in the hall, he suddenly pulled out the taped wand and pointed it at Malfoy.josei

"The front teeth match is great!"

Malfoy was taken aback, panicked and wanted to draw out his wand to fight back.

But what surprised him was that as Ron chanted the spell, nothing happened.

Only a faint black mist floated out from the wand in Ron's hand...

"Weasley, what are you doing? Do you perform any magic tricks for us?" Malfoy sneered.

Ron was so angry that he couldn't wait to throw away the wand in his hand. Since this thing was broken by the beating willow last night, it hasn't been normal again...

For a while, Ron wanted to rush over to fight Malfoy in desperation, but was held back by Harry and Hermione. It was not a wise thing to do it in the big exhibition hall. If they didn't want to be locked up...

Ivan ignored their "friendly" interaction, and couldn't fight anyway. He waved his wand and began to clean up the mess on the table.

By the way, he put the letter away, and when he was ready to return to the bedroom, he would reply with an automatic quill pen.

However, what Ivan didn't expect was that Malfoy's courage was fattened a lot, or his confidence was inflated by mocking Ron's success...

"Halse!" Malfoy said loudly, and stepped forward and picked up the Daily Prophet on the table to look through it. After noticing the news content under the headline, he immediately said.

"Before I read the newspaper, I didn't know Hals, you actually live in a shabby place like Knock Down Alley... Isn't that the place where the poor ghosts and black wizards live? And you are also with a group of werewolves. .."

Ivan's brows frowned and she was about to speak, but Hermione was a step faster than him and scolded.

"Shut up Malfoy! It's no shame to live in Knockdown Alley. Ivan got the Merlin Medal, the highest honor of the Ministry of Magic, by his own efforts, can you?"

"So what? I heard my dad say that the wizard who lives in Knockdown Alley is like a mouse in the sewer!" Malfoy scorned his neck.

Thinking of his father always reprimanding him for this some time ago, Malfoy was very upset, and he was about to continue speaking when he was interrupted by Ivan's words.

"Do you only rely on your father? Malfoy?" Ivan looked at him lightly, tapped the wand in the palm of his right hand, and said.

"I thought you would be a little more independent in the second grade, instead of naively listening to your father."

Malfoy was so embarrassed that he was about to defend himself, but Ivan didn't give him this chance, and said mockingly.

"In addition, when I was talking and laughing with your dad a few days ago, you didn't know where you were! He told me that if your grades didn't improve this year, you probably won't have much success in this life..."

Ivan was full of nonsense, combined with the old Malfoy's dissatisfaction with his son in the Boquimbok store in the original book, and he just confuses Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy was originally unwilling to believe Ivan's words, especially not believing that Ivan could talk and laugh with his father, but the old Malfoy did scold him for this when he was at home...

"Don't believe it? Still haven't heard your dad talk about it? Then don't you hurry home and ask your dad to go!" Ivan looked at Malfoy who was a little shaken and scolded unceremoniously.


"Ivan, do you know Malfoy's father?"

In the morning, when heading to the corridor of the herbal medicine classroom, Hermione asked curiously what had happened, Harry and Ron were also a little confused.

They didn't expect Ivan to be in contact with Malfoy...

"No, in fact, we are not familiar, we just met once!" Ivan understood what Hermione wanted to say, and explained aloud.

"Then you dare to say that just now?" Hermione's eyes widened.

"What's the matter? You still talked and laughed with Minister Fudge last school year." Ivan said indifferently.

Harry and Ron were speechless, and Hermione rolled her eyes even more. If they remember correctly, they and Fudge had just had a face-to-face and said a word or two. Can this be called a joke?

Answering the three people's doubts, Ivan walked quickly into the greenhouse.

It didn't take long for Professor Sprout, who was strapped on his arm, to walk in from the outside lawn. Her face was not very good.

This is not just because Lockhart has been following her, trying to instill some messy knowledge of herbal medicine.

It’s even more because Lockhart released a so-called healing magic while treating the beating willow just now, which caused the beating willow to fall into a runaway state. In order to appease the tree, her arm was also drawn. Fortunately, the injury was not It's serious.

However, Lockhart did not have this self-consciousness at all. He was still full of confidence, proud like a peacock with an open screen, and generously walked in front of Professor Sprout, even blocking her. In front of him, shouted at everyone.

"Hello! I just showed Professor Sprout how to beat Liu to heal injuries! But I don't want you to think that I am better at herbalism than her! I just happened to have seen a few during my travels. This strange plant..."

Lockhart might still want to say a few more words~www.mtlnovel.com~Professor Sprout did not hesitate to interrupt his words, loudly let all the students go to the third greenhouse, and start now Class!

Ivan hurriedly followed the crowd to the classroom.

When Harry tried to follow him, Lockhart stopped him.

"Professor Sprout, can I talk to Harry alone? Just two minutes! Don't you mind?" Lockhart turned his head and said to Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout was very concerned, but Lockhart took Harry's arm on his own, took him to the side, and said earnestly.

"You must find it easy to make headlines, right? Harry?"

"What are you talking about, Professor? I don't quite understand?" Harry was confused, not understanding what Lockhart meant.

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